Clematis "Princess Diana" bred in the UK in honor of one of the most famous representatives of the royal couple. The variety is characterized by late flowering and good immunity. And due to its attractive appearance, it is considered an ideal option for garden decor.
Material Content:
Description of Clematis variety “Princess Diana”
Flowers belong to the group of fast-growing representatives of the flora.
The bush reaches a height of 2–2.5 m.
Shoots have a grassy appearance. Buds of bright color: from pink to scarlet. The flowering is plentiful - from mid to late summer.
This variety acts as a decorative element for fences, nets, garden supports. Creepers grow rapidly and give the site a unique look. They are planted in a sunny, windless place.
Clematis Texas "Princess Diana" withstands frost. With proper shelter, he is able to survive even in the coldest winter. But it is very sensitive to lack of moisture. Water the flower regularly. Regarding the type and quality of soil, the plant is quite unpretentious. Therefore, it can be grown even in a container.
This variety is perennial, and therefore needs regular pruning. After this procedure, it becomes even more magnificent.
Preparation for landing
Having decided on the choice of plant variety, you need to purchase high-quality seedlings and provide them with proper care. There are two types of planting material.
Cuttings with sleeping kidneys
Sold in packages with peat or land. They are stored in cool rooms or in refrigerators.As soon as the stalk begins to grow, it is transplanted into a special container and maintain an acceptable temperature from 8 to 12 ° C. It is best to use a plastic container to cut it when removing clematis.
Sapling with shoots and leaves
Buy it about two weeks before landing. This material should also be kept cool. However, it is completely unsuitable for transportation - fragile seedlings break during transportation.
Next you should choose a place. Need land with good drainage. Mandatory access to sunlight and the absence of strong winds. But partial shade is also necessary to avoid burns.
Outdoor planting
Landing clematis on the site is possible both in the spring and in the autumn. And when grown in containers - at any time at room temperature.
Despite the unpretentiousness of the plant, it requires high-quality fertile land. Loamy soils with a low level of alkali are suitable. To improve the composition, you can use superphosphate, ash, humus.
Landing consists of several stages:
- Dig a hole with a depth of 0.5 m and a diameter of 0.4 m.
- Lower the rubble or broken brick there.
- Pour a layer of soil.
- Plant a seedling and sprinkle it with fertilized soil.
Next, you need regular watering - once a week. On hot days, irrigated with a frequency of 5 days.
And also do not forget about regular top dressing with organic fertilizers and frequent loosening.
The plant belongs to the late flowering hybrids, therefore, it is of particular value. It has a beautiful appearance and wonderful aroma, serving as an excellent decoration of the garden. Even in winter, culture pleases the eye with its inflorescences.
Princess Diana Cropping Group
Clematis belongs to the third group of pruning. It combines flowers in which the bulk of the buds appear on the shoots of the current year. Flowering occurs in the summer months.
You need to deal with this procedure before wintering.
Cut off all the shoots to the first leaf, leaving the buds.
Then clematis shelter before frost. It is enough to put foliage of trees, spruce paws and ivy-shaped budra on them to protect them from rodents. A thick oilcloth is lined on top.
Breeding methods
Clematis texensis princess diana reproduces easily. There are several proven techniques for this.
Bushes division
The age of the plant should be at least seven years. Shoots that are too mature will not work either, since a dense root system cannot properly separate. Begin the necessary activities in the spring and autumn. Digging up the plant, cut off the upper part, leaving a few buds. The roots are washed, divided with a sharp shovel into plots. Each part must necessarily contain at least one kidney.
Pinning shoots
Doing this only in the spring. Last year's shoots are pinned into containers with fertilized soil, dug in the soil. It is placed as deep as possible so that water does not flow past during irrigation. As the growth continues, soil is poured into the opening. By the fall, full-fledged seedlings grow.
Reproduction by summer and autumn layering
This method is performed vertically. On the flowers they put a container without a bottom. Fill the ground as it grows until it reaches the top. Leave only the protruding part of the shoot with several buds. Frequent watering is required at this time. By autumn, the most powerful specimens are planted in open ground. The weak are left for the winter in the basement.
In autumn, all leaves are cut from shoots to a developed bud. Then they should be tied into a ring and laid in grooves, sprinkled with peat and well covering the branches. After winter, you need constant watering and feeding with humus. By autumn, the plant will be ready for planting.
Pest and Disease Control
Clematis is immune to powdery mildew, but is often exposed to fungal diseases. In this case, the roots are damaged first. Therefore, it is necessary to irrigate the land regularly.
Affected areas are removed in May, and the plant itself is treated with a solution of Fundazole.Areas with severe infection are eliminated along with the soil. Soil should be disinfected. A remedy such as Azocene helps well. It prevents the appearance of gray rot.
And also the flowers can be damaged by rust. Their leaves dry and become rusty. In this situation, you can use the Bordeaux mixture and copper chloride.
Among parasites, the most common nematodes are harmful to the root system. Unfortunately, such a plant can no longer be saved. They dig it out and burn it. But you can prevent a meeting with pests.
To do this:
- Check seedlings before planting.
- Pre-steaming the earth.
- Fertilize the soil.
- Weed regularly.
- Plant marigolds, mint or nasturtium nearby.
Clematis princess diana is a beautiful and unpretentious variety. Even an inexperienced gardener can cope with a luxurious flower. And with proper care, the plant will become a real decoration of the site.