Since ancient times, pine nuts have been widely used in cooking and traditional medicine. Due to its rich vitamin composition, they are an integral component of many diets, used in cosmetology, and also help rejuvenate the body.

Nutritional value and calorie content of pine nuts

The rich vitamin and mineral composition make pine nuts one of the most valuable and nutritious foods.

They contain:

  • dietary fiber - 18.5%;
  • Vitamin B1 - 24.3%;
  • Vitamin B2 - 12.6%;
  • Vitamin E - 62.2%;
  • vitamin K - 44.9%;
  • vitamin PP - 21.9%;
  • potassium - 23.9%;
  • magnesium - 62.8%;
  • phosphorus - 71.9%;
  • iron - 30.7%;
  • Manganese - 440%;
  • copper - 132.4%;
  • zinc - 35.7%.

100 grams of pine nuts - 673 kcal, the ratio of protein-fat-carbohydrates - 13.69-68.37-13.08.

Pine nuts - useful and medicinal properties

The rich vitamin composition makes pine nuts useful for all segments of the population.

What are useful for women

Pine nuts help women maintain their natural beauty. Cedar oil has a nourishing effect on the skin. It moisturizes and nourishes them with vitamins. In addition, with the help of oil, you can strengthen and restore the structure of the hair, alcohol tinctures can get rid of dandruff and reduce fat content.

Nutritionists prescribe pine nuts for weight loss. Their small portion is able to saturate the body for a long time.Nuts produce the hormone cholecystokinin, it helps to “deceive” the body, alerting the brain about a feeling of satiety. If you add a handful of nuts to a low-calorie salad, this will drown out the feeling of hunger and avoid breakdowns.

Benefit for men

The benefits of pine nuts for men have been talked about for decades. Since ancient times, it is known that they are an indispensable tool for potency. They also help restore masculine strength. These features are explained by a large amount of zinc, vitamin A and E, arginine, which are part of the nut. They safely affect men's health, ensure the normal functioning of the genitourinary system and guarantee a stable erection.

A small daily serving of nuts will strengthen the cardiovascular system. In men, endurance also increases, immunity is strengthened, energy is added. The kernels contain a large amount of protein and can become a good alternative to meat food.

The antioxidants included in the composition are a reliable prevention of stress, they are also able to strengthen the body. This product is able to maintain performance, extend life.

During pregnancy and children

Nuts contain arginine, which is an important element for a growing body. If a pregnant woman eats a few nuts daily, then she may not worry about the fact that the future baby will not receive any vitamins. Retinol, tin, B vitamins are necessary for the growth of the human body. The use of this natural component is a reliable tool against depression. Calcium and vitamin B are considered a good duet for a good mood, so pine nuts can always be cheerful and positive.

Pine nuts should not be excluded during breastfeeding, as they accompany the production of breast milk. However, this product should not be abused, the daily portion should not exceed 50 grams and this only after you are completely sure that your crumbs do not have any allergic reactions to nuts.

The use of pine nuts in folk medicine

If we talk about how pine nuts are useful, then it is necessary to mention their widespread use in folk medicine.

  1. For ulcers of the stomach or duodenum, I actively use pine nut oil. It should be used three times a day for a teaspoon for a month. On the basis of oil, various tinctures can be prepared that are used for tuberculosis or diseases of the bladder.
  2. An infusion of nutshells is used to treat hemorrhoids. In addition to this shell has been widely used in gynecology.
  3. Children who suffer from allergic reactions to breast milk can make a milk drink from walnut kernels. Such a tool will nourish the growing body with all the necessary vitamins and its composition is practically no different from mother's milk. A milk drink is also prescribed for tuberculosis patients.
  4. In folk medicine, cedar milk is actively used.

The benefits of oil, seeds, walnut shells

Pine nut oil has a healing effect on the body.

