Cypress is a bright representative of evergreen trees, which has occupied its niche in the field of landscape design. It looks great when planting a hedge and always fits into any landscape composition.

Cypress: types and varieties

According to various estimates, the cypress family has from 12 to 25 species. At the same time, not all varieties are widely used by man and not every climate is suitable for breeding cypress.

Very attractive and evergreen plant.

The most common decorative varieties of this plant include:

  • Arizona cypress - grows rapidly and reaches a height of up to 21 m, withstands frosts of -20 degrees, is resistant to droughts, loves a lot of light. Has a wide pintle-shaped crown with a gray-green tint. The color of the bark depends on the age of the plant: gray is the color of young shoots, dark brown is the color of the old trunk. Cones are large enough - up to 3 cm in diameter. Reproduction can occur by seeds and cuttings. Based on this species, breeders introduced new varieties:
  1. Aschersoniana - undersized cypress;
  2. Kompakta - a bush with green-blue needles;
  3. Konika - with a pin-shaped crown and needles of a gray-blue hue (poorly tolerates low temperatures);
  4. Pyramidalis - with gray needles and a conical crown.
  • Cypress evergreen - grows up to 30 m in height, can tolerate prolonged drought and short-term frosts up to -20 degrees.It has a narrow pyramidal crown, due to tightly pressed branches to the tree trunk. Needles with a bluish-green hue. Duration of existence is up to 2000 years. Can be grown in urban environments. Scientists have developed more compact varieties of this species so that it can be grown on personal plots:
  1. Fastigiata Forluselu, Montrosa - dwarf varieties;
  2. Indica - a variety with columnar krone;
  3. Stricta is a variety with a pyramidal crown.
  • Mexican cypress - its height can reach up to 40 m, does not tolerate cold and drought. The crown is wide, in appearance resembles a tent. The needles are dark green, egg-shaped. Derived varieties:
  1. Bentama - the branches are located in one plane, giving the crown a narrow shape, needles with a gray color;
  2. Glauka (Blue) - attracts with a blue color needles and, of the same shade, a touch of cones;
  3. Tristis (Sad) - the crown takes the form of a column, and flexible branches stretch down.

When choosing the type and variety of cypress should always take into account the conditions in which it will be grown.

Features of growing evergreen trees

Each type of cypress needs special conditions for growth. Common features of growing for everyone is the choice of landing site.

The landing site has the most significant condition.
  • Cypress loves light, but does not tolerate direct sunlight, so a semi-shaded area would be the best place. Well, if it is still protected from drafts.
  • These trees need moisture, but an overabundance of it is harmful to them. Therefore, the soil must be selected with good drainage properties. The best option would be land with the addition of coniferous humus, peat, sand or apply a bed of rotten leaves.
  • The whole cypress family does not tolerate the transplant process to a new place. If necessary, this procedure is carried out together with a lump of land, and after transplanting, the tree is tied to a peg.

Outdoor Cypress Planting

No special landing effort is required.

Planting cypress does not require much effort, but some recommendations should be followed so as not to ruin the seedling.

Planting timeframes

The best time to land is April. The earth during this period will have time to warm up and at the same time retain enough moisture. The young seedling will not be exposed to night frosts and will have time to take root before the onset of dry days.

Landing technology

Seedlings are always planted together with a lump of earth, so as not to damage the root system. Wells under cypress should be twice the size of a rhizome with an earthen lump. The distance between them must be maintained so that the trees do not obscure each other.

After moving the seedling into the hole, it is evenly covered with prepared soil and rammed. Next comes watering.

Important! For a young tree, it is imperative to provide support so that it grows even, without curvature.

Outdoor Cypress Care

With properly prepared soil and the necessary lighting, cypress is not particularly whimsical to care for. Despite this, some knowledge about caring for him will help to grow a beautiful and healthy tree.

How to water and spray correctly

Cypresses need frequent hydration. Watering is done once a week, but not plentiful. On dry days - doubled.

Proper care allows you to grow a healthy and beautiful tree.

