Potato pie has long ceased to be an exotic dish for the Russians. This dish is often served in cafes and restaurants. However, not everyone knows that you can easily cook this delicious potato at home. If everything is done correctly, guests and households will certainly appreciate the culinary efforts of the hostess.

What is potato pie

Potato pie is a potato peeled and cut into thin slices, fried in a large amount of vegetable oil.

Some nutritionists consider this dish extremely harmful to the stomach.

However, this is actually not the case. This delicious fried potato becomes harmful only if you fry several servings in the same oil. This is usually done in catering points - bistros, cafes and restaurants, to save oil. But no self-respecting housewife, of course, would do that. But it should be borne in mind that, like all potato dishes, “share” is high in calories, so with diabetes and obesity it is better to forget about this food.

Potato Pie - American Cuisine Recipe

Experts say that one of the most common recipes of American cuisine in the world is the “potato pie” recipe, or just french fries. It is according to this recipe that a dish is prepared in most cafes and bistros. At home, any housewife will also cope with this task.

In order to surprise guests with real American potatoes, you must:

  • Take a pound of potatoes, thoroughly wash the tubers and peel them. Wash peeled tubers once again and finely chop the potatoes.You can use a special grater for cooking carrots in Korean;
  • Put the resulting “shavings” in a plastic bowl, add water and leave for twenty minutes so that all the starch goes into the water;
  • Discard in a colander and dry potato chips on both sides so that the excess water completely evaporates;
  • Fry in boiling oil, stirring constantly, until a pleasant golden brown color. Ready potatoes can be obtained using a slotted spoon. Serve hot.

Pai is good as an independent dish, and as a side dish. It can also be added to various salads. It is better to eat potatoes as early as possible, because when stored in the refrigerator, its taste can be degraded.

Potatoes with a pink skin are not suitable for cooking a delicious dish, since such varieties contain a high concentration of starch. Also, choosing between young and old potatoes, it is better to give preference to the old, for the same reason.

Salad with Potato Straws and Chicken

Potato straws go well with chicken.

Fans of separate meals may object that carbohydrates cannot be combined with proteins, but a salad with potatoes and poultry is an ideal option for a hearty dinner.

Here's how to make it:

  • Mix the finished potatoes with chopped boiled chicken breast;
  • Add pickled onions;
  • Send hard-boiled chopped eggs to the salad bowl;
  • Add mayonnaise, salt and feather to taste;
  • Mix all the ingredients until smooth;
  • Garnish with cilantro or parsley.

Such a salad will turn out to be especially tasty and less high-calorie if you season it not with a store but with homemade mayonnaise.

Korean carrot snack

Chips from fried potatoes go well with Korean carrots. Due to the neutral taste of potatoes, carrots lose their sharpness, so both adults and children will be happy to eat such a dish.

For cooking you need:

  • Cut into slices and fry until golden brown the breast of c or turkey;
  • Put the meat in a salad bowl;
  • Top with mayonnaise;
  • Put a layer of prepared Korean carrots and grease with mayonnaise again;
  • As an additional layer, you can add “Korean” beets and (or) cabbage to carrots), this layer is also smeared with sauce;
  • Fried potatoes fit nicely on top.

If you put a couple of quail eggs in the center of the finished salad, the dish will look like a swallow's nest. This decor option is suitable for any festive feast.

Lenten salad with potato pie

You can cook potato pie for a healthy and tasty lean salad.

In fasting you often feel hungry, so such a hearty meal will be very handy, especially in winter.

For cooking you need:

  • Cut red onion rings or half rings;
  • Cut pickles into small cubes and mix them with onions;
  • Take a little sauerkraut, squeeze it to glass excess water, and add to these ingredients;
  • Mix all the ingredients with chilled potato chips;
  • Season with a mixture of mustard and olive oil.

Mix the salad very carefully to maintain the beautiful shape of the potato. You can season the dish with lean mayonnaise. Anyone who does not like mustard can use only oil, it is advisable to give preference to olive or a mixture of olive and sunflower oils. To add oriental flavor, soy sauce is suitable.

Cooking appetizer with mushrooms.

Potatoes with mushrooms - a classic combination of Russian cuisine. By adding the gifts of the forest, you can give the American dish a Russian national flavor.

For cooking you need:

  • Strain onions and carrots until golden brown;
  • Add shredded champignons or porcini mushrooms, stew in a small amount of water;
  • Dissolve the processed cheese in boiling water, pour the mixture into vegetables, boil for fifteen minutes over low heat;
  • Salt and pepper to taste, boil for another five to seven minutes;
  • Gently sprinkle potato chips on top.

Thanks to cream cheese, this dish tastes something like French julienne, but, unlike julienne, does not contain meat. Therefore, this is a great dinner option for those who do not eat meat products.

Smoked Chicken Breast Salad Recipe

Salad with potato pie is prepared not only with boiled, but also with smoked poultry meat. But it should be borne in mind that smoked meat is much more caloric than boiled, and also contains more fat.

For cooking you need:

  • Chop smoked breast and pickled cucumbers with thin strips;
  • Cut the onion in half rings, pour over boiling water and put in a colander, then it will not be bitter;
  • Put the bird and onion in a deep bowl, coat with mayonnaise. Mayonnaise is best applied in the form of a net so that the salad does not turn out too fat;
  • The next layer should be placed on a mayonnaise grid pickled cucumbers, this layer is also smeared with sauce;
  • Potatoes are carefully laid out on top and sprinkled with finely chopped cilantro (parsley, basil). It is better not to use dill, it does not go well with meat and poultry.

To make the dish more appetizing and slightly crispy, you can add crackers to it. They are placed in the salad strictly before serving the finished dish on the table. If you put them right away, they will get wet and lose their crunchy properties.

Cook delicious and crispy potatoes at home. A properly cooked dish will certainly help out the hostess in those cases when there is no time to cook gourmet dishes, and guests are already on the doorstep.