Use castor oil for eyelashes and eyebrows is not prohibited. Even the official instructions for the tool say that it strengthens the roots and activates hair growth. But before you try it on yourself, you need to learn about all the subtleties. Improper use can lead to unpleasant consequences.
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The benefits of castor oil for eyelashes and eyebrows
There is one amazing fact. Although everyone has long been accustomed to the idea that castor oil is good for hair, its effectiveness, in essence, has not been confirmed or proved. Those who have ever tasted oil on themselves are divided into two camps. Some argue that it helped. Others say they did not notice a positive result.
The reason for the mixed reviews lies in the unique composition of the oil. Almost 85% of it consists of glycerides of ricinoleic acid. The rest is residues of linoleic and oleic acids. Some other fatty acids are present in the oil, but their total proportion, as well as the effect on the properties of the product as a whole, is not significant.
Ricinoleic acid is found only in castor oil, from which castor is actually obtained. Scientists know that it is synthesized in our body, and we do not need it from the outside.
But the mechanism of action of ricinoleic acid has not yet been disclosed. Some minds only make assumptions about the principle by which it affects our cells and tissues. Therefore, it is unequivocal to say that a substance that is useful for hair cannot be.
The other two acids are often found in many types of vegetable and animal oils. They are part of cell membranes. Almost do not dry out.They form a thin waterproof film on the skin, which moisturizes and protects from external influences.
There are no minerals and vitamins in castor oil. All knowledge of its benefits is based on practical application.
Experience has shown that castor oil improves hair structure. It returns the eyebrows and eyelashes a rich color.
The hairs themselves become thicker. And due to the awakened bulbs, density also appears.
But again, not all this tool is suitable. It, like any herbal preparation, can cause an allergic reaction. With careless application, redness appears at the site of application. If the application is continued, then hair loss can only intensify.
Instructions for use on eyelashes
Many sources claim that applying castor oil to eyelashes is necessary at night. Probably, those who have never used this tool advise so.
Castor is a fairly heavy substance. In addition, it irritates the mucous membranes. If you leave the oil until the morning, then waking up you can not recognize yourself in the mirror. Swelling on the eyelids and bursting capillaries is not only ugly, but also very painful. Therefore, it is better to listen to the opinion of those who know for themselves how to use castor oil.
How and how much to apply?
The skin on the eyelids is very delicate and sensitive, and the mucous membrane of the eyes is irritated even faster. Therefore, you need to act very carefully. Do not apply oil in a thick layer. It is enough to wet the eyelashes themselves and slightly moisten the skin along the hairline.
It is more convenient to use a cotton swab. No mascara brushes are suitable here. It is enough to dip the tip of the stick in oil once, and this amount is enough for both eyes.
First thoroughly moisten the roots of the cilia, then apply the oil to the hairs themselves. Remove excess with the dry end of the stick.
The product is best applied in the morning after washing, when the skin is well warmed up and susceptible.
Soak the oil on the eyelashes for half an hour, pat dry with a napkin and rinse with warm water.
If it is not possible to do the procedure in the morning, the oil can be applied in the evening, but at least 4 hours before bedtime. Otherwise, swelling may occur during the night.
This ritual is enough to repeat 1-2 times a week. The result will be noticeable in a month. Eyelashes will become brighter, thicker and smoother. But unfortunately, the effect is not manifested in everyone. Like any remedy, castor oil does not help everyone.
Read also:castor hair oil
How to use for eyebrows?
Face skin should be handled with care. But eyebrows are not eyes. On them, the consequences of improper manipulation will not be so noticeable.
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You can apply castor oil with castor oil daily. The result should be expected no sooner than after 3-4 weeks. Exactly so much time will be required for new hairs to grow. If the procedure as a whole is well tolerated, then it can be continued for several months.
Apply the herbal remedy with a thin layer moistened with a cotton swab. Oil softens the skin around the bulbs. Overmoistening leads to the opposite effect - excessive hair loss.
Castor oil can be left on the eyebrows at night. But if swelling appears as a result, then the procedure should be rescheduled for the morning. Lubricate the hair growth area with a cotton swab. Comb the eyebrows with a brush. Soak for half an hour, and then wash with the usual means.
Castor is very viscous and dense, it can clog pores. Therefore, so that later on the face does not appear inflammation, it is better not to smear it, but to apply to specific areas.
Castor oil masks and mixes recipes
To enhance the effect, castor oil can be combined with other beneficial ingredients. A mixture of castor oil and an oil solution of vitamin A helps to accelerate growth and significantly improve the structure of eyelashes.The ingredients must be mixed in a 4: 1 ratio.
The product must be applied once a week. The full course should not last longer than a month. Vitamin A is a fairly strong component. It tends to accumulate in tissues, so you can use this recipe no more than once a year.
Sometimes you can once massage the eyelashes. For him, you need to prepare the following remedy.
In one container mix:
- a teaspoon of castor oil;
- a few drops of aloe juice;
- a teaspoon of finely chopped fresh parsley.
Close your eyes without closing your eyes. Apply the mixture to the eyelashes. With a fingertip, gently pat a couple of minutes along the line of hair growth. Remove the mixture with a cotton pad. Then wash with warm water.
To accelerate the growth of eyebrows, castor oil is mixed with rum in a ratio of 1: 1. The product is carefully applied in a thin layer in the evening or in the morning for no more than half an hour. The procedure can be repeated every week until a result is shown.
Precautions for use
Despite the fact that many of castor oil get good results, it simply does not suit some. The tool can not only not give a positive effect, but also provoke an allergy.
Those who have a predisposition to such reactions, must first conduct a skin test. Put a drop of oil on the inner bend of the elbow and watch this place for a day. If redness appears, the use of castor oil should be discontinued.
Also, do not apply it on eyelashes at night. If it gets into your eyes, it will cause severe irritation. Such an injury can result in damage to the capillaries and even conjunctivitis.
Oil must also be applied gently to the eyebrows so as not to affect areas outside the hair growth zone. If the product is applied at night, the skin soiled around the eyebrows will not breathe normally. Pore blockage can cause folliculitis, an acute skin inflammatory disease.
Use castor oil for eyebrows and eyelashes carefully, observing all safety precautions. This substance is very capricious and far from suitable for everyone. But if your story with castor oil becomes successful, then at the end of the course you will have an excellent result.