"Clenbuterol" was created to eliminate cough, they treat bronchial asthma! It was noted that the consumption of the drug affects the intensity of weight loss, and the whole thing is to increase the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, due to which fat deposits are more quickly split! "Clenbuterol" for weight loss today is used more than for treatment.
Material Content:
The mechanism of action of "Clenbuterol" when losing weight
This is a medicine, not an anabolic! But due to the positive effect on weight loss, the drug began to be successful in losing weight. The mechanism of its effect is simple and clear:
- Penetrating into muscle and adipose tissue, the substance comes into contact with beta receptors, due to which many reactions are activated at the biochemical level, which helps to increase the synthesis of cAMP. This activates enzymes that mobilize fatty acids from the fat layers.
- The medicine also affects adrenoreceptors, adrenaline (fear) and norepinephrine (anger) begin to be produced. Hormones efficiently burn body fat.
- Clenbuterol increases thyroid activity, and its secretion is a natural fat burner.
- The drug blocks the work of lipoprotein lipase, which makes the deposition of new fats almost impossible!
Positive effects:
- decreased appetite;
- slight muscle enlargement;
- Clenbuterol for drying is very effective, because it actively "destroys" fat deposits;
- training becomes better, as endurance increases, a surge of strength is felt.
Together, all the prescribed mechanisms increase the speed of the main metabolic processes to 30%.
How to take syrup and pills for weight loss
This "magic potion" to help in getting rid of excess weight you need to buy in the form of pills. Clenbuterol syrup (0.001 mg / 1ml) is not suitable for weight loss due to too high a concentration of sugar, it affects the production of large amounts of insulin, and weight loss stops at the same time. It is in connection with the above that we consider the instructions on how to take Clenbutrol tablets correctly.
On the Internet there are many recommendations and tips for adhering to the reception of the described tool, but I want to note that there are both safe methods and very dangerous ways!
Admission Scheme for Men
The Solo option is the most popular among all other analogues, as it allows you to take a course without taking pills for a long time. Instructions for use are simple. Consider the method of taking the average amount of the drug consumed - 120 mcg:
- You need to take pills for two weeks.
- The first 5 days, the amount of funds increases evenly. Start with a minimum dose of 20 mcg (the minimum is considered the one from which you will go to a slow increase in the amount of the drug taken), on the 6th day, reach the maximum (working) - 120 mcg (6 tablets). That is, you need to take more by 20 mcg every day.
- To withstand up to 12 days the working dose (the one at which fats are actively burned) - 120 mcg.
- Reduce the amount of the drug evenly to 0 in the last two days. That is, admission on day 13 is 80 mcg, on day 14 - 40 mcg.
- Do not take pills on day 15.
The standard working dose for men is 120 mcg. But there are people who with this amount of the drug will feel unwell, and therefore less money will be needed - 100 mcg. For whom 120 mcg will be small (in the absence of effect), you can increase the amount to 160.
We examined the scheme of how to take Clenbuterol for weight loss for men, and there’s nothing complicated about it.
Dosage for women
Reception "Clenbuterol" for weight loss for girls is recommended to start at the end of the cycle to complete the course until the next menstruation. The dosage, on average, 80 μg, can be reduced to 60 or increased to 100. It is impossible to exceed the recommended norms.
Women should take the drug according to the described scheme, only with its norm in mcg: 5 days increase the dose from a minimum, maintain the maximum amount for 7 days, reduce to 2 days. Look for the scheme as follows (if you take a maximum of 60 mcg):
- The first day - half a tablet of 0.02 mg. That is, you need to take only 10 mcg. This is the minimum dose at which the body begins to burn fat smoothly.
- From the second to the sixth day there is an increase in dosage (daily) by 10 mcg (adding half a tablet).
- On the sixth day of the course, you will reach the maximum dose, it is also called the working dose - 60 mcg. It is necessary to withstand up to 12 days. That is, take 60 micrograms (which equals three tablets of 20 micrograms) every day from 6 to 12 days.
- On day 12, you need to take only 40 mcg (two tablets).
- On day 14 - 20 mcg (one tablet).
- The course is over!
Important nuances for each person:
- Once a day, tablets are taken 15 minutes before a morning meal.
- A single use of the drug can only be adhered to until the dosage reaches 80 mcg. Next, be sure to divide into two doses: 80 before breakfast, the rest - 15 minutes before the scheduled lunch.
- From the first day of the course three times a day on a full stomach (after eating), use additionally “Asparkam” or “Panangin”.
For more than two weeks, the drug is not taken according to the described scheme, since there will be no effect anymore, and health can be undermined. In order to lose weight for a longer time to increase the result, it is advisable to combine the use of Clenbuterol with a medicine called Ketotifen. This method is only suitable if you have not completely managed to “dry” by the required date, for which no more than a month remains. The reception scheme is as follows:
- The first five days, drink only Clenbuterol according to the prescribed instructions (from the minimum dose, go to its increase).
- From day 6 to day 27, take the working rate of the drug in the morning and afternoon, and Ketotifen - 2 mg at bedtime!
- 28, 29, 30 days - evenly reduce the dosage of "Clenbuterol" to 0, "Ketotifen" - according to the previous scheme on the 28th and 29th day, on the 30th - 1 mg.
