“Clotrimazole” is familiar to many as a pharmaceutical preparation in the form of ointments or creams with a strong antifungal effect, used externally. However, pharmacology offers a wide selection of drugs under this name in different dosage forms.
Material Content:
Release forms and composition
- "Clotrimazole" ointment (the proportion of active substance is 1%) is a homogeneous dense mass of snow-white or yellowish color. It is poorly absorbed into the skin and mucous membranes and therefore does not penetrate inward and does not have a general effect on the body, accumulating only in the layers of the epithelium. In pharmacies, it is sold in aluminum tubes of 25 g each. The cream has a lighter structure compared to ointment. Available in aluminum tubes of 20 g.
- The spray solution looks like clear, colorless or slightly yellowish water. Available in bottles of 10 and 25 ml with a special spray nozzle.
- "Clotrimazole" solution is sold in bottles, sealed with corks and screw caps. The volume can be different - 25, 30 and 50 ml.
- The tablets have a white or yellowish tint and a capsular shape with two bulges. In pharmacies, they are sold in a plastic jar, packed in a cardboard box, in the amount of 6 pieces.
- Candles are available in blister packs of 6 suppositories in a pack.
Manufacturers - Great Britain, Romania, Russia, Poland.
- The main active ingredient is clotrimazole. It is a scattering of snow-white crystals without any smell, insoluble in water.
- The composition of auxiliary components depends on the form of release of the drug: petrolatum, distilled water, alcohol, starch, propylene glycol, solid fat and other ingredients.
Ointment and cream may have a faint specific odor.
What is Clotrimazole prescribed for?
The use of "Clotrimazole" violates the normal synthesis and vital activity of fungi, completely destroys their structure, leading to death. Sandida, dermatophytes, Staphylococcus, mold, yeast, Trichomonas, Streptococcus and other pathogenic bacteria are sensitive to the active components that make up the drug.
Treatment is best started immediately when the disease is not started. In difficult situations, you have to use more expensive pharmaceuticals.
Indications for use:
- lichens;
- candidiasis;
- mycoses;
- genital infections;
- erythrasma;
- trichomoniasis;
- rehabilitation of the birth canal before natural childbirth;
- other fungal diseases of the skin.
If after the course of treatment the patient does not notice an improvement, he needs to re-check and confirm the diagnosis and, if necessary, change the drug. To prevent re-infection, in the treatment of gynecological diseases, simultaneous use of the drug by a partner is necessary.
Instructions for use of ointment, tablets, drop and spray
The method of use of the drug depends on its dosage form:
- Spray. The agent is sprayed onto the affected areas three times a day. The drug can be applied to the skin, mucous membranes and external genitalia. The course of treatment lasts up to 28 days.
- Vaginal cream. Intravaginal use only. The tube is opened, a disposable applicator is installed and filled with cream. Unscrew the applicator and squeeze its contents into the vagina to the maximum deep. It is most convenient to do the procedure lying on your back with bent knees. The used applicator is discarded. The duration of standard treatment is 6 days.
- Candles Suppositories are administered intravaginally in one piece every evening for 6 days. Candles can only be used by adult women and teenage girls who have begun sex.
- Ointment. Used only externally. Apply a thin layer to the cleaned and washed areas with light massage movements three times a day. The sore spot should be covered with a white coating. The maximum amount of medicine used to treat a palm-sized area should not exceed 5 mm of extruded column of ointment. The duration of use depends on the specific disease and can reach 4 to 5 weeks. Do not quit treatment immediately after the elimination of unpleasant symptoms, therapy should be continued for another 10 to 14 days. After applying the ointment, do not dressings. The mass is poorly absorbed, can spread, leaving marks on clothing.
- Solution. The medicine is applied evenly to a sore spot three times a day. To treat a surface equal to the size of the palm, a few drops are enough. When using, you should try not to inhale the drug, since it contains a lot of ethyl alcohol.An agent in this form is often used to treat nail fungus. 2 - 3 drops are dripped onto the infected nail plate and rubbed with cotton wool.
