Growing potatoes is a time consuming and responsible process. It is especially difficult for those who decide on such an experience for the first time. Potato "Aurora", as if specially created for such gardeners - unpretentious to weather conditions, high-yielding, with excellent taste.
Material Content:
Characterization and description of the variety
- Description of the variety is best started with the appearance of the bushes. They are tall and powerful. Thanks to this, they are better illuminated, but fall apart. Because of this feature, they need multiple hilling.
- The leaves are large, light green in color, with slightly wavy edges.
- Flowering does not last long, the flowers themselves are large, red-violet in color.
- The Aurora potato variety is mid-season; the ripening period is 75 - 90 days from the moment of planting. Productivity - 250 - 300 centners per hectare.
From one hole you can get 9 to 20 medium-sized potatoes.
The tubers are oblong, weighing 90 - 150 g. Sometimes they can grow up to 300 - 500 g. The flesh is cream-colored, the skin is light brown, thin smooth with light red spots at the locations of the eyes.
The starch content is high - 14 - 17%.
There are few eyes, located shallow, which is convenient when cleaning.
Tasting qualities are wonderful, which many people like, therefore the Aurora variety is used for repeated plantings.
Advantages and disadvantages of potatoes
The main drawback is mid-season and tall.
But there are a lot of advantages:
- wonderful taste, boiled potatoes are crumbly and fragrant;
- resistance to various diseases;
- nice appearance;
- good preservation;
- high yields.
All these advantages make the variety beloved and in demand for many years.
Outdoor landing
For high yields, the right agricultural technology and quality seeds are very important.
- Choose a sunny area, without a shadow.
- Material for planting is carefully inspected. Smooth, undamaged root crops are selected, the size of a chicken egg or slightly larger, with strong sprouts of 1 - 2 cm.
- They are laid out in boxes and left in a bright place for further germination and vernalization. In the light, the tubers turn green. This will protect them from the development of pathogenic microflora that can harm them.
- The plot is prepared in the fall. Semi-overripe organic matter (4–5 buckets per 10 square meters) and superphosphate (a glass in the same area) are scattered over the top soil layer and digged.
If the weather did not allow fertilizing and digging the site, add to the holes during planting a handful of organics and a pinch of superphosphate or nitroammophos.
Fresh manure should not be used in spring. Excess nitrogen will degrade the quality of root crops.
Before planting, seed potatoes are treated with insectofungicidal agents: Matador, Maxim, Prestige. Drugs protect against pests.
Planted on a bed at an air temperature of at least + 10 ° C. The distance between the bushes is 60 - 80 cm. The potatoes are carefully laid out, trying not to break off the sprouts. They fill the soil with 10-12 cm.
Depth of holes varies by region. In the southern regions with loose earth, seeds are planted to a depth of 15 cm. In the northern regions, where the soil is denser, 8-10 cm.
Cultivation and care
Crop care includes:
- hilling;
- top dressing;
- watering.
Hilling is carried out several times. The first - as soon as the shoots appear. In dry weather, immediately watered. The second - when the tops grow to 15 - 20 cm. Nitrogen fertilizers are applied immediately, scattering them between the rows. Water again.
Watering begins after the first spud. Before planting blooms, watering is carried out weekly, 2-3 liters per bush. At the time when budding occurs, tubers are laid, the volume of water is increased from 3 to 5 liters. A sufficient amount of moisture contributes to an increase in productivity by 1/3.
Top dressing is carried out three times per season:
- after germination;
- when buds form;
- when flowering.
Use both mineral (nitroammofosk, nitrate, urea), and organic top dressing. Fermented bird droppings are considered the best organics.
Nitrogen fertilizers are used only 1 time before the appearance of buds in a small amount (1 tsp per bush). After their formation, they switch to potash top dressing. Excess nitrogen leads to the growth of stems, not tubers.
Variety-typical diseases and pests
Aurora is resistant to some potato diseases and harmful insects: late blight, cancer, and golden nematode.
Nevertheless, it is quite real susceptible to diseases such as:
- necrosis;
- mosaic;
- peronosporosis;
- alternariosis;
- scab;
- blackleg;
- brown rot.
From rot and scab, tubers are treated with 1 ml per 10 l of water before planting with Fundazol.
Fighting with alternariosis and peronosporosis with the help of "Ridomil" or "Gold" 50 g per 10 liters of water. Spray plants 3 times. The first - until the rows are closed, the second and third - with a break of 2 weeks.
The biggest damage inflicted: bear, Colorado beetles, wireworm. To combat them, it is recommended to use the latest tools, because they very quickly get used to the previously used drugs and do not die.
Growing potatoes requires a lot of effort and time. If you follow the recommendations, you can grow a wonderful crop of delicious tubers in your garden. Good luck