Many colds and inflammatory processes in children have similar symptoms. One of the most common manifestations is fever. But sometimes a malaise can be caused by a regular cough. What to do in this situation? How to treat a child's cough without fever?
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Causes of a cough in a child without fever
By its nature, the coughing reflex acts as a protective mechanism. With its help, the lungs are released from germs, sputum, foreign particles. When the pathological process begins in the body, then there are more pathogenic elements. As a result, the intensity of the cough increases.
A similar symptom can be caused by hidden diseases, respiratory irritation, and a psychosomatic factor.
The main causes of barking cough in a child without fever:
- Adenoiditis and sinusitis. Inflammation of the nasal sinuses or adenoids is accompanied by shortness of breath, dryness of the nasopharynx and thick discharge.
- Allergy. Periodic coughing may be a reaction to external irritants (pet hair, dust, etc.).
- Whooping cough. This ailment is characterized by a strong cough, often ending with vomiting.
- Laryngitis. In this case, a barking sharp cough is typical.
- Asthma. The child coughs at night for a long time and painfully due to severe shortness of breath.
- Nervous cough. It can be provoked by stressful situations, natural shyness, intense fear or frustration. Sometimes this symptom remains in the form of a bad habit after a disease.
- Dry air.A lack of humidity in the room can cause regular coughing due to respiratory irritation.
To identify the exact cause, consult a specialist. After a visual examination and the necessary diagnostics, he will diagnose and prescribe a course of treatment.
How to treat a throat disease
There are several ways to treat a throat with dry, asymptomatic cough.
This group of drugs is known for its strong action and rapid effect. However, it must be understood that they can only cope with a bacterial infection. If the disease has a viral origin, then these medicines will not alleviate the condition and will not even prevent the possible infection of other people.
Almost all colds, as well as sinusitis and respiratory infections are viral in nature.
However, there are symptoms in which the baby needs antibiotics. These include:
- signs of bacterial pneumonia;
- manifestations of sinusitis that do not disappear after 10 days, or a situation where a slight improvement is replaced by a worsening;
- lack of improvement after 2 weeks of therapy;
- signs of streptococcal infection, which can only be determined by seeding or strep test.
It is important to remember the many side effects that these drugs often provoke. It can be diarrhea or vomiting. Also, some children have an allergic reaction. Often there is the development of antibiotic resistance - the resistance of individual bacteria to the action of drugs.
Expectorant drugs
With pharyngitis, children have a wet cough with a heavy discharge of sputum due to its viscous consistency. This symptom usually indicates the transition of the disease into a chronic form.
In this situation, the most effective are such tools as:
- Ambrobene
- “ACC”;
- Mukaltin;
- "Lazolvan";
- licorice syrup.
Within 2 days after their use, the condition of the child improves. Sputum becomes thinner and leaves much easier.
Separate funds can be used for inhalation. The effectiveness of this procedure is many times greater than the effect of conventional oral ingestion.
Folk remedies
In the treatment of dry cough in children, decoctions made from medicinal herbs are often used.
Especially useful:
- mint;
- rosemary;
- coltsfoot;
- eucalyptus;
- oregano;
- St. John's wort
- plantain.
Preparing a healing broth is very simple:
- Put one teaspoon of each herb in a container and pour 1.5 liters of boiling water - for a child under 12 years old. 1/2 teaspoon of all plants pour 700 ml of boiled water - for a child from 12 years.
- Leave to insist for about half an hour.
- Then pour the broth into the teapot, place a funnel in the nose and let the baby breathe through it. If possible, you can use an inhaler.
- The first time the duration of the procedure is 15 minutes, on the following days - 20 minutes.
- After inhalation, the child needs to drink ½ cup of decoction and immediately go to bed.
The whole next day it should be watered with the remaining amount of funds.
This combination of methods of administration several times enhances the therapeutic effect. The composition of homemade herbal medicine has amazing properties, contributing to the normalization of cardiac activity and restoration of sleep.
However, before using it, you should consult a pediatrician, since even herbs can have certain side effects.
Possible complications
A cough that occurs with a cold is associated with damage to the upper respiratory tract. In the absence of timely treatment, the disease can spread to the lower respiratory organs (lungs, bronchi). And this is fraught with many serious diseases.
If a severe cough is caused by a sore throat, then there is a high risk of such serious diseases as scarlet fever, mononucleosis, diphtheria or measles.
In addition, this symptom is sometimes a harbinger of pulmonary echinococcosis, atrophic pharyngitis, and early stages of tuberculosis.
Therefore, do not ignore it and let it drift. A pediatrician will help to deal with the problem by conducting a general examination and referring, if necessary, to a specific specialist for further diagnosis.
Preventive measures
- Most often, coughing is one of the main signs of a cold. Therefore, regular procedures for hardening the baby will become important preventive measures.
- To exclude cough caused by irritation of the respiratory tract with dry air, you should regularly ventilate the nursery or install a humidifier there.
- Daily walks in the fresh air are very useful, during which the lungs are cleaned, hardened and become less susceptible to various diseases.
- It is important to avoid places where tobacco smoke is present, not to mention smoking at home.
- In the period of exacerbation of seasonal diseases (acute respiratory infections, influenza), it is necessary to avoid large crowds.
- Hands should be washed only with soap. Personal hygiene significantly reduces the risk of foci of infection.
- The presence of seasonal vegetables and fruits in the daily menu is mandatory. If necessary, take multivitamin supplements.
- In windy weather, it is important to cover your neck with a high collar or warm scarf to protect your throat and bronchi.
Coughing in children without fever can be a harbinger of many diseases. And sometimes it's just a natural physiological process of cleansing the lungs. But parental suspiciousness makes you sound the alarm and look for danger where it does not exist. In any case, you must consult a doctor for a full examination and exclude all risks.