A rare and expensive variety - this is how chestnut honey can be characterized. But if you are lucky enough to buy it, you will surely appreciate its amazing aroma and unique taste. Although, perhaps, not everyone will like it, because it is distinguished by a slight bitterness. But we love both dark chocolate and coffee. But the beneficial properties of chestnut honey can be listed for a long time.
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Composition, calorie content and collection season of chestnut honey
Once this kind of honey could even be paid - it went in some countries along with money. And although at that time people still could not analyze what chemicals are included in its composition, they already understood the value of a natural product.
Today it is established that chestnut honey includes:
- Carbohydrates - sucrose, fructose and others.
- The complex of vitamins of group B.
- Vitamin C.
- A nicotinic acid.
And also trace elements necessary for the human body: iron, copper, potassium and calcium, magnesium and sodium, fluorine and iodine, phosphorus and zinc.
In a word, a whole storehouse of nutrients.
100 g of honey contains more than 280 kcal, which is a lot. Therefore, you need to use the product sparingly. And remember at the same time that he is very quickly and completely absorbed.
Chestnuts, from the flowers of which the bees take nectar, grow in warm countries. On the territory of Russia - in the steppes and forest-steppes. Mostly in the Caucasus, in the Crimea and in the Krasnodar Territory.From 1 ha of chestnuts, you can get up to 600 kg of excellent honey.
Collect the beekeeping product in late summer. Moreover, the properties of honey will depend on what the weather was like in the summer months. If arid - honey will be more dense, if rainy - more liquid.
How to identify a fake product
This is a very topical issue, especially when it comes to such an expensive product. How to identify a fake honey?
Chestnuts are divided into edible (sowing) and wild (horse). The honey received from the former will be dark, and from the latter light. But both are characterized by slight bitterness. If you dissolve honey in warm water - it will disappear.
- This product has a distinct aroma.
- A light honey variety crystallizes quite quickly, if you try it - it has a tart taste.
- Dark chestnut honey does not crystallize for a long time, and can remain liquid for up to 3 years.
- Also, in a natural product you can almost always see small remains of wax, but in general - it is homogeneous. Fake honey may stratify unevenly.
And yet, people who first decided to buy chestnut honey, it is better not to risk it, buying it in the market, from random people. And to get a quality product in sealed jars.
Chestnut honey: beneficial properties for the body
The composition of chestnut honey includes many vitamins and minerals, moreover in easily digestible form. And the effect on the body of this natural product is extremely beneficial.
It is accepted:
- For the prevention of the development of cardiovascular diseases.
- To normalize pressure, reduce the risk of hypertension.
- With varicose veins.
- To lower cholesterol and remove toxins from the body.
- With stagnation of bile.
- To improve kidney function.
- With gastric ulcer.
- To enhance immunity.
Reception of honey can relieve insomnia, improve brain activity, strengthen memory.
Indications for the use of honey
Chestnut honey is useful in a number of diseases.
It is advisable to use it for people who have disorders in the digestive system. Thanks to this product, appetite improves. Unpleasant symptoms disappear - stool disorders, nausea, heartburn, pain and heaviness in the hypochondrium.
It has chestnut honey and a beneficial effect in diseases of the respiratory system. It strengthens the immune system, contributes to the subsidence of inflammatory processes, relieves cough, facilitates the discharge of sputum.
Honey and the nervous system will help. It nourishes nerve cells, helps fight fatigue, depression, and regains strength. It is recommended to regularly eat honey for those who suffer from overwork and stress.
Varicose veins will also begin to recede. The walls of blood vessels will strengthen, blood circulation will normalize. The body will produce more antithrombin.
Those who have diabetes should use a doctor to use honey. But its fructose does not need insulin to break down. So this particular product can provide many diabetics with the necessary vitamins and minerals.
Dark honey increases the potency in men, helps get rid of inflammation of the prostate gland, normalizes hormonal levels in women, and makes it easier for menopause.
Children are advised to give honey to enhance immunity.
Those who suffer from inflammatory skin diseases, acne, it is recommended to make masks and compresses with the addition of chestnut honey.
Features of taking chestnut honey
Of course, chestnut honey can be consumed, like any other, from time to time. For example, drink hot tea with him for a cold. But he will fully manifest all of his amazing properties only with regular admission.
If you consider that the optimal amount of this honey for a person per day is 60 g, you can calculate how much your family will need, say, for a month. Taking this product along with royal jelly will be even more effective.
As already mentioned, some are pushed away by the light bitterness of chestnut honey, but you just need to get used to it.
And, it goes without saying: when starting treatment, you need to abandon other bad habits. For example, having diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to follow a diet, and not to burden the body with heavy fatty foods. Only then, adding honey to the diet will bring optimal benefits.
Useful recipes of traditional medicine
Chestnut honey is widely used in folk medicine. Many of the recipes are simple, and you can take them into service. Of course, having received the approval of doctors.
From the common cold
It will take a medium-sized black radish. A funnel is cut out in it with a knife, and 1-2 tablespoons of chestnut honey are laid in it. Gradually, mixing with vegetable juice, it becomes more and more liquid. You need to take a tablespoon every 2 hours.
For inflammatory diseases of the throat
In warm water, honey is diluted in a ratio of 10: 1. Gargle regularly until relief occurs. Pathogenic microbes perish, inflammatory processes subside.
To relieve cough
A tablespoon of honey is dissolved in a glass of warm milk. Drink before going to bed.
It is important not to overheat honey. If its temperature exceeds +40 C, it will lose its useful properties.
With gastritis and stomach ulcer
It is necessary to grind in a meat grinder 0.5 kg of walnuts and the same amount of carrots. Add 0.5 kg of melted butter and the same amount of chestnut honey. Consume 3 times daily before meals.
Even the most healthy foods can have contraindications. As for honey, for a number of people it is an allergen, it can cause quite strong reactions even in young children. Therefore, you should start using it with caution.
Pregnant and lactating women should also limit themselves in the use of chestnut honey.
Very moderately, and only after the permission of the doctor, diabetics need to enjoy honey.
Most importantly, chestnut honey must be of high quality. Only then will he have a beneficial effect. Therefore, purchase it only from trusted manufacturers.