Since ancient times, through breeding work, dog breeders have managed to breed many dog ​​breeds. Today, a person can choose any four-legged pet, starting from dwarf pocket friends and ending with truly huge gigantic dogs. What is a Karelian bear dog, what features are typical for representatives of this breed?

Origin history

The ancestors of Karelian dogs are considered northern huskies imported from the vastness of Finland. In addition, these animals are considered a type of Spitz and are, in fact, distant relatives of representatives of this breed. That is why bear dogs, ordinary huskies and Spitz have so many similarities.

The first nursery of the breed appeared in 1934. Over the years, these remarkable creations were recognized by world breeders who were ready to create a standard for the breed. But war intervened in the course of history, discarding the official recognition of these dogs for another 10 years.

In the war years, the number of bear dogs has greatly decreased. After the war, there were only 40 individuals. Further breeding work allowed for several years to again make a bear husky common dog. Finally, the long-awaited recognition came to the Karelians - the standard was first recognized in 1946.

Gradually, the breed won the sympathy of people in many countries.Nurseries were actively created in Germany and Sweden, becoming popular also in Switzerland, England, Russia and other countries.

Description and characteristics of the breed

The Karelian bear dog is a bold and stubborn creature. Self-sufficient and smart, they prefer to make decisions on their own.

The character of the dog is balanced - at least as far as people are concerned. Their loyalty and loyalty to family members coexist with coldness and distrust of strangers. Like other animals, husky can be aggressive, since the dog was originally created for a solitary hunt in which she does not need companions.

Bear dogs are in dire need of physical activity and prolonged socialization. For this reason, the owner of these animals should raise his pet with all the balance and some hardness (but not rudeness!).

This variety of huskies is distinguished by its excellent memory, which is in the hands of the owner during training.

Active and emotional, these likes will never let the owner get bored. At the same time, despite the friendliness shown to family members, these animals should not be perceived as cute, furry companions. The Karelian bear dog is a serious beast, whose habits and disposition should be reckoned with.

Karelian bear husky life expectancy

On average, Karelian bear dogs live 11-13 years. Subject to the rules for caring for the animal, it will live a happy and long life near the owner.

The immunity of these dogs is quite strong, but nevertheless, Karelians are susceptible to a number of diseases, among which are:

  1. Pathology pocket Ratke. An inherited disease characterized by a decrease in the functionality of the pituitary gland, which results in a decrease in the production of the required amount of hormones. In puppies, the disease is monitored by the age of six months.
  2. Obesity. It is the result of a lack of balanced nutrition or improper maintenance of dogs. Overweight is often the result of the absence of long and frequent walks.
  3. Rabies. Severe viral disease, often provoking a fatal outcome. It is possible to prevent infection of a pet with an incurable virus by timely vaccination.
  4. Enteritis. Not only viruses can provoke the appearance of this disease, but also the lack of proper nutrition, as well as the purchase of economy-class feeds. It is also possible to protect the pet from such a pathology by timely vaccination.
  5. Chumka. May be intestinal, nervous, pulmonary. As in the cases described above, the risk of disease can be reduced by vaccination.

Treatment of plague and other diseases should be carried out in a veterinary clinic by a qualified specialist.

Dog's purpose

The Karelian bear was originally bred exclusively for hunting: breeders expected to get a dog that could fearlessly rush into battle with the largest beast, from which other dogs would run away. The result met expectations: the Karelian husky equally successfully hunts both a small hare and a big bear. A distinctive feature of the breed is its extremely aggressive attitude to production. The dog will not release the sacrifice until the arrival of its owner, even if for this it is necessary to sacrifice his own life.

To date, the relevance of the carriage as a representative of the hunting breed of dogs has not been lost. However, many people choose her as a pet, not intending to persecute in tandem with this animal.

Breed standard and puppy selection

The average weight of a bear husky varies from 17-28 kg. The height of males at the withers reaches 60 cm, females, as a rule, are 5 cm lower.

The husk body is strong and muscular, has a well-developed skeleton. The chest is wide, the stomach is hollow, the back is flexible and even.

Strong limbs end with fingers tightly adjacent to each other. The movements of the animal are free and fast. High upturned tail folded into a ringlet and is located above the back.

By the way! The breed standard allows the birth of bobtail puppies. The percentage of appearance of such babies is approximately 10-15 per litter. This feature is not considered marriage.

The muzzle is shaped like a blunt cone. The skull is rather convex, gradually turning to the muzzle. The wide nose is dark in color. Eyes are small, brown, triangular ears are erect. Dogs have strong jaws with the right bite.

The coat covers the body of a bear dog in two layers. The inner soft undercoat is covered with hard, smooth main hairs on top. The cover on the neck and tail is somewhat longer.

