Chinese pear, or as it is also called in the east, Nesha is a sweet, fragrant fruit rich in vitamins and minerals. It is used in different directions - in culinary, cosmetology, medicine and dietetics. Learn more about the benefits of Chinese pears below.

Chinese pear: what it looks like, where it grows

The fruits of the Chinese pear have a rounded shape, slightly elongated near the stem. The color of the peel can range from light yellow with a greenish tint to bronze - it depends on the type of pear and its degree of ripeness. It is also worth noting the presence of small brown specks over the entire surface of the fruit.

The pear pulp is white, dense, crunchy and at the same time very juicy. Its taste is sweet, with a slight acidity arising closer to the core of the fruit.

The variety was bred in the eastern regions. In the vastness of Russia, it is mainly grown in the Primorsky Territory. Trees withstand frost and pest attacks well, so a Chinese pear can be easily grown in the middle lane of our country. True, there is one pest that is still terrible for the Chinese woman - the beetle beetle.

On a note. Amateur gardeners appreciate this variety of pears for its ability to quickly bear fruit - already in the second year after planting, you can enjoy the first small crop. The most common yellow pear - it can often be found on the shelves of supermarkets.

The composition, calorie content and weight of one Chinese pear

The fruit of a Chinese pear in diameter reaches 4 cm.You can’t say exactly how much one Chinese pear weighs, it depends on its variety. Its minimum weight is about 150 g (Pyrus Serotina white pear), but the fruit can reach 300 g, depending on the variety.

The main weight of the pear is water. About 42 g of 100 g of pulp is a liquid. The remaining mass is fiber, ash, minerals and vitamins.

Most of the nutrients are:

  • Phosphorus. It is also called an energy accumulator in the body, since it participates in metabolic processes, helps to process substances into energy. The element also takes part in the production of certain hormones and enzymes, in the formation and hardening of bone tissue.
  • Potassium. It stimulates the normal formation of enzymes, supports the health of the heart and blood vessels, and regulates the water-salt balance.

A smaller amount in ripe fruits contains zinc, copper, calcium, magnesium. Of the vitamins, the composition contains choline, ascorbic acid and vitamin K.

There are also:

  • folic acid, essential for women's health;
  • thiamine, responsible for the development of muscles and bone tissue, performance and good appetite;
  • pyridoxine - a vitamin necessary for the normal absorption of fat and protein by the body;
  • many other substances in smaller quantities compared to the above.

Like all plant foods, pear has a low calorie content - 42 grams of pulp are contained in 100 g of pulp. Therefore, it is often used in the diet menu.

On a note. In our open spaces other names of this fruit are also known - Japanese, Asian, sand (thanks to its speckled coloration) pear, neshi, nashi.

The benefits and harms of pears for the human body

The following can be said about the general benefits of the Chinese pear:

  1. This fruit has a beneficial effect on the digestive process.
  2. The phosphorus contained in it has a positive effect on health, bone and muscle growth. This is a particularly important item for sports people.
  3. Thanks to potassium, the heart and blood vessels become stronger, which means that the risk of developing diseases of this system is reduced significantly.
  4. It has an anti-cancer effect on the body, that is, it prevents the formation of pathological cells.

An equally important benefit of a pear is its low calorie content. So, it is recommended to include it in the diet for those people who want to get rid of a few extra pounds or just want to make their menu more healthy and useful.

What is useful for men, women and children

The benefits of fruit for men are manifested in the following effects:

  • general strengthening effect for the whole organism;
  • prevention of inflammatory processes in the genitals;
  • impotence prevention.

The fair sex is recommended to eat a Chinese pear during pregnancy - the folic acid contained in it has a positive effect on the development of the fetus and the condition of the mother. But there is a limitation - not more than 500 g of fruit per day.

Useful Chinese pear and children:

  • vitamins contained in fruits have a positive effect on the developing organism;
  • thanks to vitamin C, immunity is strengthened;
  • increased energy production;
  • brain activity improves.

It is worth noting that the pear is not used as complementary foods. Its introduction into the diet of a child older than three years is allowed. At an earlier age, digestive problems may occur.

The use of Chinese pears in cooking

Pear is used for desserts, as a filling for pies and cakes, as a topping in ice cream or a component of fruit salad. Also, preservation is prepared from it - jam and compotes are very sweet and fragrant.

Health Benefits

In home cosmetology, the pulp of the fruit is used to create firming masks. They have a nourishing, antioxidant and firming effect on the skin and hair.

Face skin care

The easiest way to use pear puree is to apply it in its pure form.

  • A pear face mask is useful for its antioxidant properties - it helps eliminate inflammation if there is a rash or small wounds on the skin. Vitamins penetrate deep into the skin through the pores and improve blood circulation, accelerate metabolic processes. After applying the mask, the complexion becomes healthier, fresher.
  • The benefits are observed not only from the fruits of the tree, but also from its leaves. From them you can prepare a decoction and use it as a tonic to wipe your face. The tool fights well with increased fat content, gradually normalizing the work of the sebaceous glands.
  • The pear pulp can also be used for dry skin. Pear puree is combined with a little olive oil and chopped steamed oatmeal.

Hair care

The pulp of a sand pear is able to strengthen the hair. Masks based on this fruit are recommended to be used to diversify the familiar list of products used at home.

  • For weakened and prone to hair loss, a combination of pear and swollen gelatin will be beneficial.
  • A mask made from the pulp of fruit mixed with lemon juice, egg and vegetable oil will help strengthen and improve hair.

Masks are applied only to shampooed hair for 15 to 20 minutes. If the mask contains oily components, after washing it off, it is recommended to rinse your hair with water and lemon juice.

Help with weight loss

A pear in the diet menu can be an excellent snack - a couple of fruits of this fruit can satisfy the signs of hunger for 2 - 3 hours. They also curb the desire to eat something sweet - there is sugar in the fruit. But still it is much healthier than chocolate and cakes.

Pear can be added to other dietary dishes - fruit salads, oatmeal, rice without sugar. It makes excellent smoothies, and pear puree - diet popsicles.


Chinese pear can cause irreparable harm to the body if it is used incorrectly or without taking contraindications into account. For example, the simultaneous use of fruit, meat and a dairy product will cause severe indigestion, as these categories of products are completely incompatible.

A significant contraindication to the use of Neshi, as for almost all products, is only one circumstance - individual intolerance. In addition, the pulp of the fetus has a high sugar content, which means that pear is contraindicated for diabetics.

The fruit can aggravate the condition during an exacerbation of diseases of the digestive organs - pancreatitis, flatulence, increased acid production in the stomach.

In the absence of contraindications, the Chinese pear can and should be included in your diet. This is a healthy, juicy, bright fruit that will surely deserve your sympathy.