Clover red, medicinal properties and contraindications, the use of which in folk medicine will be discussed below, the people have speaking names - scrofulous grass, febrile grass. The healing properties of the plant have been known since the XIV century. The plant is used not only in folk medicine, but also in magic. Its flowers and leaves were depicted in the protective embroideries of the Slavs, they used a shamrock as an amulet to prolong youth.

Clover red: medicinal properties

Clover is a symbol of Ireland. In this country, there is a legend about the magic ointment, which the elves prepared from the shoots of a young clover. She had the power to break the spell and see the enchanted essence of the elves. Tincture of clover leaves in whiskey is a remedy for getting rid of blindness sent by elves. These myths have a foundation - a centuries-old history of the use of red clover as a medicinal plant for many diseases.

The main active ingredients of red clover are isoflavonoid compounds. In the studies of various authors, the therapeutic effect of red clover on the condition of patients with hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis is proven. Plant preparations can reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood by more than 50%. In addition, the antiarrhythmic effect of red clover and its stimulating effect on intestinal motility has been established.

Useful properties for women, men, children

Phytopreparations are of great importance in obstetrics and perinatology, since the main criterion for choosing drugs in these branches of medicine is their safety for the fetus.

Clover red contains phytoantibiotics normalizing microbiocenosis. Thanks to them, the plant has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect both when used internally and for external use. A substance, trifolysin, with antifungal properties, was extracted from the roots of the plant. During World War II, baths from the rhizomes of red clover saved the feet of many soldiers suffering from fungal diseases of the feet.

At present, some representatives of the class of bioflavonoids exhibiting hormone-like, namely estrogen-like properties, are attracting much attention of researchers.

Red clover phytoestrogens act on estrogen receptors in tissues:

  • brain;
  • granulosa of the ovaries;
  • aorta;
  • liver
  • bones
  • the prostate;
  • mammary gland;
  • uterus.

In addition to effects on estrogen receptors, red clover phytoestrogens act on dopamine, progesterone, androgen receptors. Biokanin A and genistein, which are formed in the intestine during the metabolism of red clover isoflavones, reduce the level of dihydrotestosterone, which is involved in the synthesis of PSA, a prostate-specific antigen. Thus, clover prevents the proliferation (growth and division of cells) of hormone-dependent tissues, both in the body of women and men. Clover red is used for the treatment and prevention of malignant pathologies of the breast, prostate, uterus, lymphatic system as a means of supplementing the main treatment.

Tocopherol (Vitamin E) obtained from high-quality plant materials is a mixture of tocopherols (α-β-γ-δ). Vitamin takes part in the exchange of selenium, which has antioxidant properties and helps to protect the cell membrane from the action of free radicals. It protects the cell membranes in the placenta, improves the rheological properties of blood and normalizes blood microcirculation. In addition, vitamin E stimulates microcirculation in the ovaries, which activates the production of ovarian hormones. The use of red clover preparations in the early stages of gestation made it possible to maintain pregnancy in the vast majority of women with the threat of miscarriage. And its inclusion in the treatment of placental insufficiency is to improve the condition of the fetus and newborn.

Prevention and treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the woman in labor, the fetus and the newborn is carried out using phytoantibiotics and substances with immunomodulating properties of red clover. Immunomodulatory substances are indispensable in the treatment of inflammatory processes of the reproductive system and hormonal imbalance. The immunomodulatory effect of red clover substances is at the cellular level.

Clover red is used in non-hormonal therapy of metabolic syndrome, pre - and postmenopausal disorders in women. Studies have shown that phytoestrogens have a positive effect on proliferation processes in the tissues of the endometrium of the uterus and mammary gland, reducing the risk of malignant diseases. Red clover isoflavonoids reduce the severity of menopausal disorders.

Clover preparations increase the body's resistance to pathological internal and external factors. It has been established that the plant has a pronounced anti-allergic effect, which determines the healing properties of red clover in atopic dermatitis (scrofula) and bronchial asthma.

Clover is used inside and in the form of baths for atopic dermatitis (scrofula) in children and adults.

Ibn Sina recommended a decoction of red clover for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. The tannins contained in the plant have astringent properties that help with diarrhea. Clover preparations help restore the intestinal and stomach mucosa, cleanse the liver of toxins, and stimulate the formation and transport of bile.

Clinical studies of the medicinal properties of red clover have proven its usefulness in the treatment of:

  • Parkinson's disease;
  • osteoporosis;
  • calcification of blood vessels;
  • eye diseases;
  • tuberculosis
  • intoxication.

In addition to medicine, red clover is widely used in cosmetology. In Ancient Russia, beauties used dew collected from clover leaves as a means of rejuvenating the skin of the face. Ointments and decoctions were prepared from the infusion of clover leaves, prolonging youth and eliminating skin diseases. A clover decoction was consumed by men from early baldness caused by excessive production of testosterone. Clover juice was rubbed into the head to prevent early graying.

Clover has a diuretic effect, relieves swelling, promotes lymph outflow, and restores the “floated” face contour. About 50% of potions for the return of youth are prepared on the basis of red clover.

Application in traditional medicine

In folk medicine, 33 countries around the world actively use meadow clover (red). From the ground part of the plant - inflorescences and herbs, infusions of water and alcohol are prepared, decoctions, squeezed juice. Rhizomes of the plant are also used both fresh and dried. In ancient China, Greece, India, Europe, people knew how red meadow clover is useful and used it in the treatment of external and internal diseases.

Recipes for various diseases

In order to maximize the extraction of isoflavonoids from plant materials, ethanol and hot water are used. Alcohol infusion is prepared with 70% ethanol. Raw materials should have a particle size of 0.5-1 mm. Insist raw materials need for 6-12 hours. Under these conditions, the extraction of nutrients from red clover is 40-43%. When applying the method of maceration - infusion of crushed raw materials in hot water with stirring, the yield of isoflavonoids and other useful substances is 55%.

