Dogs Cane Corso involuntarily attract the attention of a person who has not yet decided on the choice of breed of the future pet. They embodied the ideal of strength and courage, the perfection of the proportions of a muscular body and the nobility of posture.
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Description and characteristics of the breed
The breed of dogs Cane Corso, whose homeland is Italy, belongs to the Molossians group. In her appearance, one can catch a resemblance to the dogs, but the physique is more powerful and muscular.
This smooth-haired, strong dog is appreciated for its excellent performance. She is used as a guard and companion. Once Cana Corso helped herd cattle and hunt wild animals. Nowadays, they successfully participate in canine sports competitions for prizes and honorary titles.
The exterior of this breed is a reflection of suitability for service, it is inextricably linked with a special temperament and a developed mind.
Origin history
The ancestors of Cane Corso were bred in ancient Rome as etching dogs, they participated in battles along with the Roman legionnaires. Then for a long time historians disappeared from sight. New references to the breed appeared in the Middle Ages.
Dogs were used in Italy and the Balkans, helped to graze pets, participated in hunting, guarded property.
They spread widely in Europe due to their outstanding official qualities, highly valued for fearlessness and quick wit. The Italians are still talking about a brave man with a proverb: "brave, like Corso."
During World War II, the breed was on the verge of extinction. It was possible to revive it thanks to several pure miraculous surviving miracles. Already in the postwar period, an association of lovers of this breed was created. The Italian mastiff Cane Corso has become an elite breed, the pride of wealthy owners.
Breed standard Cane Corso
The appearance of the dog is a little frightening, it is quite large, above average height.
For a purebred representative, external data must comply with the standard.
Description of the breed:
- the head is large, dog-shaped, its length is proportional to the growth of the dog at the withers, and is 36% of this value;
- black nose, muzzle shorter than the skull, square, with a straight nose;
- massive jaws, often with a direct bite;
- eyes of medium size, oval, slightly convex, dark, with an attentive and penetrating look;
- ears in the form of triangles, hanging, sometimes cropped;
- the neck is muscular, equal in length to the head;
- the thick tail is set high, it is stopped up to 4 vertebrae;
- the back is flat, powerful, well developed chest;
- body length slightly larger than withers;
- limbs are long, strong, muscular;
- thick, adjacent skin;
- short, shiny coat.
Cane Corso can be of gray color (from light to lead shade), tiger gray, tiger (black with red stripes), red with black mask, formentino (light red with gray mask). Small white spots on the chest, nose and legs are allowed. Dog height 66–70 cm, weight up to 50 kg.
Puppy selection criteria
To choose the right puppy, you need to look at the parents and immediate ancestors along the line. It is advisable to ask the breeder for documents confirming the medical examination and the absence of genetic diseases in the puppy's family.
In order for the pet to be allowed to breed in the future, a test for dysplasia and the psyche is required, it is advisable to see these papers.
It is interesting to see how puppies are kept, what parents feed, how breeders relate to them. If all the papers are in order, but the kennel is dirty, it is better to look for a dog in another place.
The appearance of the puppy is also important, how it reacts to people, how active. Cane Corso has aggression and cowardice, you can notice these negative traits even when buying. It is advisable to study the breed standard in order to understand if there is any abnormality in the animal you like.
Serious drawbacks that you should pay attention to are: crooked tail, uneven nose, wedge-shaped or too upturned muzzle, scissor bite.
The purpose and nature of the dog
Cane Corso treats other pets very well and never shows aggression. Like all Molossoid breeds, this breed is calm and balanced, always ready to play, to be near the owner.
The dog is very human oriented, although it may be wary of strangers. She has a protective instinct in her blood - to protect the owner, his family, territory, property.
The temperament of the dog is very mobile, it constantly needs action. She spills out irrepressible energy with pleasure in daily trainings, long walks and games.