Karelian bear huskies are characterized by a black color. The breed standard allows the presence of white spots on the body and chest. Less common is white color interspersed with black or wolf color.

When choosing a puppy of a Karelian bear dog, you should initially determine the requirements for a potential pet and familiarize yourself with the general description of the breed. The owner must clearly understand whether he chooses a dog for hunting or as a home companion.

If the husky subsequently performs hunting functions, you should ask the parents of the puppies, their working qualities and specialization. It is also necessary to carefully check the pedigree and ask about the availability of all certificates and vaccinations, examine the appearance of the animals, paying attention to physical form. It’s best to choose a moving, playful, curious puppy. The baby's coat, like his eyes, should be clean, his stomach should not be swollen. The general condition of the puppy should talk about health and cheerfulness.

Note! It is quite difficult to get a Karelian bear dog in the vastness of Russia, since there are few official kennels in the country. Most often, potential owners buy a dog “by hand”, paying 700 or more dollars for it.

Maintenance, care and feeding

Karelian bear dogs are not very whimsical to care for. With load balancing and proper nutrition, the dog will always look good.

When caring for a pet, attention should be paid to the following points:

  1. Hair care. The condition of the dog's fur coat is a primary indicator of health. The coat of huskies is practically not confused, and you can comb the animal with a brush or comb with metal teeth. During molting, the dog loses a small amount of hair. Nevertheless, at this time, the number of combing should be increased. A husky should not be bathed too often: its coat does not have a strong specific smell. In the presence of dirt, wipe the dog with a damp cloth.
  2. Elimination of parasites, thorns. A walker like a dog can often catch a thorn, flea or tick. After the promenade, the dog should be carefully inspected, removing debris between the fingers and possible spines. Seasonally, the pet needs to be treated for parasites.
  3. Timely vaccination. Vaccinations should be given annually. Even healthy animals should be shown to the veterinarian periodically.
  4. Frequent and long walks. Should be everyday - in the absence of the opportunity to frolic in plenty in the air, these dogs can get sick and even die. Walk the pet in crowded places should be on a leash and in a muzzle.

A Korean dog is not well suited for keeping a house; they need a large space. It is best to settle these animals in an aviary, they will be quite comfortable in the air. A dog locked in an apartment can get bored and start cheating - spoil things, indulge, etc.

Karelian husky eats a little, does not differ in exactingness and exactingness. It is permissible to feed your pet with natural food or prepared feeds.Half of the ration of the animal should be meat - beef and chicken, sometimes fish. In addition, dogs should be given fiber contained in vegetables, bran and cereals.

Attention! Products from the host table - a real poison for animals. Potatoes, chicken bones, pork, liquid foods, including soups, raisins, chocolate, grapes, are banned.

Karelian husky puppies eat similarly to adult dogs, with the only difference being that kids need to add vitamin complexes or calcium to their food. The amount of meat consumed should increase as the individual grows older. Adult animals feed twice a day, puppies three to four times.

Training and educating huskies

Training is an indispensable part of the education of the carriage. The owner must control the tendency of the dog to aggression. This animal needs a master-leader, whose commands it will fulfill unquestioningly.

It is for this reason that the last word in the tandem of the owner-dog should remain with the owner. He must be strict and domineering, but at the same time as fair as possible: do not punish from scratch, do not shout, and even less use physical force. You need to train a husky already from puppyhood, and you should not develop anger in a dog - the animal is already prone to it from birth.

With competent training, the Karelian bear dog will become an excellent loyal companion with wonderful hunting skills. However, even after socialization and training, animals are often suspicious of strangers, and when they see cats or birds on the street, they will certainly begin to hunt them.

Teaching puppies should be done gradually, building up their skills. The dog should not be given a long break in classes: a relaxed animal may simply not find good reasons to return to training. Passed material should be constantly repeated. In this case, the owner needs to act on the pet with motivation and word, but never with physical force.

Pros and cons of the breed

Of the advantages of the breed Karelian bear husky can be identified:

  • attractive appearance;
  • lack of a "dog" smell;
  • loyalty, devotion to the owner;
  • excellent hunting skills.

However, animals of this breed are unlikely to suit absolutely every family. Due to the complexity of their character, these dogs should not be acquired by newcomers. It is also worth carefully weighing the desire to get a bear husky in a house where one or more pets already live.

The magnificent Karelian bear dogs are an example of a fast, smart, sensitive and loyal pet. Due to its perseverance and fearlessness, this animal knows no equal in matters of persecution of small and large animals. The owner of the husky must be firm in relation to his pet, skillfully combining rigor and justice in the process of training.