Clover infusion on the water

To prepare the infusion take:

  • 3 tsp clover grass (dry);
  • 1 cup boiling water.

The grass is crushed into powder, placed in a thermos and poured with boiling water for ½ hour. The resulting infusion is filtered and taken in ¼ cup 4 times a day 20 minutes before meals. Warm broth take sips, slowly. A glass of infusion per day provides a daily dose of estrogen, removes toxins, relieves excess fluid, facilitates expectoration, treats gastrointestinal tract diseases - peptic ulcer, gastritis, colitis, diarrhea. The infusion helps with depression, anemia, vitamin deficiency, the prevention of atherosclerosis.

Clover pads

Brew fresh red clover grass (3-4 tbsp. L) with boiling water, wrap in gauze or a thin cotton cloth. Pads are used as an anesthetic, poultices for the treatment of acne, boils. Chilled pads are used in the treatment of wounds, including purulent and burns.

Clover inflorescence decoction

To prepare the broth, take 10 fresh inflorescences of the plant, pour 100 ml of water and bring to a boil over low heat. Boil for 5 minutes. Strain the resulting broth, drink 1 tbsp. l every 4 hours. The broth is used as an emollient, expectorant, anti-inflammatory agent. They rinse their mouth with stomatitis and gingivitis, throat - with angina. Broth drink from asthma, bronchitis, cough. It helps with shortness of breath, fever, dizziness, and cancer. Flower heads can be used as lotions to eliminate swelling under the eyes. Pads from inflorescences will relieve eye fatigue, inflammation. Lotions from the decoction will eliminate fungal diseases.

Clover juice

To obtain the juice, take the aerial flowering part of the plant. Grind fresh grass with inflorescences in a meat grinder. Squeeze the juice through linen or cotton cloth. The resulting juice is instilled into the ears from otitis media, tinnitus, deafness. A few drops of juice in the eyes restore visual acuity, soothe burning sensation and pain, treat inflammation. I use juice orally. For the treatment of internal diseases, take ¼ cup per day. To improve the taste, you can add honey - no more than 1 tbsp. spoons.

Foot baths

From pain in the legs take 10-20 clover inflorescences with grass, put the raw materials in a pan with 5 liters of water, bring to a boil. Boil for 5-10 minutes. Strain the broth, cool to 38-40 ° C, add 1 tbsp. l kerosene and soar feet for 3-4 days.

Rhizome Broth

To get a decoction, take:

  • 2 tbsp. l shredded roots;
  • 1 tbsp. boiling water.

The roots are boiled in a sealed container for ½ hour, filtered through several layers of fabric, squeezed raw materials. The resulting broth take 1 tbsp. l 4-5 times a day before meals with inflammation of the ovaries, as an antitumor agent.

Tincture of red clover on vodka: indications for use

Tincture of red clover on alcohol or vodka is prepared as follows:

  • 4 tbsp. l inflorescences;
  • 0.5 l of vodka or 40% alcohol.

Inflorescences are crushed, filled with vodka and insisted in a warm place for 14 days. Strain the resulting tincture, squeeze the raw materials. Take 1 tsp. before dinner and before bedtime.

Used for treatment:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • liming of vessels.

The course of treatment is 6 months. The first course is 3 months, after each month of drinking tinctures take a break of 10 days. The treatment is repeated.

Alcohol infusion is used to treat:

  • rheumatism, bursitis, arthritis, radiculitis as rubbing;
  • colds, whooping cough, bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • cancer of the ovaries, lungs, prostate;
  • sleep disorders
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • uterine bleeding and painful periods;
  • anemia.

Reception of tincture of clover meadow reduces appetite, improves immunity, tones the body after serious illness.

Based on the extract of red clover, extracted with alcohol, preparations are made for the treatment of heart pathologies "Ateroklefit", "Cardiin" and their American counterpart "RedCloverPlus".

Herb ointment - how to use?

Ointment from clover is prepared according to two recipes. The easiest way is clover oil.

To obtain healing oil take:

  • clover inflorescences (dry raw materials);
  • cold pressed vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, linseed).

The raw materials are crushed to obtain particles with a diameter of 0.5-1 mm and poured with vegetable oil heated in a water bath in a ratio of 1: 3, respectively. The resulting oil is infused in a dark bottle for 20-30 days, occasionally shaking. Strain, store in a dark, cool place tightly closed.

The second recipe is harder.

To prepare the ointment, take:

  • 3 tsp fresh inflorescences;
  • 1 tbsp. boiling water;
  • 200 g of fatty base - melted butter, lard, lanolin ointment.

Inflorescences are poured with boiling water and the liquid is evaporated over low heat. Soft flowers are ground in a mortar until gruel is formed and mixed with the fat base.

Apply ointment and oil from burns, wounds, ulcers, malignant tumors, as well as as a cosmetic. The fabric for compresses is impregnated with oil, the ointment is applied under a bandage or used as a fat cream for wrinkles.

Red clover preparations are a powerful remedy that must be used carefully, observing the dosage. Before treatment, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with contraindications, restrictions and consult a doctor.


Since clover contains phytoestrogens, its preparations cannot be used for:

  • tumors of hormone-dependent tissues, since against the background of treatment, taking drugs from clover can worsen the condition of the patient;
  • gestation and lactation, as it can disrupt hormonal homeostasis;
  • blood diseases associated with coagulation dysfunction: cause bleeding; provoke the formation of blood clots.
  • It is not recommended to take red clover preparations for exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases. The combined use of clover and some medicines can cause inhibition or stimulation of their effects.