In ancient times, cardamom was given the name - grain of paradise. If you are a lover of spices, then you should get acquainted with the spice closer. But first, find out what cardamom has useful properties and contraindications.

Composition and calorie content of cardamom

This spice has been popular since ancient times. They make it from a herbaceous plant, which belongs to the Ginger family. It has a thick trunk that reaches a height of four meters. Two stems extend from the root. One is leafy and the other is floral. The fruits of the plant are pods having three chambers that store seeds. This is the spice - cardamom, which contains many useful substances.

100 grams of spice contains 10.8 g of protein, 40.5 g of carbohydrates, 6.7 g of fat, 8.28 g of water, 28.7 g of dietary fiber and 5.78 g of ash. Calorie content 311 kcal.

The composition of 100 g of the product includes:

vitamins (B1 - 0.198 mg, B2 - 0.182 mg, B6 - 0.23 mg, ascorbic acid - 21 mg, PP, NE - 1.102 mg);

  • magnesium (229 mg);
  • calcium (383 mg);
  • phosphorus (178 mg);
  • sodium (18 mg);
  • iron (13.97 mg);
  • potassium (1119 mg);
  • zinc (7.47 mg);
  • manganese (28 mg);
  • copper (383 mg).

The most significant component in the composition is essential oil.

What taste does spice have?

This gourmet Indian spice has a pleasant sweet flavor. Cardamom is diverse, it simultaneously has a sharp and mild taste, it is not only burning, but also tender. Thanks to the notes of camphor and eucalyptus, it has not only a piquant, but also a refreshing taste.

Cardamom: useful and healing properties

Having a high nutritional value, spice is very useful for the body.

She helps:

  • improve mood;
  • relieve fatigue;
  • fight insomnia;
  • freshen your breath;
  • treat asthma and bronchitis;
  • stimulate the digestive system;
  • reduce the risk of cancer of the rectum;
  • arouse appetite;
  • cure colds;
  • normalize the work of the heart;
  • improve eyesight;
  • treat obesity.

What is useful for women

Cardamom, thanks to the exciting effect, begins to act as an aphrodisiac, while enhancing the libido in women. Spice helps defeat infertility.

Having prepared a decoction of seeds with the addition of sea salt, you can take baths for weight loss. Combining the procedures with proper nutrition and moderate physical activity can achieve good results.

Benefit for men

Men's health depends on many factors and lifestyle. To preserve it, prophylaxis is necessary. Therefore, doctors recommend the use of cardamom to enhance health and strengthen the reproductive system.

Beneficial features:

  1. Spice has an immunomodulatory and sedative effect on the male body, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. With a fat burning effect, it contributes to a sharp decrease in weight.
  3. Inhaling the aroma of cardamom can cope with the initial stage of hypertension. Carrying out the procedure as a preventive measure, significantly reduces the risk of hypertensive crisis.
  4. If there is a violation of erectile function, poor sperm counts, the prostate gland is inflamed, or sexual desire has become weak, decoctions and infusions from cardamom will help.
  5. With the use of crushed fruits, the benefits of cardamom in the treatment of prostate disease are noticeable. Thanks to anti-inflammatory actions, spice helps get rid of prostatitis.
  6. Decoctions accelerate metabolic processes in the small pelvis, helping to defeat the prostate adenoma.

How to use cardamom for weight loss

If you are a lover of a strong coffee drink in the morning, then, on the recommendation of nutritionists, pour cardamom grains into coffee. Thanks to the spice, the taste improves and the harmful effect of caffeine on the body decreases.

If you want to speed up the process of losing weight, then in addition to cardamom, add cinnamon to the morning drink. This will improve digestion and reduce glucose levels, improve metabolism. This will reduce excess weight. To make a drink, add a quarter teaspoon of cardamom to coffee. If you are not a fan of coffee drinks, then the same amount of spice can be added to milk or any favorite tea.

A tandem of red pepper with cardamom and cinnamon effectively helps to combat excess pounds. In small quantities, add spices to any dishes, avoid harmful and fatty foods.

An effective remedy is spice tea. To do this, pour a cup of boiling water in a small spoonful of grains and insist. Drink the resulting infusion before meals (for half an hour). Consume four times a day. Lose weight using this method can be no longer than two weeks. In this case, observe the correct diet. Alcohol, coffee and smoking at this time must be completely eliminated.

A more familiar option, with which extra pounds go well, is green tea. For cooking, you need a large spoon of tea and half a teaspoon of cardamom. Products should be poured into a thermos, add water and insist night. Dilute with boiling water during the day and drink like a regular tea drink. Be sure to consume at least three mugs per day.

Spice cannot be combined with vegetable oil. Attempts to lose weight will come to naught, the reaction will go back and the kilograms will increase. To get the effect of losing weight as quickly as possible, give up sweets and fatty foods.

Coffee, tea with cardamom: benefits and harms

Tea with spices helps remove toxins from the body, cure cystitis and nephritis. Serves as an excellent prevention of intestinal diseases.On the walls of the intestine, harmful microorganisms are destroyed, and the correct functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is restored. Drinking tea can help with constipation and flatulence. When cold, the drink will alleviate the condition of nausea and cope with fatigue.

Coffee with cardamom helps remove mucus from the body with cough, asthma, bronchitis and colds. Stimulates brain function and reduces depressive state with nervous tension. The drink normalizes digestive function and eliminates colic. Anesthetizes toothache, cleanses the pathogenic flora of the oral cavity. Coffee with spice reduces pressure and removes calcium from the kidneys, which forms stones.

A healthy drink has some contraindications.

  • It is impossible to use at individual intolerance. Some people get nausea with just one smell. Allergies may appear.
  • When used, the body accelerates metabolic processes, as well as increased blood flow. Therefore, pressure rises and an attack is possible.
  • The spice contains a high concentration of essential oils, so it is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.
  • It is not recommended for use in peptic ulcers, liver and gall bladder diseases, and pancreatitis.

Follow the measure! On a mug of tea or coffee, you can add only ¼ teaspoon of ground cardamom seeds and drink no more than four mugs per day.


It is not recommended to use in any form:

  • pregnant
  • allergy sufferers;
  • with diseases of peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach.