A very unusual tasty side dish is a rustic potato. A vegetable prepared according to such a recipe always turns out to be spicy with a bright taste. How to cook potatoes in a rustic way in the oven in different ways is described below.
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Oven rustic potatoes - a basic recipe
Ingredients: 8-9 potatoes, 1 teaspoon of salt, sweet paprika, a mixture of ground peppers, oregano, basil, 5 tbsp. tablespoons of refined oil, 2 garlic cloves.
- Potato tubers are washed well and cut directly into the skin with oblong slices. Next, the vegetable is washed again with cold water to remove excess starch. Potato tubers are sprinkled on a towel and slightly dried.
- The oil is mixed with all declared spices, salt and crushed garlic. This aromatic mixture is poured into a bowl with potatoes.
- On a baking sheet covered with parchment, vegetable slices are laid out with the skin down.
- First, the dish is cooked for half an hour at 190 degrees, then the potatoes are turned over and baked for another 10-12 minutes until crusted.
Served baked potatoes in the oven with any spicy sauce.
With garlic and curry
Ingredients: a kilo of potatoes, a pinch of curry, a full teaspoon of dried garlic, 2 tbsp. tablespoons refined vegetable oil, fine salt.
- Vegetables are washed very carefully. It is advisable to do this using a hard brush.
- Directly with the peel, vegetables are cut into 7-8 parts of approximately the same size.
- All spices are poured together. Potato is sprinkled with this mixture and salt. Vegetable oil is poured into the dishes. The ingredients mix well. Potato is left for 15-17 minutes to insist.
- Potato wedges are laid out on a baking sheet covered with baking paper. It is important to leave at least a minimum distance between the workpieces so that they do not stick together during baking.
To cook potatoes tasty and rosy, you need to set the oven temperature to 190 degrees. The dish will be baked in it for 35-45 minutes.
With paprika and herbs
Ingredients: a kilo of fresh potatoes, a small bunch of fresh basil and dill, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of refined oil, with a large pinch of ground paprika and dried oregano, salt.
- Potatoes are washed under running water and rubbed with a stiff brush. This will save vegetables from stubborn dirt. Next, the potato is cut into slices.
- Fragrant dressing for vegetables is very easy to prepare. To do this, mix refined oil with salt and all declared spices. Finely chopped greens are added to the overall mixture.
- Potato wedges in a separate bowl are mixed with the resulting dressing. It is necessary to mix the products very carefully so that the spices evenly disperse in each individual piece.
- Vegetables are laid out on a baking sheet pre-coated with foil.
The dish is cooked for about half an hour in a well-heated oven.
In the sleeve for baking
Ingredients: 1.5 kilos of potatoes, 4-5 cloves of fresh garlic, 90 ml of quality olive oil, 2 teaspoons of sweet paprika and the same amount of any seasoning for potatoes, table salt.
- Vegetables are well washed, peeled. Potato is cut into slices. Each of them is divided into 7-8 lobules.
- All seasonings and salt are immediately placed in a separate bowl. Instead of the salt component, soy sauce can be used. Garlic is squeezed here through a press.
- The last to pour in the marinade is olive oil. All components are whipped with a fork or whisk.
- Potato wedges are immersed in the resulting mass. Products mix well.
- Together with the marinade, the potatoes are transferred to the baking sleeve. It is important not to forget to make holes in it for steam to escape.
Cooking potatoes in the oven in the sleeve will be about 80-90 minutes.
Meat recipe
Ingredients: 1.5 kilos of chicken, 1 teaspoon of mustard, 130 ml of refined oil, 2 teaspoons of ground sweet paprika, a pinch of rosemary, turmeric, coriander, 3 teaspoons of dried garlic, salt. How to cook country style potatoes in the oven with chicken meat is described below.
- First, the bird needs to be pickled in a mixture of 70 ml of oil, half dried garlic, salt, 1 teaspoon of sweet paprika, mustard, rosemary.
- The carcass is washed well, after which the marinade is carefully rubbed into it with your hands. It is necessary to let the bird stand for at least 2.5-3 hours. Ideally, leave it overnight.
- The chicken is laid out on a baking sheet covered with parchment. In the process of baking it will need to be periodically watered with the allocated fat.
- The potato is washed, peeled, cut into large wedges. Pieces of the vegetable should be filled with marinade prepared from the remaining components. Then they are laid out on a baking sheet next to the chicken.
Baked potatoes with chicken in the oven for 80-90 minutes.
Tasty recipe:minced potatoes in the oven
With mustard
Ingredients: a kilo of fresh potatoes, 2 full tablespoons of refined oil and French mustard, 5-6 sprigs of rosemary, table salt.
- The potato tubers must first be washed very well under icy running water. Then they are peeled. This step can be skipped only if young potatoes are taken.
- Prepared vegetable is cut into small slices with a sharp knife. If you do not plan to immediately proceed to its preparation, you need to temporarily pour potatoes with cold water so that it does not darken.
- Refined oil, mustard with whole grains, salt are mixed in a small glass container. You can take any fragrant herbs to your taste.
- The aromatic mixture is added to the pieces of potatoes. The components are mixed very carefully. Then they should be covered and put on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator to marinate for a couple of hours.
- Prepared potatoes are laid out on a baking sheet covered with parchment. Sprigs of rosemary are laid out over the slices of the vegetable in different places.
The meal is prepared in a well-heated oven 45-55 minutes to a delicious golden crust.
How to cook crisp without peel?
Ingredients: 370 g of potatoes, 70 ml of refined oil, a small bunch of fresh thyme, 1 teaspoon of caraway seeds, a pinch of dried garlic, 1 teaspoon of table salt, a mixture of peppers. How to cook potatoes in the oven without a delicious and crispy peel, we understand together.
- The vegetable is washed well and gets rid of the peel with a sharp knife. Next, the potatoes need to be cut into small slices.
- To prepare a dressing, you need to mix refined oil, salt, a mixture of ground peppers and the other seasonings stated in the recipe in a separate bowl. Thyme sprigs are finely chopped with a sharp knife. They are added to the dressing at the end.
- If fresh garlic is taken instead of dried, then first it should be crushed in a mortar.
- Aromatic dressing spills into a bowl of potatoes. The products are mixed very carefully. Spices should be on every potato wedge.
- Pieces are laid out on a baking sheet glazed with foil.
- A dish is prepared for about half an hour at 190-200 degrees. This will allow the vegetable to acquire a crisp.
Deliciously serve such potatoes with sour cream.