The Caucasus is a region with predominantly mountainous terrain, which is a kind of bridge between Europe and Asia. Picturesque areas with a rich history and proud people. It was on this mysterious land that the Caucasian Shepherd appeared.

Description and characteristics of the breed

The Caucasian Shepherd Dog has a complex and independent disposition, which can only be subjugated by a strong-willed and stubborn dog breeder. Aggression is not inherent in the dog at the genetic level, but its pronounced protective instinct gives the pet exorbitant fearlessness, which pushes the shepherd towards any danger that threatens her “human pack”. Keeping such an animal on a chain is not permitted.

Representatives of the breed, characterized by a massive skeleton, excellent muscles, with proper education, will become excellent friends and excellent guards. They are quite patient with children and do not show dissatisfaction with their pranks. But due to its impressive size, the contact of the child with the pet can take place only under the supervision of adults.

Three types are distinguished depending on the length of the coat:

  • long-haired - the length of the hairline is up to 12 cm, there is decorating hair in the form of "mane" and "pants" on the hind limbs;
  • intermediate - the outer coat is quite long, but decorating is practically absent;
  • Shorthair - the length of the hairline is not more than 7 cm with a complete absence of decorating.

Based on the habitat, 2 lines also differ:

  1. Animals whose homeland and permanent habitat is the territory of the CIS countries.
  2. Dogs that appeared and live in the Caucasus.

The last branch is considered more thoroughbred.

Origin history

The history of the breed has more than 3 thousand years. The ancestors of the Caucasians are considered Tibetan Great Dane, which fell into the foothills of the Caucasus, along with shepherds as guards of sheep flocks. Under the influence of natural selection and national traditions, the appearance of dogs gradually began to change.

In the 20s of the last century in the USSR, selection institutes took up the issue of obtaining a physically strong, fearless dog with sharp hearing and waterproof undercoat. The results of continuous work were recognized by the International Film Festival and are reflected in the breed standard.

Life span

In response to the question of how long Caucasian Shepherds live, statistical data can be given: the average duration of the breed is 10-11 years. However, with proper maintenance and care, another 3-4 years may be added to this age indicator.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog Standard

As a result of research by Russian scientists who showed that 70% of the breed are hybrids of St. Bernard with other dogs, in 1990 it was decided to register Caucasian shepherds only after a collegial positive conclusion.

Purebred animals that may qualify for recognition must comply with the breed standard, updated in 2010:

  • the head is massive, wedge-shaped with wide cheekbones;
  • muzzle - wide, tapering to the nose;
  • the nose is black with rather large nostrils;
  • jaw - regular scissor or straight bite.
  • eyes - small, oval with a wide, oblique fit;
  • ears - small, hanging on cartilage with a high landing (if desired, can be stopped);
  • body - wide, muscular with a well-developed, deep chest;
  • limbs - erect, muscular with a wide supply;
  • tail - set high and has the shape of a sickle or ring;
  • coat - straight, coarse with thick undercoat (the length of the outer hair depends on the type and can vary from 5 to 12 cm);
  • color - piebald, spotty and any solid, except black (white Caucasian shepherd and gray, the coloring of which is more like a wolf, are very popular);
  • growth - bitches should have a height at the withers from 64 to 70 cm, and males - from 68 to 75 cm;
  • weight - 45-50 kg.

Puppy selection criteria

The Caucasian Shepherd is not suitable for every dog ​​lover. But sometimes a person, looking at a 3-month-old teddy bear, who is still rolling, and not gracefully running, cannot resist. However, do not forget that in six months the pet will reach an impressive size.

But if a firm decision was made to become the happy owner of this particular breed, then several important nuances should be taken into account:

  1. You must contact a kennel specializing in breeding dogs of this particular breed, where thoroughbred puppies are accompanied by relevant documents.
  2. Before buying, you should find out all the details of interest on the content and feeding of the puppy from the breeder.
  3. It is worth evaluating the puppy's mental state, as well as the compliance of the exterior with the breed standard.
  4. It is necessary to observe the behavior of the baby. Pay attention to communication with brothers, appetite and more.

The purpose and nature of the dog

The original function of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog was to protect housing and livestock, which left its mark on the character of the animal, which is characterized by legendary rigidity and strength, combined with an impressive size. These dogs today scare many people.

A fearless shepherd dog with a sharp mind is a great watchman who treats strangers with distrust, while perfectly distinguishing a real threat from situations that do not pose any danger.Pets and family members are regarded by the dog as a "flock" that must be protected.

Representatives of the breed are very fond of children. But so that their size and energy do not cause injuries to the child, you can not leave him alone with an impressive pet.

Maintenance, care and feeding

Living in an apartment is not for representatives of the breed, who need extensive space and constant physical activity. The best option would be an aviary in a private house. In no case should you keep a pet on a chain with a restriction of freedom.

Care Activities

Caring for Caucasian Shepherd puppies, as well as adult individuals, should be regular and comprehensive.

Owners of a shorthair dog will need to comb out the pet weekly. But if the dog has long hair, the procedure will have to be carried out twice a week so that the coat is not confused and remains well-groomed. During the period of plentiful molting, which happens once a year, combing is carried out daily, which allows you to speed up the process of replacing old wool. A dog should be bathed as necessary. For water procedures, warm water and special shampoos are used.

Eyes, ears, teeth and claws also need to be examined systematically. If necessary, the lacrimal ducts are washed, and the ears are cleaned with ear sticks moistened in lotion. Large breeds rarely have problems with teeth, because the dog cleans them on its own, gnawing the bones. Every year, a pet must visit a veterinary clinic, where he will be examined by a specialist and receive the appropriate dose of rabies vaccine.

Feeding and diet

In order for a pet to live a long life, he needs to provide a full, balanced diet. You can opt for dry feed of the highest grade. But such food can hit the budget badly. If you create your own menu, then feeding will be cheaper. It must necessarily include 75% of meat and offal, cottage cheese, kefir, eggs and vegetables.

How to train a Caucasian Shepherd Dog

When purchasing a Caucasian shepherd puppy, you should remember four important factors that must be followed for a successful relationship with a pet - socialization, education, training and control. In order for the dog to realize that it lives in society, it is necessary to regularly take it to busy streets, take it with you for jogging and bring it to all family events.

Train your pet should be systematic, each time complicating the tasks. The shepherd is curious and needs a variety of exercises that must be constantly alternated. During training, you should be patient and in no case use force or raise your voice.

A successful result completely depends on the leadership qualities of the owner, who should from the very beginning indicate the place for the pet on the hierarchical ladder.

Pros and cons of the breed

Among the advantages of the Caucasian shepherd stand out:

  • fearlessness and perseverance;
  • affection for small households;
  • independence;
  • maliciousness and distrust of strangers;
  • Excellent security features to protect your home and garden.

The disadvantages include:

  • the need for a serious educational process;
  • independence and stubbornness, which require responsibility and strong-willed temper from the future owner.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog and Alabai: Comparison

Two large breeds, despite a certain external similarity, have a number of significant differences:

  1. Temperament - shepherd dogs are more independent, masterful, can be aggressive and often perceive only the owner. Alabai is much more flexible and patient.
  2. Life expectancy - in contrast to Caucasians, who live on average 11 years, the Alabai canine age is 13 years.
  3. Dimensions - the maximum height of Alabaev can reach 80 cm, while Caucasians grow to 75 cm.
  4. Intelligence - the Caucasian Shepherd surpasses the Alabaev in acuity and speed of thought, which is expressed in its manner of behavior in relation to offenders.

Powerful Caucasian Shepherd Dog is an excellent guard, before purchasing which you must evaluate your own abilities.