The latest trends dictate to us more and more new forms of women's haircuts, reviving them both from the distant past and introducing modern trends. Extension lenght is a fashionable option today, but Queen Cleopatra can be called its discoverer. Now girls have much more variations of this hairstyle, which makes it possible to choose a certain kind of square for their type of appearance.

Who is elongated caret

We can say that an elongated square is suitable for almost everyone, the main thing is to choose individual features: what needs to be hidden and what should be emphasized. If we talk about the owners of a round face, then for them this haircut is a real salvation. She visually lengthens the face, hide chubby cheeks. But bangs in this case are contraindicated - with her the girl will focus just on her own shortcomings.

This position suggests the idea that a square for lengthening does not fit slender ladies, but this is not so. They just need to make an even bang. A face cut on three sides by hair will become rounder. Volumetric styling will complement the image and emphasize harmony. To distract attention from angularity, it is worth periodically making curls.


Girls may well combine square with any style of clothing, creating a variety of interesting images. But it is important that the outfit and hairstyle convey the same direction. The most successful combinations are:

  • evening style - curls;
  • business style - a bunch;
  • casual style - casual chaotic styling or even hair.

Styling is selected for a specific case and mood, so you can experiment and deviate from the standards.

Classic with lengthening

Female haircuts with lengthening - an opportunity to cheat and look slimmer without diets. Without exception, everyone will notice such an instant transformation. The longer the hair, the more noticeable the effect of "weight loss".

On medium hair

Hair length is defined as average when the strands fall from the shoulder but do not reach the shoulder blades. Girls who want to change their image, but want to keep their length, can pay attention to the classic square with lengthening. It allows you to leave the hair near the face almost untouched, and the back strands align in one oval line. This hairstyle allows you to adjust the face, make the girl more refined. This hairdressing technique was used by Paris Hilton, Jessica Alba and Victoria Beckham.


Do not underestimate the benefits of care for medium-length hair. A relatively short crown is easy to stack, comb, give volume. You can cope with it without problems even on your own, without the cost of a hairdresser. To be interesting constantly, it is worth changing the color of the hair. In good harmony with the caret for elongation, such painting methods come as:

  • Ombre
  • shatush;
  • hut;
  • classic highlighting;
  • babyites.

To make the face appear thinner, you should pay attention to dark colors. Light brown shades and blond hair will look softer, but they will not express the effect so well.

For long hair

A square for long hair is rare, but it clearly distinguishes its owner from the crowd. A bold transition attracts the eyes and characterizes the girl as a decisive and self-confident person, because not everyone will allow herself to cut off the lion's share of chic hair.


The decisive factor in choosing such a hairstyle may be the missing volume of hair below the shoulder blades. Over time, even the most well-groomed thick locks lose their worthy appearance, and here such haircuts come to the rescue, like a classic square for lengthening. On the one hand, the hair follicles at the root have now taken shape, on the other hand, as before, you can weave braids and make a high tail.


In the world of show business, one of the first such a hairstyle was demonstrated by Jennifer Aniston. So, the actress a little agitated the public, and further fueled interest in her person. Among domestic stars, preference for such a haircut was given by Olga Buzova, Julia Vysotskaya and Laima Vaikule.



Asymmetric square is already in itself a bright and noticeable option, which entered the world of fashion with a light hand Vidal Sassuna. Perhaps such a non-standard solution occurred to the master when one of the clients changed her mind after the first wave of scissors. The only way out of the situation was to make one side longer than the other. But throwing the jokes aside, the asymmetry of the haircut can be interpreted as an attempt to modify the classic version of the hairstyle.


In addition to a significant correction of the shape of the face with the help of the game of strands, some of the neck and shoulder imperfections can be masked:

  • scars
  • unaesthetic birthmarks;
  • congenital and acquired defects.

In winter, of course, all these troubles easily hide under a sweater, but what to do in the summer? There are cases when, with the help of a playful asymmetric square, flaws of the neck, collarbones and shoulders were successfully hidden.


