Acute rhinitis and sinusitis are most common in the cold season. With a running cold, runny nose, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses and respiratory tract, Sinupret drops and dragees of the same name help well. The medicine contains herbal extracts, safe for children, can be used by adults.
Material Content:
- 1 The composition of the drug
- 2 Pharmacological properties and pharmacokinetics
- 3 What are Sinupret drops prescribed for?
- 4 Instructions for use for children and adults
- 5 During pregnancy and lactation
- 6 Drug interaction
- 7 Contraindications, side effects and overdose
- 8 Which is better - drops or pills?
- 9 Drug analogue
The composition of the drug
From the official instructions for use, you can find out that Sinupret is a herbal remedy. Its main components are numerous bioactive substances of medicinal herbs. The individual compounds are not listed, the types of plants that served as raw materials for the drug are indicated.
Sinupret drops include extracts of herbs, roots and flowers:
- Verbena officinalis;
- spring primrose;
- gentian yellow;
- sorrel sour;
- elderberry black.
The plants in the preparation are rich in bioflavonoids. This is a large class of physiologically active substances with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, expectorant and antioxidant effects.
Sinupret drops for oral administration are a solution of approximately 30 g of plant extracts prepared using innovative methods in 70 ml of purified water. The content of ethyl alcohol in the liquid averages 18% vol. The liquid has a brown color, pleasant aroma, sweet-sour taste. It is convenient to dose the drops using a special device inside the neck of the bottle.
Separately for children, Sinupret is not released.Drops, syrups, and suspensions are traditionally considered childhood forms of drug release. However, manufacturers in the instructions must indicate how these same drugs should be taken by adults. The differences are in dosages. A child of preschool age is given 1/3, older than 6 years - ½ dose of an adult.
Pharmacological properties and pharmacokinetics
Sinupret has a secretolytic and expectorant effect. The effect is to thin the exudate that builds up in the paranasal sinuses. Thick sputum cannot drain through narrow channels, which creates conditions for the reproduction of bacteria.
Thanks to the reception of drops, swelling of the mucosa is reduced, excretion from the sinuses is facilitated.
The active ingredients act on receptors located in the stomach. Increased secretion of the salivary and bronchial glands, resulting in thick sputum liquefied. Flavonoids increase the immunity of the mucosa of the respiratory tract to pathogens. Bioactive substances in the composition of the drops increase the effectiveness of antiviral and antibacterial treatment.
Sinupret components are absorbed in the digestive tract. It is difficult to trace the metabolism of each substance, since there are many of them in the composition of the extracts. Metabolized products are neutralized in the liver, excreted through the digestive tract and urinary tract.
What are Sinupret drops prescribed for?
Acute and chronic respiratory tract diseases are manifested by nasal congestion, headache, transparent or purulent discharge from the nose. Similar symptoms appear with inflammation of the sinuses - paranasal sinuses, connected by narrow channels to the nasal cavity.
Sinupret drops are used to treat acute and chronic diseases:
- pharyngitis, tonsillitis (with purulent sputum, for the prevention of sinusitis and otitis media);
- frontal sinusitis, sinusitis and other types of sinusitis;
- adenoiditis with dry cough;
- purulent rhinitis;
- rhinosinusitis.
A herbal preparation is more often prescribed as part of complex treatment than as monotherapy.
Sinupret can be taken orally from the first days of the disease of the ENT organs of a viral or bacterial etiology for the prevention of purulent complications. Drops will help in cases where, due to inflammation, edema, the paranasal sinuses are not ventilated, they are not cleared of mucus. The patient feels pain in the area of the projection of the inflamed sinus. If sinusitis is allergic in nature or is due to the presence of polyps, then Sinupret will not help.
Drops are taken with difficulty breathing through the nose as a result of a protracted runny nose after acute respiratory viral infections. Sinupret dilutes the accumulated in the nasopharynx thick sputum of yellow, greenish or gray. To enhance the mucolytic effect, it is necessary to take more fluid. Thanks to the treatment, normal ventilation of the sinuses is resumed, the drainage of liquid mucus from the cavities to the nasopharynx is facilitated.