Maintenance, care and feeding
Particular attention should be paid to the proper nutrition of the dog. An adult animal needs 600 g of dry food and 400 g of canned food per day. Small puppies are given special food appropriate for their age.
Some owners prefer to keep the dog on a natural diet. With the right approach, when most of the menu is meat, such a meal will cost more. Reasonably, those who combine dry feed and canned food with natural products, adding to the diet of the animal porridge, raw meat, kefir, cheese and vegetables in a small amount (10–20% of the daily norm).
Even inexperienced dog breeders know that a dog cannot be given food from a table. Some, unfortunately, do not adhere to the recommendations of veterinarians, without thinking about the sad consequences.
Serious malaise in a dog can cause the most common food for humans:
- onion;
- grapes or raisins;
- fatty and fried foods;
- fish with small bones;
- mushrooms, etc.
Milk in the stomach of an adult dog is not digested, and can cause digestive upset, it is replaced with dairy products. A prerequisite for good health of the dog is a diet. Food is given only after a walk, training or physical activity. After eating, the dog should rest.
Cane Corso has a short coat. He does not molt very much, but the apartment will need daily wet cleaning. Often there is no need to bathe a pet, two or three times a year is enough.
For hair care, it is convenient to use a furminator, combing it once a month. The nails are trimmed with special tweezers as they grow back, the ears are cleaned once a month.
With Cana Corso you need to walk a lot, train muscles. The duration of one daily walk with the puppy is at least 1 hour, it is advisable to do 2 or 3 walks. Diseases of the breed include problems with the joints and stomach, dysplasia, epilepsy.
How to train and educate the Italian mastiff
The dog is very obedient and easily trained. You can practice from the moment the puppy appears in the house, learn to respond to a nickname, to teach a leash, to establish contact. From 3 months to take a training course with an individual trainer.
The fact that training with Cane Corso is very important is doubtful for anyone who has seen this dog. An uneducated dog the size of a small calf will be a real tragedy for the owner.
First, the main teams are taught, doing this during the game.
The pet must respond when he is called, stop if the owner gives the command “Stand!”, Bring the abandoned item, understand the prohibitions and the signal for action.
During training, you cannot show negative emotions in your voice or eyes, the dog is very susceptible, she will refuse to follow orders. It is necessary to pronounce the team’s words loudly and clearly so that the dog can hear and understand them well. After each success, an encouragement must necessarily follow - a delicacy in rare cases, often sincere praise and a joint game at the end of the training.
Pros and cons of the breed
Cane Corso needs the constant attention of the owner. With a dog you need to do it yourself, hire a trainer, it is better to establish a relationship and contact from the first days a puppy is in the house. Such lively communication is a definite plus for the owner who was looking for a true friend.
The disadvantage of the breed is that the dog eats a lot, is prone to overeating, so you can not exceed the daily feed rate set for it. Being overweight can lead to premature aging and death of the animal.
The large size of Cane Corso is a characteristic of strengths and weaknesses at the same time.
On the one hand, the dog is a great security guard, who is not afraid to walk at night in the criminal area. On the other hand, large animals do not live long, they require significant expenditures of funds and forces for daily maintenance and upbringing.
How much are the dogs of Cane Corso
The price of a puppy from the kennel is from 1 thousand dollars and above.
The more rewards and victories the parents have, the more expensive the offspring. It’s not worth risking buying a pet from your hands without documents. More funds will be spent on treatment if any hereditary disease manifests itself with age.
Those who buy a dog in the kennel, not planning to participate in exhibitions and sports competitions in the future, have a chance to choose a puppy at the lowest price - about 25 thousand rubles.
A dog is a big investment, you will have to pay for high-quality food, trainings with a trainer, ammunition, and service in a veterinary clinic.Therefore, the purchase of a pet should be approached deliberately, assessing its financial capabilities and strengths, weighing the pros and cons. For the next 10-15 years, the dog will become a close friend of the family, a guard and companion, your pride or headache.