Pocket dog has been quite popular lately. These cute pets don't need a lot of space. They feel good in an ordinary apartment. And the process of education will be easier than large breeds.

Breeds called pocket dogs

Decorative breeds of dogs are preferred by both young girls and mature men. Such animals are very popular.

The following species are usually referred to the presented group:

  • pug dog;
  • levhen;
  • Charles Spaniel
  • Chihuahua
  • Japanese dwarf spitz;
  • Pomeranian Spitz;
  • Russian toy terrier.

Earlier, decorative dogs were purchased to decorate the interior of the house, they judged the status of the owner.

Description of miniature pets

All small dogs are small in size; some of them fit freely in the owner’s pocket. Nevertheless, each breed is distinguished by an individuality of both growth and character.

The homeland of pugs is China. The breed has a short shiny smooth coat. Dogs are attracted by their low activity. Young puppies are quite cheerful and playful. They are famous for their good disposition, delight the owner with their affectionate character. If you do not see an older friend for a long time, then you are very bored and sad. However, choosing a pug, one should take into account his stubbornness and jealousy. This is an extremely smart and fast-trained breed. An adult animal reaches 30 cm at the withers, can weigh about 10 kg, which is sometimes explained by a very large appetite.

Pomeranian, originally from a small region of Pomerania, looks like a little teddy bear.Affectionate and affectionate animals are very playful, devoted, intelligent, thanks to which they won the love of kids and adults. Dogs have a rather thick coat. It is not recommended to cut this breed, as the hair structure changes from this procedure. At the same time, a magnificent “fur coat” will melt like cotton wool, which will complicate the care and ruin the appearance of the animal. The color of the Pomeranian spitz is fox, bear, sable type, growth reaches 23 cm, weight - up to 2 kg.

The smallest representatives of pocket dogs include the Chihuahua, whose ancestors were originally from Mexico. An adult pet reaches 15 cm at the withers, weighs from 500 g to 3 kg. This cheerful and active animal, devoid of any aggression, is distinguished by observation, an overestimated self-esteem. Sometimes a dog looks down at the owner. Despite high intellect, the baby learns with difficulty because of his stubbornness and determination.

Japanese dwarf spitz animal cheerful, affectionate to the owner, is distinguished by distrustfulness to strangers. Sometimes it can show signs of aggression. Afraid of loneliness. He has high intelligence, against which the representative of this breed is easily trained. An adult pet weighs about 5 kg. But they are also met by real "giants", whose weight reaches 10 kg. Spitz is 39 cm tall.

Russian toy terrier is known since the 19th century. At that time it was the most fashionable dog. Very nice pet with a calm character, devotion to the owner, nimbleness, adequacy. It gets along well with all family members. Thanks to the perfect body structure, the toy terrier moves, jumps, hears at a great distance. The specific muscles do not allow to build up fat. In adulthood, it weighs about 2-3 kg, height at the withers - up to 20 cm.

In Belgium, a small lion dog is quite common - levhen. An adult animal reaches 30 cm at the withers, weighs about 8 kg. Such a pet has a wavy thick and long coat, has a lion silhouette. Today it is the rarest pocket doggie listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Levchen is distinguished by its cheerful character, energy, affectionate disposition. He is a great watchman.

Charles Spaniel is from the UK. The height of an adult pet is up to 30 cm, weight - about 8 kg. His coat is wavy, shiny, silky. The dog is distinguished by elegance, a cheerful, affectionate and complaisant character, therefore it coexists quietly both in large families and in private with the owner.

Purpose and characteristics

Pocket dog breeds have a small stature - not higher than 30 cm at the withers. In some species, body weight is only 2 kg, while in others it is up to 10 kg. Despite the fact that these animals are very common, the name "pocket dogs" does not officially exist. This is a marketing technique for attracting customers. This is the name of the dog, the size of which does not exceed the same indicator of a cat. Officially small dogs are considered small breeds up to 30 cm tall and weighing up to 10 kg.

Interesting! The Pekingese belongs to the most ancient breed of decorative dogs. The emperors of ancient China wore it up their sleeves. With a threat to the owner, the brave "guard" jumped out of his shelter and attacked the offender.