To prevent yellowing of the leaves, with a lack of moisture in the air, carry out a spraying procedure. It is best done in the morning and evening hours. In hot weather, the spraying intensity increases.

Fertilizing and fertilizing trees

In the first 4 years of life, cypress is fed at least 2 times a month. The best option for feeding, is considered a mixture of mullein and superphosphate. In the spring-summer period, it also does not interfere with mineral substances in liquid form.

A rooted and matured tree no longer needs such frequent feeding, so they are carried out only twice a year - in spring and early autumn.

Crown formation

Caring for cypress includes pruning trees. It is carried out in March, removing all dried, frozen and damaged branches. After this procedure, you can proceed to the formation of the crown.

Crown formation is an important aspect.

The crown of cypress can be formed in the form of a pyramid, cone or leave a natural look. At the same time, at least 70% of the crown should be left on the tree. To preserve the formed crown, in the fall they trim what has grown over the year by 30%.

Important! The formation of the crown begin to be engaged a year after landing.

Autumn preparation and winter care

In late autumn, cypress is prepared for wintering.

This process includes the following activities:

  • While the earth is still not very frozen, it is abundantly watered and a layer of sawdust, peat, foliage or needles is poured.
  • Young trees (up to 4 years old) are necessarily wrapped for the winter with natural materials. Some varieties and after this age require additional protection against frost. To do this, they can be wrapped with a film.
  • The cypress crown should be wrapped with twine so that the branches do not break from strong winds and heavy snowfall, especially tall varieties.

Plant propagation

There are several ways to reproduce.

Buying ready-made cypress seedlings is not cheap, and the quality of the planting material may not be at the highest level. Therefore, it is worth thinking about self-propagation of the plant.

Seed propagation method

Harvested seeds from cones or bought in a store are first cold-treated. To do this, they are kept in the refrigerator for 3 to 4 months. Then seeds are sown and watered in a container with prepared soil and drainage (you can use crushed bark). After seedlings, seedlings should reach a height of 5 - 6 cm, then they can be planted in separate pots. Watering should be regular so that the land does not dry out.

Important! Seedlings in such conditions are recommended to withstand a year, after which it can be planted in open ground.

Cypress cuttings

For this method, in mid-April, cuttings up to 15 cm long are cut from the tops of the trees. From the bottom, all leaves are removed and soaked in a root solution for a day. Then they are planted in soil, which is also used for planting seeds, buried in the ground by 1/3. The stalk is rooted within 2 months. For this period it is covered with a film or a jar, periodically letting it breathe, opening for 1 - 1.5 hours. When the rooting process is completed, young trees can be planted in open ground.

Tree propagation by layering

In this case, shoots are used that are located lowest to the ground. They bend as much as possible to the ground and make an incision. This incision is tightly laid on the ground, fixed and sprinkled with earth. The top of the process is tied to a support. Taken layering is watered simultaneously with a tree. After rooting, the layering is transplanted from the mother cypress, but it is recommended to do this in the spring, although the roots appear earlier.

How to deal with diseases and pests

If the cypress leaves begin to turn yellow and dry, then this is the first sign of a lack of moisture. The watering and spraying schedule should be reviewed so that the disease does not destroy the tree.

To make the trees look perfect, you need to take care of their health.

Root rot, which is a consequence of an excess of moisture, is considered dangerous. In this case, the cypress is transplanted to another place, and with severe damage it remains only to throw it away.

Due to drying out on the cypress, a spider mite (cobweb on the leaves and between them) and a scab (brown spots on needles and stems) may appear. A surefire way to deal with such pests is to treat the tree with special insecticides.

Cypress landscape design

In landscape design, cypress is often used when planting hedges, because it protects well from the wind, or to decorate high fences and blank walls. Some varieties look great in a single landing when designing stony corners.Dwarf varieties of cypress can decorate any plant composition.


The evergreen handsome cypress can decorate any garden, shelter a cozy courtyard from the wind and delight the eye for many years. To do this, you need to adhere to some recommendations for planting and care, which does not require much time and effort.