Many divers and experienced divers know firsthand what constitutes decompression, or decompression sickness. This phenomenon was first encountered in the middle of the 19th century when testing air pumps in underwater space. Shortly after the start of work, people who were submerged in water began to complain of a certain discomfort that occurs when they rise to the surface.
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What is decompression sickness
Caisson disease, or "caisson", as divers and doctors call it, occurs as a result of changes in the concentration of nitrogen and other gases in the blood. This happens when switching from high to low pressure, and if it is sharp, decompression occurs.
Under the influence of this phenomenon, gases are formed in the blood of a person that can unite and clog vessels, and if it enters a particular organ, leads to its destruction.
Decompression sickness (DCS) affects not only the blood, but also other fluids present in the body, namely lymph or the spinal cord. Gas embolism can lead to dangerous health problems, and in especially severe cases - to death.
The causes of the disease
The reason for this violation is a sharp pressure drop, leading to circulatory disorders and malfunctioning of various organs and systems, depending on the severity of the damage.
The risk of developing CKD is increased under the following conditions:
- water temperature is too low;
- rise from depth is too sharp;
- the diver is in a state of stress, fatigue, intoxication or has taken alcohol after climbing;
- soon after the dive, the diver flies.
In addition to the above reasons, the risk of decompression sickness due to atmospheric pressure drops is very high for people with a body weight exceeding the norm, and elderly people. It is believed that the older the person, the more likely the development of such a violation.
On a note. A caisson can arise not only among divers and divers, but also among miners or pilots who also have to endure sudden pressure surges.
Typology of decompression sickness
Such a violation is of two varieties.
Classification depends on which organs and systems are most affected:
- the first type: muscles and skin, joints and lymphatic fluid suffer;
- the second type: the brain and spinal cord, blood arteries and respiratory organs are affected, in especially severe cases, vision and hearing deteriorate or disappear.
According to the severity of violations, the "box" can be:
- light when gas bubbles damage only nerve endings;
- medium, characterized by damage to the arteries and autonomic disorders, resulting in serious digestive upsets;
- severe, arising from a total lesion of the nerve endings, proceeding against the background of paresis of the legs;
- lethal, which is characterized by vascular blockade and severe damage to the respiratory system and brain centers.
In the latter case, it is almost impossible to help the victim, and death occurs as a result of cardiac arrest or respiratory arrest.
Symptoms and signs of CKD
Symptoms of decompression sickness depend on the severity of the injuries received.
The mild form is characterized by the following symptoms:
- rashes and itching on the skin;
- muscle and joint pain;
- ringing or noise in the head;
- visual impairment;
- weakness
- signs of oxygen deficiency.
For the middle form, such symptoms are characteristic:
- severe dizziness;
- nausea and vomiting;
- digestive disorders;
- temporary loss of vision;
- excessive sweating;
- increased breathing and heart rate;
- an increase in the abdomen in volume.
A heavy "box" has such manifestations:
- convulsive attacks;
- pain in the chest;
- paralysis and paresis of limbs;
- impaired speech function;
- deterioration in the work of the respiratory organs and asthma attacks.
The lethal form that occurs against the background of multiple injuries is accompanied by loss of consciousness and respiratory function disorders.
Important! If signs of CST are detected, you must immediately call an ambulance, and before the arrival of specialists, take measures to provide emergency care. The outcome of the disease largely depends on how timely they were implemented.
First aid to the injured
If you find the symptoms that accompany the mild form of the violation, namely itching on the skin, weakness and fatigue, you need to do the following:
- lay the victim face up;
- to straighten legs and arms;
- drink non-carbonated water.
These manipulations can be performed if the patient is conscious. In situations where the victim periodically loses it, the fluid is strictly contraindicated, and it is better for the patient to sit and not lie.
If a person is unconscious, he will need to be turned on his left side, bending his right leg in a knee. This posture will help prevent fluid from entering the airways if vomiting occurs.
When there are obvious signs of clinical death, before the arrival of the doctors, it is necessary to carry out the necessary resuscitation measures, laying the person on his back. In this situation, artificial respiration and indirect heart massage are indicated.
Diagnostic measures
It is not difficult to identify DCS, since the symptoms appear and begin to increase almost immediately.
Specialists make the following diagnostic measures:
- coronography;
- magnetic resonance imaging of the brain;
- ultrasound examination of the vessels of the limbs.
These studies will help assess the severity of the patient's condition and prescribe competent treatment.
Caisson disease: treatment
The main goal of the “caisson” therapy is to eliminate the resulting bubbles from the gases and restore normal cardiac activity. The patient is placed in a closed chamber, which allows you to increase and decrease pressure as necessary.
In addition, drug therapy is carried out using means aimed at stabilizing the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. If the patient complains of severe pain, analgesics are prescribed.
And also the patient is shown physiotherapeutic measures in the form of water and air baths.
The consequences of decompression sickness
The consequences of decompression sickness for the victim depend on a number of factors, namely the form of the violation, the severity of the damage, the adequacy and timeliness of first aid and the qualifications of the specialists who conducted the treatment.
Such a violation threatens with the following complications:
- joint damage;
- cardiosclerosis;
- heart disease
- respiratory failure;
- digestive problems;
- damage to the optic nerve.
As the long-term consequences arising against the background of the "caisson", there are loss of vision and hearing, impaired coordination of movements and paresis of limbs.
Attention! If a person who has undergone CKD has any residual symptoms of the disease, he is strictly forbidden to return to work or a hobby related to diving in underwater space or air travel.
To minimize the risk of CKD, the following recommendations must be followed when in depth:
- Use quality equipment and uniforms.
- Observe safety advice and rules of conduct in depth.
- Stay under water for a maximum period.
- Under high pressure, avoid excessive physical activity.
- If the condition worsens and suspicious symptoms appear, immediately stop diving.
- Rise to the surface gradually, without making rapid movements.
- Repeat diving no earlier than one day later. The same rule applies to pilots who need a break between flights at least 24 hours.
You should not risk it and make a deep dive in the presence of the following conditions:
- diabetes mellitus;
- endarteritis;
- diseases of muscles, bones and joints;
- disturbances in the work of the heart;
- alcohol or drug intoxication.
Compliance with the listed recommendations and prohibitions will significantly reduce the risk of decompression sickness. And knowing how to provide first aid, you can save someone's life.