For lovers of this popular vegetable, this way of losing weight will be only a joy. The cabbage diet is especially relevant in the spring, when you need to put your weight in order, and there are still few fruits and vegetables. Fresh head of cabbage is one of the few that retain a maximum of vitamins by spring.
Material Content:
The basic principles of the cabbage diet
The diet on cabbage has its own characteristics and certain conditions:
- Exclude the use of salt. It is possible to replace with natural soy sauce (but not the one that is sold in most grocery supermarkets - there are only dyes and flavor enhancers).
- Limit serving size. They do not have to be big. It’s better to eat less, but more often. If the intervals between meals are too long and you feel hunger between them, it is better to increase the frequency of snacks, but let the portion sizes remain small (no more than 350 ml).
- Observe drinking regimen. In addition to water, you can use unsweetened herbal decoctions, green tea, black coffee (without cream and sugar).
- It is best to eat fresh white cabbage. However, diet options have been developed where soups, casseroles can be prepared from vegetables, and it is also shown to be used in stewed or pickled form. This makes it possible to eat tasty and varied.
It is useful to use cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, Beijing cabbage, kohlrabi and broccoli in different combinations. There are a lot of recipes for cooking dishes from these vegetables. It is equally useful to drink cabbage juices or smoothies with the addition of all kinds of herbs, onions, celery and other plant components. However, with juices you need to be careful not to abuse them.Quite once a day, half an hour before the main meal, drink 0.5 tbsp.
Allowed and Prohibited Products
The menu can be supplemented with simple and healthy products.
This list includes:
- vegetables;
- not sugary sweet fruits and berries;
- boiled or steamed meat or fish;
- buckwheat;
- greenery.
The list of banned products is not so long:
- muffin, bread;
- sweet;
- rice
- potatoes;
- bananas and dates;
- soda;
- coffee;
- butter.
Fatty, salty, fried foods are prohibited.
Weight Loss Diets
The cabbage diet for weight loss can be mono - or multicomponent. With a mono-diet, there is always a risk of "breaking loose", because it is very difficult to eat monotonously, even at a purely psychological level. Therefore, programs supplemented by other low-calorie foods have gained great popularity.
Common variations:
- diet for cabbage soup;
- cabbage-apple (one of the most effective short-term options);
- potato-cabbage program (tubers are often excluded for weight loss, but not in this case);
- cabbage and vegetable (carrots or cucumbers most often acts as partners);
- egg cabbage;
- monthly cabbage diet (during this period, emphasis is placed on cabbage dishes - salads, snacks, cabbage soup, casseroles, cabbage rolls).
Ideally, nutritionists recommend paying attention to fasting days. They, unlike diets, do not cause stress for the body, but, on the contrary, bring considerable benefits, helping to “unload” the digestive system and get rid of the accumulated toxins. Cabbage copes with this task perfectly.
Pros and cons of this method of losing weight
The advantages of the presented method of weight loss:
- Cheapness and availability. You can sit on a similar diet at any time of the year, moreover, a vegetable is almost always very cheap.
- Additional cleansing of the intestines from toxins and the removal of excess fluid (due to the presence of a large amount of dietary fiber).
- A long feeling of satiety and fast satiety at a low calorie content.
- Normalization of metabolism.
- Saturation with useful elements: vitamins, minerals, amino acids.
Despite its rich composition, cabbage is very low in calories, only 25 kcal per 100 grams. This is very small, so it is impossible to recover from it. But overeating is also not worth it, since there is nothing to stretch the walls of the stomach. You need to teach yourself to be saturated with a small amount of food.
The disadvantage of such a diet is that with prolonged use in the body there will be a lack of certain substances, so it is advisable to take vitamin complexes in addition.
Menu for 3 and 7 days
One of the most stringent options is a three-day cabbage diet. The menu for 3 days is pretty monotonous.
Every day you need to eat according to this scheme:
- Breakfast - a glass of green tea (coffee is also acceptable).
- Lunch - a portion of cabbage salad with the addition of a large amount of greens and cucumbers plus a piece of boiled bird or fish. For refueling, in no case should you use sour cream or mayonnaise, salt is also excluded. The best watering is a mixture of olive oil with lemon juice and a little black pepper.
- Dinner is like lunch - all the same, only freshly prepared salad, but without meat. If this is too little, you can eat two proteins. The yolks are fat, so for now it is better to give them to someone else. As an option for replacing proteins - a small piece of steam fish.