A feature of such a haircut is that it only suits skinny faces. If a girl with tidy cheeks decides to cut her hair like that, then she risks becoming like a hamster that hid a nut behind one cheek.

Graded Option


A graded haircut is another variation of the classic version of this hairstyle. It has a significant difference, which does not always allow us to interpret the square itself as such. After aligning the hairline, the hairdresser mills the ends well, which “lubricates” a clear contour.It is generally accepted that such a haircut is a cross between a square with a cascade or "ladder". His professionals perform in many ways:

  • hot scissors;
  • thinning scissors (horizontal and vertical thinning of the tips);
  • method of thinning with “cloves”.

Such a hairstyle looks more natural than a standard modification, but still remains a field for experimentation. She emphasizes facial features not so pronounced, which can play both to the benefit and to the detriment. For those who want to narrow their cheekbones or hide their ears, this option is not suitable, but for those who would like to look defiant, such a haircut is what you need.


Graduated caret expresses a creative nature and supple character. Usually easy-to-communicate people choose blurry contours, and principled and bold - clear and sharp forms. With this kind of haircut, Gwen Stefani, Ksenia Borodina, Madonna were noticed.


The elongated bob-car is inspired by elegant French women who have been the standard of femininity for all ages. One of the secrets of their charm is recognized as an even short haircut, exposing a beautiful neck. In addition, the tips rounded inward make the face rounder, helping to visually soften the angularities. Girls who complex due to overly prominent cheekbones or humps on their nose should definitely try themselves in the role of the beauty Alize.


A bolder boyish look can be created with a square cut on the leg. The front view is no different from the previous version, but part of the hair is shortened behind the neck. Sometimes this occipital part is even shaved naked, showing creativity, or even a rebellious spirit. Such a hairstyle in a business woman speaks of her determination, firmness and willingness to compete even with men. This haircut is completely incompatible with the oriental style of clothing. And also do not order it to a hairdresser if your shortcomings are wide shoulders, a thick neck or a hunched back.

With a bang

Rack with bangs - a universal haircut. She will perfectly fit into the rhythm of business everyday life, will be convenient for playing sports and will reveal the seductive potential of a girl at an evening reception. Preferring this hairstyle, its owner guarantees a decent appearance with minimal time and money.


For those with brown, black and dark brown hair, such a caret will emphasize the depth of the eyes, make them more expressive and deep. Fair-haired ladies should be prepared for the fact that with such a haircut, others will incorrectly assess their age. Blondes themselves look young, and cute bangs and wrapped inside tips will make the image even more cute.


Although a bob with bangs goes to most girls, but most often such a modification is recommended to owners of a triangular and elongated face with a high forehead. A clear horizontal line distracts from imperfections and makes the face small. This trick was used by the actress and singer Zendaya, Rihanna, Emma Stone and Taylor Swift.

Hairstyles and hairstyles for a stylish haircut

Laying on a square is easy. This haircut is suitable for those who have little time to care for long hair. After washing your hair, it is enough to dry your hair with a hairdryer, while curling it with a round comb. But you should pay attention to the fact that you need to adjust the haircut itself at the hairdresser often, about once every 3 weeks, since the regrowing hair loses its shape and spectacular appearance.


Elongated caret is no reason to abandon all kinds of hairstyles, focusing only on the simplest styling. If you have free time, you can try this option: divide the hair in the center of the head, take three small strands from the parting and braid the mini-braid. We put on a thin elastic band at its end - it is better if it is the same shade as the hair, or transparent. We wrap the weave by the eye and fix it with an invisible or hairpin.It will also initially capture most of the hair and, gradually getting strands, and braid a circular braid.


Another win-win option, the classics of the genre - curls. At any time of the year, curls look smart. The convenience of such a hairstyle is that it can be made independently with a curling iron or with the help of papillots.

It is not in vain that elongation rack has gained such enormous popularity in recent years. In the rhythm of modern life, this option is real salvation. Each woman can choose for herself one or another modification of this hairstyle for her type, so do not be afraid to experiment and change!