For dosages, do everything the same way as in Solo, that is, do not exceed the quantitative composition.
The third scheme - twice Solo, but with a break for Ketotifen:
- Two weeks solo.
- Two weeks of 2 mg "Ketotifenum" before bedtime.
- Two weeks again Solo.
Briefly about dangerous schemes, when taking the drug is combined with such means as:
- yohimbine;
- TK yohimbine.
In the first case, fats will be burned twice as fast. In the second version, your body will be like a kind of “car” that can feast on cakes, lie on the couch, but lose weight anyway.
Both schemes are dangerous because at times the risk of side effects increases! There is a chance of “planting" the thyroid gland - it simply stops producing hormones, and then you have to drink expensive medications throughout your life.
Use of the drug in sports
Due to the unique fat-burning effect, Clenbuterol has gained immense popularity with the so-called “phytonyashki”. But not only girls use the medicine to build a beautiful figure, many athletes use it:
- Before the competition, the reception is carried out to reduce the amount of fat, preserve muscle mass, which was able to gain during training and on a protein diet.
- The AS course (anabolics) nevertheless ends, and Clenbuterol comes to the rescue in maintaining strength indicators and the gained mass of muscle tissue.
- To significantly improve the quality of training, many athletes before a drink a pill (no more than 20-40 micrograms), which improves blood supply to the muscles, increases strength performance.
You can’t just take and start taking Clenbuterol, because it has many contraindications and side effects. To lose weight with the described drug, consult a doctor, a trainer about this possibility, evaluate all the risks carefully and sensibly!
Drug interaction
Clenbuterol consists of a number of substances that react with other agents. The medicine is not applicable with the following drugs:
- hypoglycemic - their effect decreases;
- theophylline and MAO inhibitors - the risk of intracardiac conduction;
- sympathomimetic - increased toxicity.
If you simultaneously conduct a course of "Clenbuterol" with prescribed drugs, then there is a huge risk of developing arrhythmia and many other diseases! Tremor is often noted, attention is reduced, so driving a car and working that carries potential danger become impossible!
Clenbuterol compatibility with alcohol
If you lose weight, then without "strong" drinks, as they are an obstacle to burning fat. In addition, alcohol molecules destructively affect the muscles, the body becomes "loose". Anyway, such libations are quite harmful to the body!
What to do when the holiday has come, on which you want to drink a glass of wine or another alcohol-containing drink during the course of the course of taking "Clenbuterol"? There is only one answer - do not drink! Together with alcohol drug:
- causes nausea;
- increases the heartbeat (it is enhanced when taking the drug and without alcohol);
- increases the load on the liver and cardiovascular system.
Select the course time so that holiday dates do not overlap it.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
Everyone who used Clenbuterol noted a very strong heartbeat after taking the medicine! This symptom is present even in the most healthy athletes. Therefore, I would like to immediately note that the drug is not a very pleasant medicine to use, since the well-being becomes poor, sweating increases, tremors are often observed (sometimes quite significant). Such conditions are side effects, they are noted in 95% of cases!
What are the undesirable consequences and can they be eliminated? We suggest considering the following options:
- increased heartbeat (corrected by the morning practices of Metoprolol);
- trembling hands (tremor) is eliminated with the help of "Ketotifen";
- a slight increase in temperature and the subsequent sweating, which resembles a condition like in a mild illness;
- insomnia (usually occurs in those who take Clenbuterol incorrectly in the evening, and not in the morning and at lunch) - is eliminated by taking Ketotifen before bedtime;
- a sense of anxiety is normal, as the release of adrenaline and norepinephrine is activated (rarely seen, it can be eliminated with Ketotifen);
- increased blood pressure (normalized in the same way as rapid heartbeat);
- in some cases, diarrhea may appear, but it disappears in 2-3 days without the help of third-party drugs;
- nausea is very rare;
- convulsions - an infrequent occurrence (if you are afraid of their occurrence, then take Aspartame or Panangin three times a day);
- headaches, they pass after the normalization of blood pressure.
As you can see, there are not so many side effects, and they are all eliminated - there are no irreversible ones! Of course, if you mix Clenobuterol with alcohol or incompatible medications, then you can earn ailments that are very serious (diseases of the heart and blood vessels, liver and other organs).
You can not take "Clenobuterol" in the following conditions:
- thyroid disease;
- intolerance to the drug and its constituent substances;
- arrhythmia, tachycardia and other irregular and rapid heartbeats;
- a heart attack or acute stage of it;
- pregnancy (the instructions indicate that it is contraindicated only in the first trimester and before childbirth, but experts do not advise women in an “interesting condition” to use this drug);
- aortic stenosis.
If you are sometimes tormented by doubts about heart health, then it’s better not to risk trying to get rid of a few kilos. It is safer to use a variety of diets, exercise.
Clenbuterol is the most effective medicine that will help to quickly get rid of the hated fat layer, which is so difficult to eliminate without outside help on the hips and stomach! And this is not the only drug that has found such use. Analogs of Clenbuterol are also burned with no less high-quality fats:
- "Spiropent";
- "Contraspasmin."
All funds are affordable, available for purchase at any pharmacy. But, before you buy a drug, think about your health! Undergo a medical examination to identify possible contraindications, consult with specialists. beautiful body!