Its benefits are as follows:

  • normalization of metabolism, oil can remove cholesterol and improve the body;
  • strengthening the cardiovascular system, prevention of nervous breakdowns;
  • saturation of the body with vitamins and minerals, prevention of vitamin deficiency;
  • strengthening immunity, increasing the body's resistance;
  • improvement of the digestive tract;
  • gastritis prevention, ulcer relief;
  • prevention of colds, viruses, flu;
  • helps to recover in physical and moral terms, as well as with mental exhaustion, replenishes the body with energy;
  • possesses analgesic, bactericidal and antiseptic properties;
  • Helps to recover after operations;
  • normalization of the hormonal background;
  • elimination of harmful substances from the body.

Walnut shells have also been recognized as a valuable element; I actively use it in medicine and industry. The shell has found its application in cosmetology, it is added to scrubs and creams.

Its useful properties are as follows:

  • The tincture on the shell is a good anti-erosion and antitumor agent. She is prescribed for vision problems, she treats cardiovascular and genitourinary diseases.
  • A decoction based on the shell is a good remedy for gum disease, it allows you to get rid of an allergic rhinitis.
  • Tincture helps reduce pain in joints and muscles, treats rheumatism, colds, gout.
  • Tincture helps to tone, is involved in digestion.
  • If you finish the tincture in the bathroom, then it will help get rid of dermatological problems.

Pine nut seeds have all of the above properties, they normalize the work of internal organs and allow you to strengthen the immune system.

Application in cosmetology

Girls who pay considerable attention to their appearance noted the beneficial properties of pine nuts in cosmetology.

  • Chewed cedar kernels, which must be applied to the affected area, help get rid of abscesses.
  • Regular consumption of nuts eliminates eczema and boils.
  • Pine nuts saturate the cells with oxygen, which in turn leads to rejuvenation of the skin.
  • The shell allows you to get rid of unwanted vegetation. To do this, it must be burned. After that, add a little water and apply the mixture to the desired areas of the body. You will get positive results after three procedures.
  • From the shells of the nuclei you can make a body scrub. They are crushed and diluted with boiling water. Then add a little oatmeal until the product becomes thick.

The universality of cedar oil allows you to actively use it in cosmetology, it is suitable for any type of skin, and the result is not long in coming.

  • Oil helps get rid of makeup residues, just apply it on a cotton swab and rub it on your face. It moisturizes the skin and nourishes it with beneficial substances. If the skin peels off, then the oil can be used instead of a face cream.
  • Pine nut oil can strengthen your nails and make your hands soft and silky.
  • It combats baldness and dandruff. To strengthen the hair, oil should be applied at night twice a week.

What is useful cedar - tincture on pine nuts

The main benefit of cedar is the treatment and prevention of ulcers and gastritis. Fatty acids in the nuts envelop the walls of the stomach and improve the functioning of the housing and communal services.

  • The tincture is able to remove excess salts from the joints, returning them with mobility.
  • Tincture on cones treats colds and infectious diseases, has a warming effect.
  • Fights rheumatism, reduces pain.
  • It can treat wounds and affected areas of the skin, it contributes to the rapid healing of wounds.
  • Tincture restores auditory and visual functions.

Homemade cedar recipe

There are several recipes for tincture on pine nuts:

  1. Place a small handful of nuts (peeled) in a glass bowl and fill it with ½ liters of vodka or alcohol. For 40 days, put the vessel in a dark place, every three days you need to mix the contents. After the designated time has elapsed, strain, the product is ready.
  2. ½ kg of unpeeled nuts pour 0.5 liters of vodka. After two weeks, you need to check if there are kernels inside the nuts. Their absence will indicate the readiness of the tincture.
  3. Mash the kernels thoroughly and fill them with alcohol. The liquid level should exceed centimeter nuts by 5. After a week, the product will be ready, it needs to be filtered before use.

Contraindications and possible harm

Cedar can not cause severe harm to the body. Nuts are not recommended for use in case of individual intolerance or with allergic reactions. Due to the high calorie content, they do not need to be eaten with obesity. In addition, the daily portion should not exceed 30-50 grams, otherwise irritation of the mucous membrane may occur and a bitter aftertaste may appear. You need to be careful with nuts in gallstone disease. Fatty acids stimulate the outflow of bile, which can trigger the movement of stones.