Drops of zelenin, the indications for use of which conquered patients suffering from many diseases, including cardiovascular ones, have been known since the last century and remain in demand now.

One of the advantages of the well-known drug is its cost and content - drops of greenery are made only from plant components.

Meet - these are unique drops!

Instructions for use of drops of greenery, put into each bottle, are sometimes quite concise and do not fully reveal the full value of this medicine.

Natural components and their pharmacological action

Belladonna is the main "supplier" of the alkaloids of hyoscyamine, atropine, due to which drops of green leaf act as spasmalics and a neurogenic drug.

The presence of atropine in drops ensures:

  • decreased tone of smooth muscles in the intestines, bronchi and uterus;
  • improving heart function;
  • dilated pupils;
  • decreased secretion of glands;
  • increased intraocular pressure.

Belladonna in its natural form is a poison. Large belladonna flowers up to three centimeters in size turn into black cherry-like berries.

It is unacceptable to put evidence with bees near these plants. You can even get poisoned with honey collected from these flowers, several berries can kill a person.

Lily of the valley is rich in glycosides, with a cardiotonic effect, necessary for the work of the heart.I get convallazide from lily of the valley, it helps to lower blood pressure and reduce cardiac edema. Lily of the valley in the form of convallatoxin is effective in the treatment of heart defects, spasmodic manifestations in the gastrointestinal tract.

From the terrestrial part of the lily of the valley, rich in saponins, coumarins, glycosides, alkaloids and flavonoids, Zelenin drops are produced, used to alleviate pain and relieve insomnia.

Valerian, or rather its root, is rich in unique essential oils, which are indispensable for providing sedative and antispasmodic effects.

In medicinal needs, valerian is used thanks to such elements:

  • hatinin;
  • borneol;
  • sesquiterpenic;
  • valerian;
  • Apple acid;
  • saponin and others.

The root of valerian is rich in trace elements, tannins, isovalerianic acid.

This storehouse of unique medicinal properties helps to quickly solve problems in a number of diseases:

  • tachycardia;
  • migraine;
  • headaches of unknown origin;
  • hysteria;
  • spasms in the digestive tract;
  • flatulence.

This list can be continued indefinitely, each organ of the human body receives its own dose of healing when taking drops of green leaf, which includes valerian.

Menthol, extracted from peppermint, with a pleasant mint flavor and smell, is added to drops of greenery as an antiseptic and painkiller.

In combination with valerian, lily of the valley and belladonna, menthol acts as a painkiller. Its use is accompanied by a feeling of cold and slight tingling.

The effectiveness of drops of green

The unique properties of herbal preparations create a long list of diseases from which you can find out why drops of green leaf help.

The list of diseases subject to drops of green

Long-term practice of using drops of Zelenin has proven its effectiveness.

Vegetovascular dystonia has become a disease of the century, both adults and children suffer from it. Over time, the VSD has become diverse, it manifests itself not only in headaches, fatigue and irritation. An insidious disease can begin with fever, abdominal pain, or aching limbs.

Drops of Zelenin is a timeless medicine. Instant long-term effect and cheap price provide the peak of popularity of this drug.

Whoever at least once calmed their shaky nerves with drops of green leaves, that remains their fan forever.

Disorders of the cardiovascular system, heart failure are also included in the list of problems that drops of green leaf deal with.

Gastrointestinal cramps, gall bladder, uterine tone will remove the unique constituent drops of greenery.

Acute colic, both hepatic and renal, is rapidly eliminated by the antismusical effect of the drug.

Unique drops are a reliable remedy for the treatment of both acute and chronic diseases. In any case, the doctor should exercise control over the use of green drops.

How and how many drops to take

Each cardboard box in which the drug is packaged has instructions for its use. After a while, we throw out the box and, along with it, instructions for use. Under the lid of the glass bottle, in which drops of greenery are stored, there is a dispenser for counting drops.

If the doctor has not prescribed another norm, then drops of green leaf are taken half an hour before a meal from one to three times a day. A tablespoon contains 30 drops, a dessert - 20, a tea - 15. Adults and children after 12 years take 1 dessert or tablespoon depending on the disease, children are recommended no more than 15 drops.

Drops contain a large alcohol concentrate, so they should be taken in diluted form, at least 100-150 ml of water is needed at a time.

Warning, unique drops have contraindications

First of all, drops of Zelenin are not prescribed to people suffering from allergies to at least one component.

Very carefully and only with the permission of a doctor, you can take this drug for such diseases:

  • myocarditis;
  • violation of the outflow of urine with prostatitis;
  • endocarditis;
  • cardiosclerosis;
  • angle-closure glaucoma.

Particularly attentive to taking drops of greenery should be people whose work requires concentration. After taking the drug, attention weakens and the reaction slows down, which is especially unsafe for drivers.

What lurks you when taking drops of green

With all its unique qualities, drops of greenery can cause an adverse reaction, because the body of each person is individual.

The drug should stop taking or reduce the number of drops when:

  • nausea
  • heartburn;
  • increased drowsiness;
  • headache;
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • arrhythmias;
  • myasthenia gravis and other unpleasant symptoms.

Is it possible to take drops of Zelenin with other drugs

There were no particular side effects when taking Zelenin drops with other drugs, except for the enhancement of sleeping pills while taking medications aimed at inhibiting the central nervous system.

How to store and how much drops of Zelenin can be stored correctly

From the date of manufacture, the date of which is indicated on the preparation itself, it can be stored for no more than two years. It is not recommended to use drops of Zelenin after the warranty period.

During use, despite the fact that potassium is packed in a jar of dark glass, we preserve the drug in a cool, dark place, at a temperature of no higher than 20 degrees.

How can I replace drops of green

If you want to try an analog of drops of Zelenin, be sure to consult your doctor.

  • Amilonosar refers to psychotropic and nootropic stimulants. Available in tablet form. The main constituent is nicotinoyl - gamma-aminobutyric acid.
  • Valemidine is almost identical in composition to drops of greenery, the only difference is the presence of diphenhydramine (diphenhydramine) in this preparation. The drug has a sedative, antispasmodic effect.
  • Validol copes well with bouts of angina pectoris, hysteria, neurosis and headache, it is used for motion sickness and motion sickness during flights.
  • Valoserdin helps with hypertension and tachycardia, relieves cardialgia and reduces colic of any origin.
  • Corvaldin is well known to patients, this drug has an instant effect on insomnia and pain in the heart, it is used as an antispasmodic for colic in the gall bladder and intestines.
  • Mizapam is prescribed for neurosis, severe agitation, constant irritability, acute migraine attacks, during menopause and alcoholism. In small doses, this drug is prescribed for children with excessive excitability and neurosis.
  • Pumpan is a complex drug widely recommended by doctors for arrhythmias, a reliable antioxidant and cardioprotector. Among the advantages of a pump can be called normalization of blood circulation, improved metabolic processes, normalization of pressure and anti-sclerotic qualities.

You can add many more drugs to this list, the main thing is to choose your own, the right medicine for you.