The calorie content of millet porridge in water is not always less than that prepared in milk. A dish with butter and sugar may have a higher energy value.

Millet, like other cereals, is better for breakfast. Due to the content of slow carbohydrates, it will provide a long feeling of satiety and fill the body with energy, which is so necessary in the morning.

Interesting! Millet has nothing to do with wheat. It is made from millet.

The chemical composition and nutritional value of cereals

On sale, you can often find polished millet - millet grains peeled from shells and flower films. Refined product contains less active substances than raw millet.

millet porridge

Nevertheless, the chemical composition of millet groats is quite rich:

  • macro- and microelements (silicon, fluorine, iron, phosphorus, potassium, copper, magnesium, manganese, calcium);
  • Vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B9, and PP.

Calorie content of dry millet - 339-350 kcal per 100 g, depending on the manufacturer. BZHU of the product: proteins - 11-12%, fats - 3-5%, carbohydrates - 66-69% (including simple sugars - 1.2%).

Calorie content and BJU of millet porridge on water

The energy value of the finished dish depends on its consistency and the ingredients added. In 100 grams of viscous porridge on the water, 90 kcal, 3 g of protein, 0.7 g of fat and 17 g of carbohydrates. If you make it friable, the calorie content will increase to 135 kcal, and the BJU indicators will become 4.7 g, 1.1 g, 26.1 g, respectively. This is due to less water in the finished dish, due to which more cereal gets into the plate.

When 1 teaspoon of sugar is added, the energy value increases by 20 kcal, and the amount of carbohydrates - by 5 g.The calorie content of millet porridge in water with oil depends on the amount of the latter: a teaspoon of butter with a fat content of 72.5% will add 33.1 kcal to the dish, the dining room - 132.4. This is the least dietary way to cook. And the most useful recipe is porridge with pumpkin. It has about 90 kcal per 100 grams. For people who control the number of calories eaten, this dish is perfect as a breakfast.

Useful properties of wheat

Due to its high fiber content, millet porridge removes toxins and improves digestion. It is useful to eat when taking antibiotics and for another week after the end of the course of treatment.

Millet has a beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system, supports liver health and boosts immunity.

There is no gluten in millet groats, therefore it is considered one of the most hypoallergenic cereals recommended, including for young children and the elderly.

Contraindications and possible harm

Even a useful product, such as millet, can harm with excessive use, as well as with some diseases or conditions. In particular, cereal is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, with a tendency to constipation and with gastritis with high acidity.

millet porridge

It is recommended to limit its use during pregnancy and thyroid disease. Men should also not eat millet in large quantities, as this can lead to a decrease in potency.

Croup should not be stored for a long time, since it oxidizes quickly enough and begins to bitter.