It is possible to determine that it is time for a child or adult to take Sinupret by the following signs: severe stuffiness, secretion of thick yellow-green sputum from the nose. "Watery" runny nose, copious transparent mucus - symptoms of a viral infection of ENT organs. You can drink Sinupret to prevent the addition of a bacterial infection.
Instructions for use for children and adults
Preschoolers from 2 to 6 years old can take 15 drops three times a day. Pupils under 11 years of age should increase the single dose to 25 drops. Patients over 11 years old can drink 50 drops three times a day. Adults are more convenient to measure the solution in ml: 50 drops corresponds to 3 ml.
Measure the liquid and add a little water. Before giving the child, the drops are dissolved in 1 tbsp. l tea or non-acid juice. The taste of the drink will soften the slight bitterness inherent in herbal extracts. Adult drops can be drunk undiluted. The course of treatment is from 7 to 14 days.
During pregnancy and lactation
Many believe that herbal preparations are completely safe, can be used without restrictions.However, the bioactive substances in the extracts have a strong effect, not inferior in effectiveness to synthetic drugs.
Drops contain ethyl alcohol, harmful to the fetus and baby. Breastfeeding is not recommended to drink Sinupret. During pregnancy, it is better to take tablets with the same composition.
Drug interaction
With purulent sinusitis, rhinitis, you can combine taking drops or dragees with antibiotics prescribed by your doctor. Bioflavonoids funds complement and enhance the effect of antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal therapy. The creators of the drug have not investigated the interaction with other medicines.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
Drops contain plant extracts with dozens and hundreds of individual substances in the composition. Hypersensitivity may develop to each of them. Allergic reactions can cause ethanol. In these cases, the drug should not be taken. Also contraindications include: age younger than 2 years, breastfeeding, alcoholism in the patient.
Negative manifestations after treatment with Sinupret are very rare. Discomfort in the abdomen and nausea, skin itching, urticaria may appear. The most dangerous consequences are Quincke's edema and anaphylaxis. If symptoms of an allergic reaction to drops are observed, then an antihistamine should be taken. In case of an overdose, you need to rinse your stomach.
Which is better - drops or pills?
German companies produce in liquid and solid dosage forms. Doctors often prescribe drops to children, dragees to adolescents and adults. The drops contain ethanol, and when the extracts are dried to produce dragees, the alcohol evaporates.
The price of a bottle with drops is higher than a dragee (the difference is about 80 rubles).
Often, patients are interested in what is better, drops or Sinupret tablets, implying a therapeutic effect. Plant bioflavonoids are well preserved in both forms. A small child is easier to make to drink a sweetish liquid than a solid pill. However, ethanol contained in the extract is able to accumulate in the body.
Pupils, students, working people are more comfortable taking dragees. After all, not everyone treats a runny nose at home, many suffer from SARS, tonsillitis, rhinosinusitis on their feet. Drops begin to be absorbed and act already in the oral cavity, and the tablet still needs to dissolve in the digestive tract.
Drug analogue
Sinupret is unique, there are no other means with the same composition. The drug was created by the German company Bionorika using its own innovative technology. There are drugs with a similar mechanism of action, which are used for purulent rhinitis and sinusitis. Sinupret's analogues are Sinuforte drops (injected into the nasal passages), the homeopathic medicine Cinnabsin, GeloMirtol capsules.
The listed products contain various ingredients. Forms of release, contraindications and methods of administration are also different. A full replacement for Sinupret for a particular patient should be chosen by the attending physician taking into account the individual characteristics of the course of the disease.
The action of GelMirtol - antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, mucolytic - almost the same as Sinupreta. After instillation of Sinuforte fluid, swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx quickly passes. Cinnabsin helps better at the very beginning of the development of inflammation in the sinuses. Treatment with sinupret and analogues can be combined with the use of drugs that alleviate the symptoms of infectious diseases of ENT organs: antipyretic, analgesic, antihistamines, anti-inflammatory drugs.