With the advent of warm days, you need to take care of protecting your dog from various parasites, and especially from ticks. After all, these insects can cause serious harm to the health of the pet. To avoid this, it is worthwhile to figure out what effective tick ticks for dogs exist today.
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The mechanism of action of drops from ticks for dogs
The exact mechanism of action of the drops depends on the agent chosen by the dog owner. All of them have some differences among themselves. But most often, special drops slow down / almost completely stop the process of transmitting information in the body of the parasite from receptors to muscles, nerve centers, and organs. As a result, the insect is first paralyzed, and then its death occurs.
Most modern drops, the action of which is directed against ticks, can “poison” them at any stage of development.
The tool affects both eggs, and larvae, and nymphs, and sexually mature individuals. The parasite can still get over the dog’s skin and bite it. But along with blood, he receives a significant dose of the medicine and soon perishes. Typically, the mass death of dangerous insects occurs within 20 to 40 hours after the first treatment of the animal.
How to choose the right tool
The insects discussed are capable of transmitting dangerous infections to the dog during the bite. Therefore, it is so important to protect your pet from them and choose a truly high-quality, effective tool. To determine the best option, it is worthwhile to carefully study the characteristics of modern drugs and their main pros and cons. This will help make the right choice.
The modern market offers an excellent assortment of drugs against parasites.These are collars, sprays, and pills. But it is the drops that are the easiest to use and have a budget cost affordable for each buyer. Therefore, they are the first to be disassembled in veterinary pharmacies.
The active components of such funds are distributed over the skin, penetrate into the fatty layer of the animal, and then destroy the parasites that have already settled on the dog and scare away new ones. The most effective remedy is in the first week. Then its activity gradually decreases with each new week. After about a month, a repeat of the full processing is required.
Before using drops, you should always carefully weigh your pet. Usually the dosage of the drug depends on the size and weight of the dog.
Review of effective drugs
The following are included in the list of the most effective anti-mite agents for application to the withers:
- Advantix. German product that goes on sale in several dosages. This is especially convenient for owners of very large or, conversely, miniature dogs. The drug helps to cope not only with ticks, but also with fleas, mosquitoes, lice eaters, flies. Therefore, you can call it a universal remedy for protecting your pet for the summer.
- Front Line Such a French product is also available in the form of a spray. But in drops, it is used by dog owners much more often. This drug acts in several directions at once. Apply it as drops from an ear tick.
- "Practitioner." The tool effectively fights with the discussed parasites, and in addition, it is recommended by veterinarians as part of the treatment of flea dermatitis (allergic). One of its main advantages is the lack of a bright, pungent odor that previous preparations have. Therefore, applying the product will not cause the dog discomfort. The drug is available in various dosages, and therefore can be used on animals weighing from 2 to 50 pounds.
All drops from the above list can kill parasites that have settled on the dog in a day and relieve its condition. However, they are not absorbed into the blood, suitable for pets of different breeds and for a long time protect them from new "guests" (for about 3 to 4 weeks).
The first two remedies are allowed for bitches during the period of gestation and feeding of puppies. But in this regard, it is still better to consult a veterinarian. He will evaluate the condition of a particular pregnant dog and tell you whether it can be treated with drops of ticks.
Among the disadvantages of such drugs, a gradual decrease in their effectiveness should be noted approximately 1 to 2 weeks after application. And besides:
- contact with the youngest members of the family should be avoided for some time after treatment;
- the likelihood of allergic reactions;
- Advantix is prohibited for pregnant and lactating females, as well as puppies under 6-7 weeks old and weighing less than 1.5 kilos;
- "Freeline" and "Practitioner" can not be used to treat babies under the age of 10 weeks and weighing up to 2 pounds.
In general, when used correctly, such drops are safe for pets and allow you to easily and quickly cope with a potential threat or an existing problem.
In addition to the listed drugs, it is worth talking about the means of complex effects. They save the dog, including from internal parasites.
- "Lawyer". It fights with scabies mites, fleas, helminths. The tool is valid for up to 35 days. After application to the withers, it quickly spreads to the skin. Allowed for puppies older than 7 weeks and weighing more than 1 kilo.
- "Inspector". This is a well-known universal remedy that is able to cope immediately with 14 types of parasites. It is suitable not only for dogs, but also for representatives of the cat family. The drug treats an animal, including worms. True, such a tool often causes severe allergic reactions in pets and can accumulate in their organisms.
Drops from ticks and fleas from the second category of drugs are also not prohibited for bitches bearing offspring, but before using them under such conditions it is always better to consult a veterinarian.
How to use drops for a pet
In order not to harm your dog, it is very important to apply drops to the withers correctly. As noted above, their dosage is selected depending on the live weight of the dog.
First of all, you need to prepare an area on the body of the animal, inaccessible to licking.
The withers between the shoulder blades are best suited for this, as well as the area along the spine in the neck, the sternum under the neck, and the place at the base of the skull.
- If the dog has a long coat, it must be gently pushed to the sides.
- The skin of the pet must be dry!
- If you need to apply only a few drops of the medicine, you can merge them all into one point. When the dog is large and a large amount of the drug is intended for it, the latter should be applied immediately to 2-3 zones. For example, located along the line of the spine.
- It is very important to carefully examine the skin of the dog before the procedure. In the place where it is planned to apply anti-mite drops, there should be no scratches, scratches, burns, ulcers and other visible damage.
- In the process, the liquid is gently rubbed into the skin with clean hands. In this case, the owner needs to try not to get on the dog’s coat, otherwise there will be problems with the absorption of the drug, and a noticeable, like oily, stain will remain on the hairs.
After the procedure, the dog can not bathe, on average, 2 days. Manufacturers of some drugs recommend increasing this period to 4 to 5 days. Such information can be clarified in the instructions for use of the product, which usually comes with it. In the same application, it will be indicated and how much exactly the drug retains its protective properties.
If the dog is often bathed with shampoo, and he regularly gets exposed to rain, then drops should be reapplied to his skin every two weeks. Otherwise, one should not expect a special effect from their use.
Most of the drops against parasites are recommended to be used to treat the skin of already grown puppies (usually older than 2 months). Any allergic and infectious diseases also fall into the list of contraindications to the use of the drug.
If the owner of the dog misused the drops (for example, applied them to the area accessible for licking), then side effects may occur. First of all, it is profuse lacrimation and salivation, as well as itching and other reactions on the skin, muscle tremors, redness of the eye mucosa. If such symptoms appear, you need to wash off the drops with soap as soon as possible, after which - bathe the dog with the usual shampoo.
Modern drops against ticks are very effective, effective and relatively safe drugs. So that they do not cause harm not only to the pet, but also to its owner, you need to wash your hands very thoroughly with soap (preferably with household soap) after treatment. Dog with drops at the withers should not be stroked and allowed to the younger members of the family for about a day.