It’s not enough to drive extra pounds. It is required to make sure that they no longer return to a slender body. The Chinese diet will help in this matter, as it not only reduces body fat, but also in the process of losing weight consolidates the result.
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General principles of nutrition of the Chinese diet
The diet was borrowed from residents of Asia, who are famous for their miniature and asceticism in nutrition. Of course, their daily diet is not so strict and is not aimed at rapid weight loss, but the diet includes precisely those moments of the eastern peoples nutrition culture that help keep the body in good shape.
Basic principles:
- Drink more fluids. This is the main postulate of all diets and proper nutrition in general. Water increases metabolism and cleanses the body, improves intestinal motility, serves as a prophylaxis of constipation, has beneficial effects on cells, including skin. It is necessary to increase the amount of fluid consumed before the start of the diet, it is better for 6 to 8 days. During this time, the volume should be brought to 2 liters per day, of which 2 glasses - after waking up.
- Exclude salt. Simple and innocuous at first glance, table salt can cause swelling, as it has the ability to retain moisture.
- Do not, under any circumstances, deviate from a meal plan. It is often recommended not to give up the diet, but to continue as if nothing had happened if an accidental breakdown occurred. In this case, such a rule will not work, since a large dose of fats and carbohydrates will already enter the body, which will bring down the just tuned processes.In the case of using prohibited foods, you will have to wait a couple of days and start all over again, otherwise the effect will be far from what was expected.
- The total calorie content of the diet should not exceed 1000 kcal, and ideally, only half of this number should be consumed.
- Observe the order of the days. Their order is chosen so that the body does not experience a deficiency of any substance for a long time.
- Not only stick to the list of allowed products, but also prepare them correctly. For example, meat can only be cooked, with the exception of fish - it is allowed to use any method of heat treatment, except for frying.
- Snacks are prohibited, even if they consist of permitted products. Only 3 main meals.
Advantages and disadvantages of losing weight
The Chinese diet for weight loss, like others, has its pros and cons, so before you start, you should weigh all the arguments.
- A good result is from 3 to 10 kg, depending on the initial percentage of fat in the body and the duration of the diet;
- If you follow all the instructions, the body will not only lose weight, but also adapt to a new low-calorie and three-time diet. This will facilitate the transition to proper nutrition in the future and will retain the result for a long time.
- The volume of the stomach is reduced.
- The body is cleansed.
- This is a salt-free diet, so you have to eat fresh food, which not everyone likes. In addition, it is quite strict and heavy.
- Due to too low calorie intake, the body will experience stress. In this regard, it will be necessary to minimize sports, not to overwork and get enough sleep.
- There are side effects and contraindications, which will be discussed at the end of the article.
Recommended and Prohibited Products
The basis of the Chinese diet menu is typical for that region products. Not all of them can be obtained in domestic stores, so some were replaced with more familiar ones.
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- Chicken or quail eggs.
- Dietary meat, for example, chicken, turkey, beef and veal, rabbit meat, peeled from skins and veins.
- Fish, preferably marine, as it contains omega-3 fatty acids and iodine, which are very useful for the body during a period of lack of nutrition.
- Berries and fruits, except for too sweet and high-calorie (bananas, grapes). The emphasis is better on types and varieties that have fat-burning properties and a sour taste: lemons, grapefruits, sour apples, etc.
- Vegetables, especially Beijing cabbage, harmless to the figure. The exception is potatoes.
- Honey in small quantities.
- Olive oil and lemon juice to add to vegetable salads.
- Coffee.
- Green or herbal tea.
- Low fat dairy products.
Rice and legumes are allowed, albeit with limitations.
Prohibited Products:
- alcohol of any degree;
- salt;
- sugar;
- fatty foods of animal origin;
- carbonated and sweet drinks;
- marinades and pickles;
- Confectionery and bakery products, except whole grain toasts and bread.
Sample menu for the week
The menu for 7 days exists in different variations. Consider 2 of them.
The first.
Monday. In the morning after 2 glasses of water there is a cup of black coffee without milk and sweeteners; for lunch, a light vegetable salad with 2 chicken eggs and 200 ml of tomato juice; in the evening - fish cooked in any way, and a bowl of Peking cabbage.
Tuesday. For breakfast, all the same coffee + whole grain bread; for lunch - the same as on Monday evening; for dinner - boiled meat and 200 ml of kefir.
Wednesday. Morning coffee; in the afternoon 1 egg and 3 grated carrots seasoned with olive oil; some apples in the evening.
Thursday. This time, coffee, if desired, can be replaced with green tea; for lunch, zucchini, parsnip root and apples as a dessert; for dinner, 2 eggs and cabbage.
Read also:parsnip
Friday. Carrot salad with lemon dressing; fish with tomatoes; fish with beijing cabbage.
Saturday. Coffee; 2 chicken breasts with cabbage salad; 2 eggs (can be fried) and carrots.
Sunday. Morning tea / coffee; during the day boiled meat and any fruit allowed; evening fish with vegetables.
Every day you need to eat 3 times a day with the same foods: chicken / turkey fillet and Beijing cabbage.
A monotonous menu is difficult to withstand both morally and physically, so you should not sit on this option for more than a week.
Fourteen Day Menu
The Chinese diet for 14 days implies either repeating the weekly schedule or making adjustments to it.
An example of the second week.
1 day. Coffee; beef + grapefruit + apple; fried eggs from 2 eggs and carrots.
2 day. Coffee; poultry with carrots; fried eggs with seaweed to replenish iodine reserves.
3 day. Coffee + carrots seasoned with oil / lemon juice; fish + tomato juice; some fruits.
4 day. Morning green tea / coffee; at lunch, parsnip root; dinner is quite substantial - 2 eggs, a slice of meat and cabbage.
5 day. Coffee and carrot salad; fish with tomatoes (you can cook together or serve vegetables separately fresh); a plate of cabbage salad.
6 day. Black coffee; poultry meat + cabbage; 2 eggs with carrots.
7 day. Coffee; lean meat + something citrus; fish and vegetable juice.
How to get out of a diet
A sharp exit from the diet not only nullifies the whole result, but also harms health. As a result, the weight may return to its original mark or even increase.
Therefore, you need to complete the weight loss by the rules.
- Stretch out for at least 7 days. Ideally, it should be the duration of the X2 diet.
- Continue to adhere to diet and three meals a day, but gradually increase the amount of food in the plate.
- The increase in the energy value of the daily diet should not be due to high-calorie foods, but due to the number of low-calorie and easy to digest. All the same vegetables, cream soups, lean meat, etc., will do.
- Add physical activity, for example, light exercises every morning, walks to study / work or classes with a trainer 2-3 times a week.
- Do not forget about drinking regimen.
The following diet is allowed no less than 60 days after completion of the exit.
Contraindications and side effects
Because of its severity, the salt-free Chinese diet has a number of contraindications.
- Digestive system problems.
- Diseases of the heart, blood vessels, liver, organs of excretion.
- Exacerbation of any ailments.
- Recent surgery.
- Avitaminosis.
- Bearing and feeding the baby.
- Allergy to the main components of the menu.
- Age 18 and over 50.
Even in the absence of contraindications, some people with not very good health may feel side effects at the beginning of the diet:
- fast fatiguability;
- bad sleep;
- headache;
- dizziness;
- attacks of hunger.
If you can cope with hunger with warm water or tea, then the other side effects will help to reduce the load on the brain and body. If this does not help, it is better not to continue the diet.
Significantly losing weight with the Chinese diet is not so difficult, but first you need to think about whether it is worth it. If you still decide, then the main thing is to adhere to the rules and monitor your condition in the process of losing weight.