Before going to bed, it is advisable to drink a glass of kefir with a low percentage of fat content. You can diversify the diet a little, and on the second day for lunch, eat a portion of stewed vegetables with meat and bell pepper (without butter), on the third - lean cabbage soup. If you feel severe hunger in between meals, you can drown it out with crispy leaves or unsweetened green apples.
Fans of sauerkraut can lose weight on it. Within 3 days you need to eat only this dish (every day you can eat up to 1500 g of salad with two crackers).
Diets that last over 3 days should be multicomponent. Other nutritious foods must be present in the diet, otherwise such a diet will become stressful for the body.
The cabbage diet for 7 days is based on the consumption of cabbage soup:
- The first day. Cabbage soup (as much as you want) + green apples.
- Second day. Cabbage soup, a couple of boiled potatoes and some other vegetables.
- Day Three Soup + several types of non-starchy vegetables and fruits.
- Day four. Cabbage soup, a cup of milk and 2 bananas.
- Fifth day. Cabbage, about 400 g lean meat or fish, 3-4 tomatoes.
- Day Six Two servings of soup, 200 g of meat and raw cabbage in unlimited quantities.
- The seventh day. Cabbage soup + a portion of buckwheat.
As you can see, the main course is cabbage soup. They are cooked in plain water without the addition of meat and potatoes. The best ingredients are carrots, peppers, onions, tomatoes, celery and herbs. It is better to get a fresh dish every day so that it brings more benefits. Such food saturates well, while contributing to the loss of extra kilos.
You can come up with your own diet, including healthy cabbage dishes in it. There are a lot of options for their preparation.
For example, lazy cabbage rolls are extremely tasty.
The required set of products:
- 200 g of cabbage;
- 400 g chicken;
- large onion;
- some rice;
- egg and salt.
Cooking process:
- Pass chopped cabbage together with chopped onion through a meat grinder.
- Turn fillet into minced meat. Connect both masses. Beat in an egg, add pre-boiled rice, add a little salt. Stir to make the composition homogeneous.
- Form oblong oval products and lay on a baking sheet.
- Cook the dish for 35 minutes in the oven at t 180 ° C. It turns out very, very tasty.
And the options for cooking cabbage salads - do not count. The most popular is cabbage and carrot.
- a quarter of a head of cabbage;
- large carrot;
- 2 apples
- lemon juice;
- pepper.
In the process of cooking, there is nothing complicated, everything is done in a matter of minutes:
- Chop cabbage in a convenient way.
- Grind apples and carrots on a grater.
- Combine both masses, mix, you can squeeze a little by hand.
- Season the dish with fresh lemon juice and pepper (if necessary).
And cabbage salads with the addition of cucumbers or radishes are also very popular.
Way Out Of The Cabbage Diet
You need to exit the diet carefully, gradually adding the usual dishes and products to the menu. But the principle of nutrition should remain the same - to eat little, but often, and preferably only healthy foods. In this way, you can easily maintain body weight at a decent level without grueling diets and hunger strikes.
What results can be achieved
Subject to compliance, the effect is noticeable immediately. Of course, obese people lose weight faster, in a week of such a diet they can get rid of 7 and 10 kg. Girls with a small excess of weight have a hard time, since the "extra" grams melt very slowly. But still get rid of 4-6 kg is quite real. The result also largely depends on the lifestyle, level of physical activity, the presence of stress and proper relaxation.
Despite all the advantages, there is a group of people who use this method of getting rid of excess kg is contraindicated.
As a rule, these are people suffering from:
- flatulence;
- colitis;
- diarrhea;
- gastritis with high acidity.
Of the side effects of eating cabbage, bloating, nausea, and heaviness in the stomach are found. Most often, such a reaction occurs with overeating. Therefore, in case of unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to reduce the use of vegetables and check the reaction of the body. If everything returned to normal, then that was the reason.
Do not chew on stitches, especially if the product is bought in a market or in a supermarket. It is she who absorbs most of the harmful substances that enter the soil along with fertilizers and chemicals.So you can even get poisoned. The best option is cabbage grown in its own garden without any chemical additives.
Thus, in the absence of contraindications, the diet on cabbage is a proven, effective and cheap way to lose weight without much effort. The main thing is to pull yourself together and not back down from time-tested recommendations.