Today we will talk about kiwi, the benefits and harms of which have long been discussed by doctors and scientists. This exotic fruit has gained wide popularity due to its pleasant sweet and sour taste and unusual appearance. Previously, these berries were simply called "Chinese rosehips", but then they were given a new name - "kiwi" for their resemblance to the bird of the same name.

Composition and calorie content of kiwi

Eating one kiwi of medium size per day, a person more than covers the daily requirement of the body for vitamin C. But not only this fruit is useful.

Its composition contains many useful substances:

  • organic acids;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • vitamins C, A, E, PP and group B;
  • macrocells - potassium, calcium, magnesium, chlorine, phosphorus;
  • trace elements - iron, aluminum, zinc, manganese;
  • a large amount of structured water (more than 80% of the total weight of the berry).

The calorie content of kiwi is low - no more than 50 kcal per 100 g. It will be appreciated by those who monitor their weight and health. It has few calories, no fats, but as part of a lot of fiber, necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive tract.

Kiwi: benefits for the human body

The beneficial properties of kiwi fruit are numerous.

The fetus is able to improve the condition of almost all body systems:

  • stimulates the immune system;
  • improves memory, promotes concentration;
  • lowers cholesterol;
  • promotes the absorption of iron and raises the level of hemoglobin;
  • heals wounds;
  • normalizes appetite;
  • regulates cell metabolism;
  • prevents blood clots, improves blood circulation;
  • beneficial effect on appetite;
  • brings pressure back to normal;
  • improves sleep, eliminates insomnia;
  • slows down aging;
  • stimulates collagen production;
  • strengthens eyesight, protects eyes from the harmful effects of free radicals.

Regular consumption of the fruit in question reduces the risk of stroke, osteoporosis, cancer, tumors of the heart and blood vessels.

From 1 to 3 berries can be eaten per day, best in the morning. The pulp of the fruit is very juicy and tasty. The peel with villi does not look very appetizing, but it is it that must be eaten necessarily. It has a lot of vitamins and fiber.

Useful properties for women

The benefits of kiwi for women are undeniable. This is especially true for those who plan to become a mother, expect a baby, or feed him. Kiwi is a natural storehouse of vitamins that are so necessary for a woman to feel normal during these difficult periods.

It is useful to everyone else to eat kiwi, if only because its regular use has a beneficial effect not only on the general condition of the body, but also on the skin. It stimulates the production of collagen, which is needed to maintain skin firmness and elasticity. In addition, for women, kiwi is useful not only as a food product, but also as a component of homemade cosmetics.

It is interesting:how does kiwi grow

Kiwi for pregnant

Expectant mothers should especially carefully monitor their diet, providing the substances necessary for the normal development of the fetus. Kiwi contains a large amount of folic acid, which is required in the first trimester of pregnancy, since it is involved in the production of blood cells.

A sufficient amount of folic acid prevents miscarriages and contributes to the normal bearing of the fetus.

In addition, kiwi has mild laxative properties, therefore it is indicated for constipation, hemorrhoids and other digestive problems in pregnant women. The fruit is low-calorie, it helps to satisfy the feeling of hunger, while doing without extra pounds.

One of the useful properties of the fruit during pregnancy is that it eliminates nausea with severe toxicosis in the early stages.

Eating Kiwi Slimming

Kiwi is often used in many diets for weight loss.

This is facilitated by the presence of a large amount of fiber and laxative properties, and the fruit is also able to:

  • break down body fat;
  • normalize metabolism;
  • remove toxins from the body.

It is useful to arrange a fasting day on a kiwi from time to time. This fruit has a lot of glucose, fructose and fiber in its composition, so it helps the body to get enough, without overeating.

There are different diets based on this fruit. Every day for 1-2 weeks you need to eat 10 pieces of kiwi. In addition, to maintain strength, the menu includes light vegetable salads to choose from, boiled eggs, boiled chicken and fish, low-fat cottage cheese, hard cheese. Of course, do not forget about physical exertion, without it, few diets can give long-term results.

For those who want to lose weight, replace the breakfast of sandwiches with a vitamin cocktail of kiwi and low-fat yogurt. If desired, you can add germinated grains of various cereals. Such a drink will give a charge of vivacity for the whole day, saturate with useful substances, promotes the breakdown of fats.

Kiwi in folk medicine

In folk medicine, they are used to strengthen immunity, cleanse the lungs from sputum, get rid of hoarseness, cough and shortness of breath. Patients are advised to eat kiwi-based fruit salads, adding honey, sesame, cinnamon, ginger, mint, yogurt as additional ingredients. It is especially useful to pamper yourself with such a dish in the winter-spring period, when everyone experiences a lack of vitamins and suffers from weakened immunity.

Freshly squeezed juice is often used to treat and prevent blood clots, improve blood circulation and heart function. The course of treatment is 4 weeks.

The laxative properties of kiwi make it possible to use it for constipation and lethargy of the intestine. To do this, it is enough to eat 2 ripe fruits every morning on an empty stomach for several days.

The use of fruits in cosmetology

Cosmetology companies have long been using kiwi as one of the main ingredients of various face, body and hair care products.

In order not to buy advertised expensive products, you can make equally useful masks at home. Such procedures have a beneficial effect on the skin condition, soothe, saturate with vitamins, moisturize and tone.

The presence of a large number of antioxidants can work wonders: with regular use of masks from kiwi, the skin remains fresh, toned and supple for a long time.

There are a lot of recipes for masks:

  • Combine 1 kiwi pulp and banana halves. Dilute with 2 tbsp. l sour cream.
  • Take chopped kiwi pulp, add 1 tbsp. l green clay, protein and 1 tsp. olive oil.
  • Mash a half of the ripe fruit with a fork and mix in 1 tbsp. l yogurt.
  • Combine chopped fruit with 1 tsp. poppy seeds and 1 tablespoon sour cream.

All masks should be kept on the face for no more than 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

How to choose a fruit?

Ripe berries have the most pleasant taste. But in stores you can often find still unripe fruits. This is not scary: the purchased kiwi must be left for 3-4 days in a warm place and they will soon reach the right condition. To speed up the process, the fruits can be wrapped in a plastic bag along with ripe apples or bananas. These fruits produce gas, which promotes rapid ripening.

The advantage of buying unripe berries is that they can be stored in a refrigerator for a long time in a closed container without loss of beneficial properties.

If ripe fruits are laid out on the counter, you need to carefully inspect them. Do not take soft, shriveled, rotten berries with spots and dents. The ripened fruit should be beautiful, not loose, give in a little when pressed.

Contraindications and possible harm

Nobody will argue about the benefits of kiwi, but some contraindications must be taken into account. Particularly careful should be people who are prone to allergies. Eating large quantities of kiwi is strictly forbidden to them, as this can cause cross allergies.

Also, the fruit is not recommended for use by people suffering from gastritis or a stomach ulcer, as it has a lot of acids.

Excessive consumption of fruit can lead to unpleasant consequences:

  • puffiness;
  • the appearance of a rash;
  • nausea and vomiting
  • digestive disorders;
  • redness of the skin;
  • irritation of the oral mucosa;
  • food allergy syndrome;
  • dermatitis.

Dermatitis can occur due to an excess of potassium, vitamins C and E. This leads to a change in the composition of the blood, which is bad for the pancreas. Therefore, everything should be in moderation. This applies even to the most healthy products.

Patients who take antifungal drugs first need to consult a doctor.

Moderate consumption of kiwi will only benefit everyone else.