All existing multicookers do not have any global differences, since their main goal is cooking. The only possible discrepancy is the name of the regime and the duration of the cooking. These basic criteria determine the power and functional potential of kitchen gadgets. Also, depending on the model, the volumes of the multicooker bowl may vary. Therefore, this factor will affect the portion sizes of the fries that can be prepared. However, in general, the process of frying potatoes in the multicooker brands Polaris and Redmond is similar. However, this conclusion can be made by reading the recipes that we have prepared for you.
Material Content:
Classic potato fries in a slow cooker
To make french fries you will need the following products:
- 6 medium potato tubers
- 800 ml of sunflower oil
- salt
How to cook french fries:
- Peel the potatoes from the skin, cut into whetstones.
- Pour cold water into the pan, add a little salt and put potato straws there for half an hour. So unnecessary starch will go away.
- Put this pot on the fire and cook for 9 minutes. Moreover, the water in which the potatoes lay did not need to be drained. It will need to be poured after cooking. By the way, the bars should remain undercooked.
- On a paper towel, allow the potatoes to cool and dry.
- Pour sunflower oil into the slow cooker and heat it by turning on the “Free” mode.
- Next, gently lower the potatoes and cook until golden brown.
- Soak fries with paper towels.
- Serve with vegetables, herbs or sauce to taste.
Piquant cooking option
To prepare a fragrant and delicious crispy fries in a slow cooker, prepare these components:
- seven potatoes
- 0.7 l of sunflower oil
- salt, ground pepper mixture, paprika
What to do:
- Peel the tubers, cut into bars and dry.
- In another bowl, combine seasoning, salt and oil (two tablespoons will be enough).
- Pour potatoes with oil mixture, stir and remove to the side.
- Meanwhile, on the multicooker, turn on the Baking program and select a time 2/3 hours.
- Pour the rest of the oil and put the potato bars there.
- Cooking with the lid closed - half an hour.
- Stir, cook without closing the lid, another 10 minutes.
French fries in the mode "Multipovar", "Frying", "Baking"
Your slow cooker does not provide a "free" mode? Do not despair, use the "Multipovar" mode.
We will make fries from 200 g of frozen potatoes (semi-finished products), 1500 ml of sunflower oil, spices and salt.
- Fill the slow cooker with oil and put it on the "Multi-cook" mode with a temperature of 160 degrees.
- Be sure to use the deep fat basket. It is necessary to put potatoes in it and lower it into the slow cooker when the oil is warmed up.
- Cook no more than 15 minutes.
- Dry the fries before serving.
- Place a serving on a plate, add salt and spices.
Ingredients for fries in the "Frying" mode:
- kilogram of potatoes
- liter of sunflower oil
- salt seasoning
Here's how to do it:
- Wash and peel the tubers. Put them in cool water to avoid darkening. This is important because the fries will be cooked in parts.
- Pour oil into the multicooker and select the program “Frying”.
- While heating the oil, cut a couple of potatoes into bars (ideally, their thickness is 1 per 1 cm).
- Pour chopped potatoes with water. This will get rid of excess starch.
- The time for heating the oil is up to 15 minutes. How to check if it is warm enough? Take one bar and dip its tip into the oil. Bubbles indicate that you can start cooking.
- Pull the potatoes out of the water, dry on a napkin, and then lower them into the slow cooker for 14-16 minutes.
- After frying, soak the fries with a paper towel to remove excess fat. Salt and pepper.
- Do the same with the rest of the potato.
Components for cooking french fries in the “Baking” mode:
- potatoes - 300 g
- 800 g butter
- salt pepper
Cooking fries:
- Wash and peel the tubers. Cut into bars no thicker than 1 cm.
- Pour with cold water and leave for 12 minutes to leave excess starch.
- Pour oil into the multicooker, select the “Baking” program and half an hour, close the lid and allow the oil to warm up.
- Pour out water, remove excess moisture with paper towels.
- It is better to fry fries in portions, for 11 minutes each part, while stirring so that the potatoes do not stick.
- After frying, again use paper towels, but this time in order to get rid of excess fat.
- Do all this with all parts of the potato.
- Raise the temperature above 160 degrees and again fry portions of potatoes for three minutes. Fries should become a delicious golden color.
- Dry with paper towels.
- Salt before serving.
More materials:french fries - recipe
French fries sauces at home
French fries are loved by many. The taste of this fragrant crispy dish can be embellished with sauce. There are many variations of sauces that perfectly harmonize with fries. For you, we have prepared the three most popular recipes.
- For cooking garlic cream sauce it will take 10 minutes of free time, a glass of sour cream (20% fat), a bunch of dill, two garlic cloves and salt. Finely chop the greens and add to the sour cream. Add salt and garlic, passed through the press there. It is good to stir the mass until a uniform consistency is formed.
- Thanks to the natural and appetizing tomato sauce, fries will seem even tastier. Take 3 medium tomatoes, a stalk of celery, 3 cloves of garlic, two tablespoons of tomato paste, a spoonful of olive oil, pepper and salt. On each tomato you need to make a cross-shaped incision. Pour boiling water over the red vegetables, rinse with cold water and peel, then cut into pieces.Chop the garlic and celery. In a pan-heated oil, fry the tomato slices for five minutes. Add the rest of the ingredients there and fry for another 6 minutes, do not forget to stir.
- Aioli sauce It is very tasty and easy to prepare. You can do it in 15 minutes.
This will require:
- garlic - 4 cloves
- one egg yolk
- olive oil - 1 cup
- lemon juice - ½ teaspoon
- water - 1 tablespoon
- a pinch of salt
How to do:
Grind the garlic and pour olive oil in parts. Top up with yolk and rub the mixture thoroughly. Add salt and citrus juice. Pour cool water and stir for several minutes. The result should be a thick consistency.