Kangaroos belong to the order of marsupial bivalves mammals. These animals cannot be confused with any others, as they are unique in terms of behavior and appearance. In total, there are 69 species of kangaroos in the world that do not cease to amaze the imagination with their features.
Material Content:
Description of marsupial mammals
The size of the kangaroo varies by species. Thus, the largest representative is the gray eastern kangaroo. Its weight can reach 85 kg and a length of 3 m. Enough impressive dimensions, you must admit. The smallest individuals of this family weigh only 3 - 7 kg. Their size varies from 27 to 63 cm.
These babies include:
- philanders;
- striped kangaroo hares;
- short-tailed kangaroos.
The body of the animal is well developed, muscles are pronounced. The only part of the body that is comparatively worse formed is the front paws. They are a bit short, but quite suitable for performing simple actions. The hind legs are massive, strong. It is thanks to these limbs that the kangaroos are able to move quickly enough and perform their amazing jumps. And an elongated tail, which can reach 1 m in length, helps to maintain balance in a jump or in a fight.
The head of a kangaroo is small, slightly elongated, with large ears and eyes. What is noteworthy, the animal has eyelashes that perform a protective function from winds and dust. The jaw has an unusual structure: its lower ends are bent inward. A mammal has 32 to 34 teeth without a root system.
Where does the animal live
Those who are just starting to get acquainted with this funny animal, of course, will be interested where the kangaroos live.Many will call Australia his homeland, and this is partly the right answer. But not only there you can meet such special creatures.
They also live on the Bismarck archipelago and on nearby islands such as:
- New Guinea;
- Tasmania;
- Hawaii;
- Kawau
- New Zealand (imported artificially).
Various climatic zones are chosen as a habitat for kangaroos: from dry deserts (central regions of Australia) to dense forests with eucalyptus trees (outskirts of the continent, the Murray and Darling river basins, the states of New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland).
For example, wooden kangaroos are unique representatives of this family, which turned out to be green thickets. But their kinsmen, hare kangaroos, feel most comfortable in semi-desert and desert areas. Often these animals are attracted to fertile areas. Some small individuals can be found in rocky mountainous terrain. They spend most of their time in places with good shade.
Lifestyle & Nutrition
The way of life of small and large kangaroos is not the same. Therefore, we consider each separately. So, small individuals prefer to stay aloof. They do not create groups, with the exception of females with newborn cubs. The active phase of their life begins at night: during this period of the day they hunt, eat. In the afternoon, due to unbearable heat, animals hide in secluded places.
Large kangaroos gather in groups, which sometimes number up to 65 individuals. Large kangaroo companies find it easier to confront their enemies.
Belonging to such a community is free - any animal can easily enter it or, conversely, leave it.
It is impossible to give a definite answer to the question of what the kangaroos eat. Everything again depends on the type and area of residence of a particular animal.
The diet of these creatures includes:
- prickly and soft grass;
- plant roots;
- mushrooms;
- leaves;
- seed;
- fruits;
- some vegetables (corn).
Although such mammals are mostly herbivores, omnivorous individuals are also found among their representatives.
They can find and eat the eggs of birds and even small chicks. Such preferences are characteristic of forest kangaroos, which, among other things, feed on tree bark and cereals.
Reproduction and care of offspring
The mating season of a kangaroo lasts almost the entire year, with the exception of some representatives in whom this process takes only a certain period. Sexual maturity in females occurs at the age of two years, in males later. Older and larger individuals have reasonable chances to win the duel and, as a result, gain access to the female.
In order to conquer it, the males organize serious fights that have serious consequences for health or even threaten the life of the animal. The winner is the one who will throw the opponent to the ground and beat with hind limbs, and they are known to be quite strong with the kangaroo. The male who defeated the opponent leaves traces of his saliva on the ground. This smell makes it clear to other individuals that there is a host. What is noteworthy, animals can leave such marks on their partners to protect them from unwanted grooming.
Kangaroo pregnancy is short - only a month. As a rule, one female leads to the birth of one cub, less often - two or three.
Due to the lack of placenta in these mammals, babies are born very weak and not independent. For a long time (from six months to a year) they are in the so-called mother’s bag located on her stomach. The baby feeds on the milk of the female, the supply of which she regulates with muscles. When the kangaroo gets stronger, it will be able to crawl out a little and learn the world around it. But when there is danger, the mother again hides him in a bag.
An interesting fact is that in parallel the female can raise two babies of different ages.At the same time, only the youngest child has the right to live in the bag, and both of them can eat from the nipples. These mothers even developed a physiological ability to give the same amount of milk to babies, depending on his age.
Natural enemies
Although the kangaroo animal seems peaceful and harmless, it has its own enemies that have arisen historically in the process of evolution. All the enemies of this mammal are united with its habitat.
The most dangerous of them are:
- wild dog Dingo;
- marsupial wolf (now extinct);
- large snakes;
- predator birds.
While snakes and birds can catch only small kangaroos or their cubs, wild Dingos are able to catch even a large representative who can develop great speed on land and deliver heavy blows with hind legs. But cunning dogs have developed a special strategy that allows them not to engage in massive combat with massive animals. A flock of dogs drives a kangaroo into the water, trying to drown.
Moshkara gives these jumpers no less trouble than Dingo dogs. Appearing after the rainy season, she attacks the kangaroo, stinging their eyes. In some cases, such a hassle even leads to temporary or permanent blindness. Sand worms and fleas also torment poor mammals, significantly worsening their quality of life.
Kangaroo and man
Both a kangaroo person and a kangaroo person can cause serious harm. So, careless contact with animals can lead to serious injuries. The fact is that the strength of the hind legs of this mammal is enormous and it, having suspected something was amiss, can deftly defend themselves with them.
History knows many cases when people were hospitalized with a broken skull or fractures of the limbs resulting from a meeting with this animal.
Due to the reduction in the number of Dingo dogs, a rapid increase in the number of kangaroo individuals has begun. The increase in their population in this century has seriously worried Australian farmers. The cause of indignation is the malicious habit of these creatures to destroy crops and crops. Recently, local authorities officially allowed kangaroos to be shot, citing drought and lack of moisture for livestock. But marsupials in their natural abilities can quench their thirst with dew or grass juice for about a month, which casts doubt on the government’s decision.
The uncontrolled destruction of kangaroos endangers many of their species. This is facilitated by foxes brought to the continent, which were used as assistants in sports hunting. Red predators quickly realized that not only the same imported rabbits, but also local small kangaroos are excellent as prey.
Interesting facts about the animal
Unusual marsupial mammals require close study and protection, as they carry biological and historical value.
Let's get acquainted with some interesting facts about this animal:
- Aborigines of Australia have long used kangaroo meat for food. It is their food base, as it has a low fat content and a sufficient amount of protein.
- The skin of an animal is used as a material for the manufacture of jackets, bags, wallets and other accessories.
- A female kangaroo has as many as three vaginas: two of them are designed for mating and conceiving a baby, the third for his birth.
- Few people know that a “kangaroo” is a collective concept. It is intended to determine the family of large individuals, and smaller representatives are called wallara and wallaby.
- Kangaroos and ostriches are official symbols of Australia. They adorn her coat of arms not only because this country has become their habitat. Due to natural features, these animals are not able to go back, which has become a symbolic principle for the creators of the state emblem.
For kangaroos to please our descendants with their uniqueness for many centuries, it is worth paying special attention to them.The rational interaction of man with nature guarantees the preservation and reproduction of all animal species, including those that are on the verge of extinction.