The name of mono-diet immediately reveals the basis of its diet - it is low-fat kefir (1% -2%). This type of nutrition allows you to get rid of excess weight in the shortest possible time, while restoring the flora of the digestive tract. Kefir diet is great for fasting days or regular cleansing of the body.
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Features of kefir diet
Kefir is a common dairy product that is obtained by fermentation. The drink is quickly absorbed and at the same time enriches the body with vitamins A and B, as well as other useful trace elements.
In addition, the drink is capable of:
- to satisfy feelings of hunger;
- fight with excess fluid;
- remove toxins and toxins;
- normalize digestive processes;
- accelerate metabolism;
- restore the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract;
- quickly break down fats.
Kefir is often recommended to drink during fasting days, as well as in the process of losing weight, in order to get rid of excess fluid and salts, to restore the functioning of internal organs.
A feature of the kefir diet is the use of this drink exclusively with a small inclusion of additional products, as well as short terms - 3-7 days.
A rigid and lean diet contributes to the rapid loss of kilograms, as well as:
- body renewal;
- normalization of intestinal activity;
- Gastrointestinal saturation with the necessary bifidobacteria.
However, diet principles do not allow people with health problems to stick to it.
Diet Principles for Weight Loss
Any diet is a limitation of high-calorie dishes and a gradual change in diet in the direction of less saturation.
Adhering to the kefir diet, you should know and follow the basic principles:
- Short term. Due to severe dietary restrictions, you can stick to such a diet for up to 10 days, the optimal period is a week. Despite the usefulness of kefir, it does not contain all the necessary elements for a healthy life, therefore, after the due period it is necessary to begin to eat fully.
- Kefir is the main product of the diet. There are several varieties of this mono-diet, but all of them include it as a basis, while supplementing the diet with other useful products. As a rule, the shorter the diet, the stricter it is. So, the diet for three days includes only kefir and tea from herbs, and with a diet for 10 days, lean meat and vegetables are introduced into the diet.
- Frequent meal. With such a diet, it is assumed that a person will eat 6 per day so that the total amount of food consumed does not exceed the norm. The last meal should take place two hours before going to bed.
- Express weight loss. This is a term for minimum calorie intake over a given period. A person consumes the minimum amount of calories per day, and due to this, rapid weight loss begins.
- Body cleansing. A large amount of fluid that enters the body during this period leads to an acceleration of metabolism and the removal of toxins from the body. For a day of such nutrition, a person drinks from 1.5 to 2.5 liters.
Despite the dominance in the diet of kefir, the diet makes it possible to improvise and add other products. The only condition should be the low calorie content of all additional elements.
Recommended and Prohibited Products
In order to properly draw up a diet, it is necessary to understand what food can be consumed on a diet, and what is strictly prohibited. The distribution depends on the number of calories in 100 g of the product and its usefulness, as well as on compatibility with the sour-milk component.
Any kefir diet allows the use of:
- apples, avocados and citrus fruits;
- vegetables (carrots, beets, potatoes);
- greens (avocado, lettuce, lettuce);
- low-fat fish;
- dietary meat (veal, rabbit, chicken);
- eggs (chicken or quail);
- dairy products (low-fat cottage cheese, unsalted cheese).
Since the diet involves the consumption of a large amount of liquid, along with kefir, you can drink herbal and green teas without sugar, non-carbonated mineral water and freshly squeezed citrus juices.
Some kefir-based diets also suggest the use of:
- cereals (buckwheat, millet, oatmeal);
- whole rice or buckwheat flakes;
- olive oil;
- dried fruits (except raisins).
Such products allow you to increase the term of a strict diet to 5 and 10 days, but their caloric content should be strictly taken into account and fit into the daily norm. A number of products are considered prohibited regardless of the duration and type of diet.
These include:
- alcohol and coffee drinks;
- sugar and hot spices;
- bananas, grapes (raisins) and nuts;
- fatty meat (pork, beef);
- bread, pasta and pastries;
- fatty dairy products (sour cream, cream, milk, butter).
It is also advisable to limit the use of salt and strong tea. They can be replaced with sea salt and green tea.
Sample menu for 3 and 7 days
The kefir diet is divided into two types: a strict three-day and lighter, 10 days. The first option is suitable only for healthy people and allows you to lose up to 4 kg. Throughout the entire period, those losing weight are not allowed to consume anything other than kefir, with the exception of water without gas.
Kefir diet for 3 days involves the simplest possible diet: 1 cup (250 ml) of kefir in one meal, which should be 5 per day - this is 1.5 liters of drink per day. In this case, you can drink ordinary water as much as you want. At the end of the diet, you need to eat chia seeds and goji berries. They are saturated with trace elements and will fill the needs of the body.
