Oxygen cocktail is a special drink for people who are worried about their health. It is tasty, healthy and contains very few calories. Let's look at what its use can lead to and how to make it at home.

The composition and calorie content of oxygen cocktails

The name speaks for itself. Yes indeed, oxygen is the basis of this drink, and it is he who has an effect on the body. Moreover, it must necessarily meet all the requirements, on a par with other medications, although it is not one.

All other components of the drink are minor additives to add taste or color change. In addition, juices from vegetables, berries and fruits, cow's milk, fruit drinks or just water can be used for cooking. But most often, such drinks are made on the basis of licorice root or spum mixtures. This gives the cocktail such a characteristic foam.

Understanding the calorie content of the product, you need to know what has become its basis. A drink prepared on water has almost no calories, but if it is based on milk or juice, then about 100 Kcal per 100 grams. Almost all carbohydrates are present in its composition, so it can act as a snack during the diet.

Benefits for the human body

The benefits of oxygen cocktail, of course, in its chemical composition.

Please note that it is not a medicine, but acts solely as a dietary supplement.

Regular consumption of a cocktail has the following effects on the body:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • tones up;
  • eliminates hypoxia;
  • relieves fatigue, improves performance;
  • helps burn fat;
  • skin condition improves, sleep normalizes.

In addition, it is recommended to take it for breathing problems and cardiovascular diseases.

Useful properties for pregnant women and children

Oxygen cocktail for pregnant women is a kind of assistant for women in position. After all, it is believed that one glass of drink completely replaces a walk in the forest.

The effect of a lack of oxygen cannot be underestimated. It can lead to hypoxia, which, in turn, will cause fetal death. To prevent this, pregnant women should definitely nourish the body with oxygen cocktails.

In addition, such a drink will help to avoid circulatory disorders in the placenta, will maintain normal hemoglobin levels, relieve insomnia and contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes.

Among those who took an oxygen cocktail while carrying a child, the following changes were noted:

  • the level of fatigue has become lower;
  • dizziness disappeared;
  • colds were much less common;
  • overall health is much better;
  • the complete absence of deviations in the development of the future baby.

Such a cocktail is no less useful for children, because everyone knows that the composition of urban air is far from ideal. Many children's institutions have already included the drink in the permanent menu, and that's all, because it charges with energy, which is so required by children during the period of active growth, relieves fatigue, positively affects the nervous system and strengthens the immune system.

How to take an oxygen cocktail?

Despite the fact that this is not a medicine at all, the drink still requires compliance with certain reception conditions.

  • First of all, regularity. Only daily use will have a tangible effect. If you drink cocktails from time to time, then you should not expect a special result.
  • Serving for children from 3 to 6 years old should not be more than 150 milliliters.
  • Children a little older and up to 11 years old can drink 200 milliliters of a drink.
  • For adolescents under 14 years old, the allowable dose is 250 milliliters.

It is recommended to take the composition every day once for two weeks. Then a break is made for 30-60 days, after which the course is repeated.

As for adults, the intake schedule is the same for them as for children, but the norm per day is no more than two cocktails in the amount of 200-300 milliliters.

Before or after a meal?

Another important point - at what time will it be right to drink?

It is advisable to do this in the middle of the day, about one and a half hours before the main meal or 120 minutes after they have already eaten. Do not drink it on an empty stomach - the drink can irritate the mucous membrane and thus disrupt the functioning of the body.

How to make an oxygen cocktail at home?

In order to undergo a course of treatment with an oxygen cocktail, most often you have to go to the clinic or even go to the sanatorium.

Of course, you can do it yourself, but it is not as simple as it seems. In addition, certain equipment and oxygen will be required. Where can I get it?

There are several options:

  • Oxygen cushion equipped with an oxygen transfer tube. It is often used by bartenders.
  • Oxygen balloon. Pleasure is not cheap, but it will last a long time.
  • Special cylinder filled with oxygen. It is sold for making cocktails or for improving the airways. There are different options both in volume and price category, depending on the manufacturer.
  • Another option is to conduct a chemical reaction using potassium permanganate or peroxide.

If you figured out oxygen, then you should familiarize yourself with the nuances before you start cooking.

  1. Decide on the basis.It can be juice, infusion, slimming tea or licorice syrup.
  2. For a large, thick foam that will not fall off in a few minutes, you will need yolk or gelatin.
  3. You can purchase a ready-made spum mixture, which is quite simple to turn into a finished drink.

Cocktail recipe

Prepare everything you need, including an oxygen mixer and a concentrator.

  1. Take a container, rinse it well and dry with towels.
  2. Pour oxygen into it and mix with the selected syrup.
  3. Connect the mixer and the hub using a silicone tube, plug the appliances into the network.
  4. Beat the contents of the beaker for at least 15 seconds, without forgetting to supply oxygen by pressing a button on the device.

Another way. Place about 300 milliliters of the sweet base in the glass, add licorice root, stir for about 30 seconds, send the foamer aerator into the container almost to the bottom and hold until the foam completely fills the volume. Alternatively, natural blowing agents can be used.


Despite the large number of positive effects provided by this food supplement, it also has some contraindications. You should definitely pay attention to them so as not to harm your health.

  1. It is forbidden to drink an oxygen cocktail for people suffering from asthma and prone to bronchial attacks. Especially during an exacerbation of the disease.
  2. It is not recommended to take the drink to people with a diagnosis of hyperthymia, as well as with adhesive disease and stones in the gall bladder of the 2nd to 3rd stage.
  3. You can harm the body if you drink a cocktail in case of poisoning or urolithiasis.
  4. It is completely contraindicated to carry out recovery with cocktails for people with damage to the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, colitis and ulcers.

When buying a ready-made mixture for making a drink, be sure to study its composition. A potential allergen (colorant, flavor, etc.) may be present in it. In preparing a cocktail for young children, it is better not to use sweet juices and herbal decoctions.