- Pills. Used only intravaginally. Every day for almost a whole week they are injected into the vagina in 1 piece. The most comfortable posture for the procedure is a supine position with legs slightly bent at the knees. If sanitation of the vagina is necessary before future births, a single injection of the tablet is sufficient. They can dissolve poorly, in which case it is better to use a vaginal cream.
The second course of treatment should be prescribed only by a doctor. In rare cases, after recovery, the specialist may again prescribe Clotrimazole for prophylaxis.
During pregnancy and lactation
Studies do not confirm the danger of using the drug during the period of bearing and feeding the child. However, at this time, the drug is better to use only after the approval of the doctor.
In the first three months of pregnancy, it is preferable to refrain from using drugs in any form, since all the main organs and systems of the fetus are being laid. It is also not allowed to apply the drug to the mammary glands during the period of feeding, since it can get into the mouth of the baby and provoke a lot of negative reactions.
Suppositories during pregnancy can be used only on the advice of a doctor. The specialist gives the go-ahead if the benefit for the mother prevails over the risk. Also, during this period, vaginal applicators are not recommended.
Drug interaction
Negative interactions with other drugs are unknown. But the doctor must be informed about what other treatment the patient receives.
It must be taken into account that with the simultaneous use with nystatin, amphotericin B, natamycin, the effectiveness of "Clotrimazole" is reduced.
Also, it is not recommended to use the product in combination with other antifungal drugs, since Clotrimazole can inhibit their effect.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
- Of the contraindications, it is necessary to mention the first 12 weeks of pregnancy and individual intolerance.
- During feeding, the product is used only on the advice of a doctor with great care.
- The solution can not be used in acute inflammatory processes of the skin, especially if the integrity of the epithelium is impaired.
Vaginal tablets from thrush are not recommended for menstruation.
In exceptional cases, side effects in the form of local allergic reactions are possible.
- The skin begins to itch, itch, the patient feels a strong burning sensation, the affected area may swell, become covered with red spots.
- Sometimes blisters, erythema or urticaria may appear.
- The use of an agent for the treatment of urogenital infections can be accompanied by swelling of the mucosa, unusual discharge, painful urination, discomfort during PA.
- In the treatment of stomatitis, there may be a burning sensation, pain and tingling in the oral cavity. These symptoms are a direct reason to stop treatment, but as directed by a doctor.
Overdose with external use does not cause negative reactions. If the product somehow got inside (often this happens with children), you need to give the victim a sorbent and immediately consult a doctor. Symptoms may be different: nausea, vomiting, stomach discomfort, drowsiness, frequent urination. Therefore, the drug must be stored out of the reach of children.
Avoid contact with eyes and open wounds.
Analogues of the drug
The following preparations have the same composition as Clotrimazole or are used for the same indications:
- Amiklon, Kandibene, Kanizon, Bifosin are available as a cream for external use.
- “Antifungol”, “Lotrimin”, “Fungal”, “Fungicip” are oblong-shaped vaginal tablets designed to neutralize genital infections. They have a wide spectrum of action on various harmful microorganisms.
- "Kanesten" is a spray for the treatment of fungal diseases of the skin and mucous membranes. Manufacturer - Germany.
- Gine-Lothrimin. Destroys fungi of the genus Candida, dermatophytes, mold fungi. Available in tablets in the amount of 6 pieces, packed in a blister.
- "Kandizol" - vaginal tablets of different volumes of 6 or 10 pieces in a pack. The treatment regimen is prescribed only by a doctor.
- "Imidil." Used to treat genital infections and super infections. An aluminum strip with tablets is sold with the applicator.
- Candide is a combined preparation in the form of a colorless viscous solution. It is used in the treatment of candidal stomatitis. It is made in India. A more expensive substitute for Clotrimazole.
With the right diagnosis, treatment with these drugs gives good results. An additional plus for patients is reasonable cost and affordability.