Runny nose often bothers both children and adults. It can accompany infectious diseases or, for example, turn out to be a symptom of an allergy. In order to be able to quickly eliminate the problem, you need to keep in the medicine cabinet high-quality effective drops in the nose from nasal congestion. The list of the most effective and safe drugs for various groups of patients is published below.

Drops with nasal congestion - how to choose?

Many patients get nasal drops after watching another advertisement, or even take the first available remedy, which suits them at a cost. In order to quickly cope with a runny nose and not harm your health, you need to select a medicine taking into account the cause of its occurrence and some other important factors: the patient’s body characteristics, his age, the presence of chronic ailments, etc.

In the process of finding the right drug, you need to consider that all nasal drops are divided into several groups:

  • vasoconstrictor;
  • with antibiotics in the composition;
  • moisturizing;
  • homeopathic;
  • antiviral;
  • combined;
  • based on natural oils.

Each group has its own characteristics and is used for a certain type of runny nose. Some medicines only eliminate nasal congestion, while others restore the mucous membrane and / or have an antimicrobial effect.

When choosing nasal drops, you must be guided by the following rules:

  1. With allergic rhinitis, exclusively decongestants are used, and with normal nasal congestion, vasoconstrictors are used.
  2. A strong prolonged runny nose can be treated with homeopathic medicines only if they can be used regularly. Such drops have a cumulative healing effect.
  3. In case of chronic congestion, drugs based on natural oils should be used exclusively to avoid addiction.
  4. With flu and colds, drugs with an antibacterial or antiviral effect are selected.

It is very important that you carefully study the list of contraindications before buying the selected product, to protect yourself from the possible negative effects of therapy.

It is interesting:vasoconstrictor drops in the nose

A vasoconstrictor medication to help pierce your nose quickly

This is the most popular group of nasal preparations. Their main advantages are quick effective action and low price.

But vasoconstrictive drops also have their drawbacks. First of all, it should be noted that they help only for a short period of time and remove only the stuffiness of the nose, without eliminating, for example, itching and sneezing. In general, such drugs do not treat an existing ailment, but only relieve swelling of the mucosa, thereby facilitating breathing.

In addition, these drugs dry the nasal mucosa and are addictive if used for longer than 7-8 days. The most famous and effective of them: Nazol, Naphthyzin, Rinostop, Xymelin, Tizin.

Effective antibiotic drops

If a serious infection turned out to be the cause of the common cold, then it is necessary to deal with such a symptom with the use of effective strong drugs, which include antibiotics. But choosing them yourself is prohibited. Only a doctor should prescribe such funds, individually choosing the optimal dosage for the patient. They are used strictly according to the instructions and, under such conditions, act instantly.

Most often, nasal drops with antibiotics are prescribed for sinusitis, sinusitis, acute rhinitis. Their use is especially relevant if there is a risk of complications.

The most famous drugs: Bioparox, Isofra and Polydex. Bioparox is considered a universal remedy against a wide variety of infections. But drops of Isofra are not able to cope with the ailments caused by anaerobic bacteria. But they are allowed even for children. Polydex is a combined action medicine. It not only dilates blood vessels and destroys infection, but also effectively fights inflammation and moisturizes the mucous membranes.

Moisturizing drugs

The main component of most of these products is natural purified sea water. As a result, they not only moisturize the mucous membrane and cleanse it of secretions, but also thin the pus, have a bactericidal and decongestant effect. These droplet properties improve the penetration of other drugs into the patient's body. Therefore, experts often recommend that you first treat the nasal cavity with moisturizing preparations and only then use more serious medicines.

Among the drops with a moisturizing effect, the following stand out: Aquamaris, Marimer, Salin, Aqualor, Physiomer. All of them are currently sold in almost every pharmacy.

Anti-inflammatory, homeopathic medicines

The main feature of such drugs is the absence of side effects during their use. They have practically no contraindications. Homeopathic drops can be used at any stage of the common cold.

Most often, such anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed for the most vulnerable categories of patients. For example, pregnant and lactating women, as well as children and the elderly.

Popular among these drugs are: Edas-131 and Delufen.

Drop recipes in traditional medicine

Today there are many recipes for drops that you can make yourself at home. They are actively recommended to patients by traditional healers.

A very effective remedy is prepared from aloe juice and Kalanchoe. To get the composition on your own, you need to clean the stems and leaves of the plants with clean hands. The resulting mixture is wrapped in several layers of gauze and juice is squeezed out of it.

To prepare the medicine, you need to mix the indicated juices in equal amounts and instill the resulting product into the nose, 1 drop into each nostril. Dosage - no more than 4 drops per day.

This medicine is not recommended for children under 6 years of age, as well as for pregnant women. Caution should be used in persons with low blood pressure.

Another effective medicine can be made from ledum. But you need to cook it in advance, since the tool requires a long period for insisting. As a base oil, you can choose a quality olive or sunflower component. In 100 ml of liquid is added 1 tbsp. a spoon of crushed fresh raw materials. The medicine will be infused in a cool dark place for at least 3 weeks. Every day it shakes well. It is best to prepare drops in a glass container.

The finished product is filtered with gauze and can be used immediately. When a runny nose appears for the first time, the medicine is instilled in 3 drops into each nostril, and in the next - 1 drop. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day.

To prepare drops against nasal congestion from celandine grass, this raw material will need to be taken 4-5 g. It is crushed as much as possible, and then combined in equal parts with aloe juice and natural bee honey.

You can instill 2-3 drops of such a natural medicine into each nostril. The procedure is repeated no more than 5 times a day.

From nasal congestion for children

The older the child becomes, the more funds are allowed to treat a runny nose. The concentration of the active substance in children's preparations should be lower than in adult medicines. At this point, you need to pay special attention.

For children from a year and older, nasal congestion remedies are excellent, the basis of which is sea water. Instead of various expensive drugs, you can take saline. But such drops are usually prescribed to thin the mucus and moisturize.

If the drug should have a full therapeutic effect, then the following options are selected:

  • vasoconstrictors - Naphthyzin, Otrivin Baby, Xymelin;
  • antiallergic - Vibrocil;
  • antiviral - Derinat, Nazoferon.

For infants and newborns: a list

It is especially difficult to find funds against nasal congestion for infants. The main criterion for the drug when choosing it should be safety for the work of all organs and body systems of the crumbs.

Of the vasoconstrictors, the best drops from the common cold for infants are the children's Tizin and Nazivin, Otrivin Baby, Nazol Baby. They are allowed to be used from the first day of the child's life.

Salin and Aqualor stand out among moisturizers. Among antiviral - Grippferon and Derinat, and among drops with antibiotics, only Isofra and Protargol are allowed to be used.

As for homeopathy, it is not recommended to instill these funds in babies under 1 year old. For crumbs, they are not effective.

What can be used during pregnancy?

It is no less difficult than with children to decide on drops that are safe for women in an “interesting position”. There are very few such drugs on sale.

Without first consulting a doctor, pregnant women are allowed to use only saline solution, which rinses and bury their nose. Regarding antiviral agents, a woman should always consult with her doctor. Of these drugs, they are allowed only those options that are based on interferon.

If there is no allergy to plant components, then various funds based on herbal extracts and oils will suit her. For example, Pinosol or Tui Oil.