Longevity seeds - pine nuts from ancient times, Siberians have been collecting and selling. Despite the high price, they are very popular. We suggest figuring out how useful they are and whether they will bring harm to health.
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Nutritional value and calorie content of pine nuts
Nuts are small and similar in shape to pomegranate seeds. In fact, these are the seeds of Siberian pine, which have a pleasant aroma and a pronounced nutty flavor.
If we consider the calorie content of nuts in 100 g of the product, then it is 680 kcal. Protein contains 13.7 g, carbohydrates - 13.1 g, ash - 2.6 g, water - 2.3 g, and fat - 68.4 g.
It is not recommended to consume cedar grains excessively, as they can provoke obesity.
Unlimited consumption of nuts can provoke allergic reactions and unpleasant taste sensations.
Pine nuts - useful and medicinal properties
In terms of protein, nuts are superior to chicken. Therefore, vegetarians are recommended to eat kernels more often, as they compensate for “protein hunger”. The perfectly balanced vegetable protein contained in the grains, which is close in composition to the protein in human tissues, is completely absorbed by the body.
Due to the fact that grains contain polyunsaturated fats, vitamins, amino acids and minerals, nuts are very beneficial for the body.
- With regular use, they help improve the functioning of the central nervous system and the cardiovascular, as well as the liver.
- They help restore vision, strengthen the immune system at the cellular level and normalize the work of glandular organs.
- Seeds contribute to the restoration of metabolic processes.
- Good prevention against digestive diseases.
- Nuts help treat atherosclerosis with anemia and diabetes.
On the basis of nuts, pharmacists prepare drugs for the treatment of allergies, anemia, decreased appetite and coronary heart disease. And folk connoisseurs with their help relieve stones in the gall bladder, frequent colds, gastrointestinal ulcers and vitamin deficiency.
If you do not abuse the quantity, then nuts contribute to weight loss. They stimulate the production of cholecystokinin, a hormone that sends saturation signals to the brain. Therefore, the body has enough small amounts of food to get enough. It is recommended to eat grain half an hour before meals.
What are useful for women
Nuts help to heal the body from the ailments that haunt women throughout life, support their natural beauty.
What else are pine nuts useful for women?
- Oil helps get rid of eczema, psoriasis and boils. To do this, lubricate the affected area three times a day.
- Eliminate fatigue, insomnia, irritability and muscle cramps. To do this, prepare with the help of nuts tincture with wine and honey. The use of this mixture will help get rid of stones in the gall bladder and anemia, cleanse the blood and heal liver diseases.
- If you have varicose veins, then regularly massage your feet with cedar oil. Two procedures are enough for a day.
- Nuts help improve lactation.
- A decoction helps to positively affect severe bleeding during menstruation and menopause. This is due to anti-inflammatory and analgesic abilities.
Benefit for men
How are pine nuts useful for a strong half of humanity?
- They have a beneficial effect on potency.
- Strengthen the cardiovascular system and cleanse the body of bad cholesterol.
- Improve brain activity.
- They help increase immunity, strengthen bones and teeth, and replenish energy reserves.
If a man eats only plant foods, then nuts will serve as a wonderful alternative to meat products.
During pregnancy and children
Experts believe that children should not eat nuts for up to two years. At an older age, they are recommended to be administered in small portions, and to control the intake rate.
At a younger and school age, the body, the nervous and immune systems need to constantly adapt to mental and physical stress. To make this process less painful and not noticeable for the child, regularly include cedar nuts in the diet.
During the period of decay of milk teeth and during puberty, be sure to give the children seeds. They will be especially useful for boys, since they have a beneficial effect on the reproductive male system.
If a child often suffers from colds and suffers from allergies, then nuts will bring invaluable benefits to the children's body.
During pregnancy, tincture from the nutshell helps get rid of hemorrhoids. To do this, pour boiling water (190 ml) into the shell (1 tbsp. Spoon) and insist hour. Then use four times a day (2 tbsp. Tablespoons).
Arginine, which is part of the seeds, is a necessary element for the development and growth of the child's body. Therefore, it is useful not only for children, but also for pregnant women.
For the growth and development of the fetus, nuts contain almost all the necessary trace elements and vitamins. Kernels help reduce uterine hypertonicity.
The use of pine nuts in folk medicine
The most popular remedy is tincture, which strengthens the gastrointestinal tract, heals wounds, cracks and abrasions, cleanses lymph and blood, restores the body's protective functions and potency.
You can cook in various ways:
- Crush the kernels and shells.Pour into a glass container. Pour vodka so that it is six centimeters higher than the product. Hide in a dark place and stand for two weeks. Then strain and store in a glass, dark container.
- Pour the shell into a half-liter jar. Pour vodka to the brim. Clean for three weeks in a dark place. The resulting infusion is filtered and used to treat diseases of the oral cavity by rinsing. Lotions from this mixture help in the treatment of burns, eczema and pustular skin lesions.
- Honey with pine nuts protects against many diseases and strengthens the body. To prepare the mixture you will need a mug of grains and three large spoons of honey. Mix the products thoroughly. To use a tablespoon is enough three times a day.
The benefits of oil, seeds, nutshells
Using shells prepare infusions, decoctions and tinctures. For many centuries, used to treat external diseases and internal organs. Helps fight the immune system with viruses and harmful microflora, interferes with the activity of free radicals. The shell helps to ensure the strength of the musculoskeletal system and to ensure the beauty of the skin.
Useful properties of oil and seeds:
- have a general improvement on the body;
- cosmetologists use as a cleansing and nourishing agent;
- treat frostbite, burns, allergies, skin infections;
- stabilize the endocrine glands;
- improve cerebral circulation;
- show a good result in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases;
- have a positive effect on fertility and improves male sexual functions;
- the substances that make up the nuts contribute to the production of milk during feeding;
- regulate the body's water balance;
- wounds heal;
- used to enhance immunity.
What is useful cedar - tincture on pine nuts?
You can cook it in various ways: from the shell, from whole kernels or chopped, pour alcohol or vodka.
Regardless of how you prepare the tincture, it will help:
- to improve the activity of the digestive tract;
- regenerate the skin;
- quickly heal wounds, bruises, bruises and wounds;
- will not allow salt to concentrate in the body;
- restore elasticity to joints;
- cleans and normalizes lymph;
- will give resistance to immunity;
- improves the functioning of the organs of vision and hearing;
- increase potency;
- will produce an antitumor effect.
Contraindications and possible harm
Pine nut tincture is contraindicated:
- children who have not reached the age of 12;
- pregnant and lactating women;
- people who have severe liver pathologies;
- patients with a predisposition to alcoholism;
- if there are signs of an allergy to nuts or alcohol;
- persons who drive vehicles.
Nuts oil very rarely causes adverse reactions, before use, check on a small area of the skin. If it does not cause irritation, itching, or redness, you can safely use it for treatment.
By eating nuts regularly and in large quantities, you can provoke obesity.
How to clean pine nuts
Many, having first encountered cedar kernels, do not know how to get them out of the shell.
- Fill the nuts with water and leave for several hours.
- Lay on a table and cover with a towel.
- Knock on top with a hammer and go with a rolling pin, clicking on the nuts well.
- Separate the kernels from the shells.