Dwarf breeds were bred by humans as a counter to large dog species. The smallest puppies were specially selected from the litter and crossed with similar species. The best representatives became good watchmen. They barked to warn the owners of the alleged danger. Sometimes, from their sonorous, deafening bark, attackers rushed to haste.

To date, such pets do not have a security purpose. They are perceived as a decorative animal, which takes part in various exhibitions with pleasure. Indoor and decorative dogs are good friends, they also feel great in difficult communal conditions.

Life span

A single figure does not exist for all breeds or representatives of the same species.This indicator depends on the conditions of detention, the health of the pet, and the genetic predisposition.

Photo: Richard Foreman Jr., SMPSP
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Life expectancy of some dog breeds:

  • Chihuahuas usually live 15-17 years old. But there are also “long-livers” who delight their master for over 20 years;
  • Pugs live up to 15 years;
  • small lion dog - up to 12 years old;
  • Spaniels - from 10 to 12 years old;
  • Japanese Spitz - up to 12 years old;
  • Pomeranian can live up to 20 years;
  • Russian toy terrier - up to 15 years.

Of course, taking good care of your pet can increase your pet's lifespan. It is noticed that after 3 years of life, dwarf breeds need regular examinations by a veterinarian.

Features of keeping and feeding

A pocket dog is not an eternal puppy. Regardless of the specificity of the breed, it is a full-grown animal that requires feeding in accordance with the age limit. Small species need a protein-rich diet.

Important! Pocket dogs are forbidden to give sweets, from which they often spoil and lose their teeth.

Nutrition should consist of cereals, vegetables, meat (especially lean beef), soups. If you decide to please your pet with your favorite bone, then it should be not chicken, during the break it did not crumble into small fragments, which is especially important.

Cheese should choose low fat. It is advisable to add crushed minerals and vitamins to the soup or porridge. In this case, it is necessary to exclude overfeeding the dog, otherwise obesity with all the corresponding consequences may develop.

Dry food should only be selected after consultation with a veterinarian. He will recommend the most suitable diet, taking into account the general condition of the dog, the degree of activity, weight, height, physiological data.

Features of the maintenance and care of small breeds is no different from the creation of similar requirements for large dogs living in apartment conditions. Doggie should have a place to rest. He needs a bath, a clipping of claws, vaccinations according to plan, regular examinations by a veterinarian. When it’s cold outside, the animal needs clothes according to the weather. And of course, communication with the owner, as well as his brothers.

Advantages and disadvantages of breeds

The disadvantages of pocket dog breeds include susceptibility to disease. If the "baby" jumps off the couch, then against the background of increased fragility of the bones, a fracture of the limb may occur, which can also form during a sloppy game with a dog. Carry it in your pocket with caution: catching on it, the pet is able to dislocate the foot.

As a result of the small size of the jaw, not all teeth can grow in representatives of miniature breeds, which has a negative effect on the digestive system. The most common problems include low energy consumption to maintain normal body temperature. Animals do not consume very many calories, and, despite an excellent diet, they always go hungry.

Pocket dogs cannot independently maintain body temperature. They often suffer from low blood glucose. Sometimes ordinary diarrhea can lead to death if you do not get to the vet in a timely manner.

Dogs of small breeds are usually less likely to walk outside. They often suffer from a violation of socialization, become aggressive, nervous, shy, and therefore the puppy should be often taken outside, introduced to other doggies, children.

The small living area of ​​urban apartments is a serious obstacle to keeping large animals in them. An excellent solution to the problem is a pocket dog. She perfectly goes to the tray, quickly "establishes" friendship with all members of the family. Representatives of this breed are very smart, they have developed intelligence. Despite the tiny growth, miniature doggie are bold, if necessary, perfectly replace the "alarm".

Pocket Dogs and Kids

Usually, the presented species of animals gets along well with the younger members of the family. But it is important to remember what dogs are - this is not a living toy. Dwarf pets quickly become attached to children, they are very active, nimble, which will be ideal for families with babies. The doggie will become not only a real friend to the child, but also his protector, who with his sonorous and formidable bark will always warn of danger. It is with children that dwarf breeds fully develop protective qualities.

Pocket dog breeds, very convenient to maintain, have recently been simply wildly popular. However, it is important to understand that despite their small stature, they need constant care. Therefore, before taking such a pet, it is necessary that each member of the family not only expresses his consent, but also realizes all the responsibility for the future pet.