It is interesting: goji berries - useful properties and contraindications
Kefir diet for 7 days is the most effective for losing weight - a person can lose 6-10 kg. It is known as the Valley Diet, since it was developed for it in several variations for it. A week before this, you should begin to reduce food intake, and dinner no later than 18 hours.
The weekly menu for weight loss will be as follows:
- 5 boiled potatoes and 500 ml of kefir, they must be consumed in 5 doses.
- 500 g of boiled fillet (chicken or turkey) without salt and 500 ml of kefir. This amount must be divided by 5 times.
- Cottage cheese 200 g and ½ liter of kefir. This amount of food should be divided into 5 receptions.
- 0.2 kg of sour cream 10% fat and 0.5 l of kefir. Distribute this amount 5 times.
- 1 kg of apples and 500 ml of kefir. This amount should be divided into 5-6 receptions.
- Only kefir, no more than 1 liter.
- Only 2 liters of water: equally carbonated and simple.
Throughout the week, you need to drink 1.5 liters of plain water per day, and kefir for weight loss to buy 1% fat. You can add 1 tsp to the food. fiber - it will improve bowel function and allow the body to better absorb nutrients.
How to get out of a diet
It is very important to correctly complete the mono diet so that the result is not lost. Strict restrictions imply the gradual addition of light low-calorie foods to the diet, for example, on the fourth day you need to introduce oatmeal or millet in the water, on the fifth - a little boiled low-fat bird, etc.
If the diet was not strict, then you just need to lower the daily calorie intake to 1,500 and cook steamed dishes.
In addition, you must:
- Reduce the usual servings of food.
- Be sure to do exercises in the morning.
- Walk outdoors regularly.
To preserve the result, it is necessary to increase the overall consumption of fruits and vegetables, as well as temporarily abandon sweets and fast food.
How much can you lose weight with the miracle diet?
Monodiet suggests rapid weight loss in the shortest possible time due to the elimination of salts, liquids and slags from the body, as well as lowering the level of fat reserves. Within three days of a strict kefir diet, a person loses up to 5 kg of weight, in 10 days - up to 10 kg.
The final result varies depending on various factors:
- initial body weight;
- strict diet;
- the presence of physical activity;
- health status.
However, you should not think that this result is forever - with improper nutrition and lack of loads, lost kilograms quickly return. Mono-diet is necessary after the holidays or before vacation, when you want to quickly lose weight. To maintain the achieved result, you must follow the rules of a healthy diet and exercise regularly.
The main mistakes of losing weight people
Why is the issue of weight loss always relevant even for those people who regularly follow different diets? This is due to the wrong approach to the process of losing weight initially, because the key to a beautiful figure and healthy body is constancy.
Skinny people constantly make the same mistakes, among them:
- Wrong mood before diet. Many expect dramatic changes in 10 days of mono-diets, but you can’t eat donuts and drink soda all your life, and after several days of abstinence, expect a complete transformation of the body. During this period, you can accustom the body to small portions and understand that a healthy and beautiful body is a long and constant work. That is why, after a week of dieting, many are completely disappointed, depressed and begin to eat even more. The right attitude is the key to her success.
- The complete absence of restrictions immediately after the diet. A week on kefir makes a person dream of tasty and fatty foods, so many immediately after the end of the diet begin to eat everything and in large quantities, which leads to a quick return to weight.
- Position "I will play sports 3 times a week, and eat everything in a row."Professional sports trainers claim that only 30% of success is regular training, 70% is the food intake regimen. Only by eating properly can one succeed.
- Extension of the diet without the permission of the nutritionist and the attending physician. A strict mono-diet is only useful for a limited time - from 3 to 10 days. After this, the body will lack nutrients, which can lead to eating disorders and cause various diseases.
In addition to these errors, constant starvation is also common, which leads to eating disorders. And daily weighing and constant strict dietary restrictions lead to breakdowns.
Contraindications kefir diet
Any mono-diet suggests a number of contraindications, since for the body, a sharp decrease in calories consumed is stress. Only healthy people can go on a strict diet without fear of provoking unwanted painful processes.
Kefir diet is prohibited for those who suffer:
- Diseases of the stomach, pancreas and intestines (ulcers, gastritis, colitis).
- Colds.
- Chronic disorders
- Rickets and cholecystitis.
- Renal and hepatic insufficiency.
It is also forbidden to adhere to the kefir diet for women during pregnancy and lactation, as well as for people under the age of 20.
Kefir diet is a great opportunity to periodically cleanse your body of accumulated toxins and at the same time lose weight by several kilograms. Reviews of many women confirm that it is easy to adhere to such a diet, and the result is impressive.