As you know, seafood is valuable to our health, because they have a lot of iodine and trace elements. Korean squids can also help our body by improving the quality of digestion and strengthening the walls of blood vessels. And if you are interested in such an appetizer, read our article.
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Korean squid - the most delicious recipe
For the preparation of squid in Korean, you should choose small carcasses, which, in comparison with large ones, have a more intense and pronounced taste. It is also important to buy whole squids, and not in the form of rings or straws, to be sure of their quality.
- a pound of squid;
- two tablespoons of wine vinegar;
- a spoonful of granulated sugar, pepper and paprika;
- 250 ml of water;
- three cloves of garlic;
- two bay leaves;
- ½ tsp. peppercorns and coriander;
- a spoonful of oil;
- two pinches of salt.
Cooking method:
- Squids cook in brine from a glass of water, parsley, salt and allspice. Small carcasses withstand ten seconds, large - fifteen. Then cut the seafood into strips.
- In a preheated frying pan with oil, we pass the chopped garlic, after 30 seconds we add coriander, ground pepper and paprika to it. Mix and remove from heat.
- Combine the garlic-spicy mixture with squid, pour in the vinegar and the remaining water, mix and let the snack brew for half an hour.
Pickled Seafood with Carrots
Korean squid with carrots is very tasty. The main thing is to use high-quality seafood.
A good squid should be light or cream in color, but other colors indicate the use of dyes.
- kilo squid;
- four carrots;
- a spoonful of sweetener, sesame seeds, soybean marinade and apple cider vinegar;
- 1 tsp.paprika, coriander and pepper;
- five garlic cloves.
Cooking method:
- Three carrots on a grater, sprinkle with salt, press hands and wait half an hour for the vegetable to give juice.
- Boil squids and cut into strips, then combine the two main ingredients together.
- Now in the pan we are refueling. To do this, fry sesame seeds, then add to it all dry spices, vinegar and sauce, warm the components, but do not let them boil.
- Pour squid with vegetable in hot spicy brine, mix and leave the Korean snack to soak for several hours.
For lovers of savory foods
For lovers of all spicy, there is a special recipe for seafood in Korean. The severity can be adjusted by increasing or decreasing certain additives. The main thing is not to choose carcasses that stick together among snacks - they will be bitter. If you see snow or frost in the package, you should also refuse such a purchase, since such a product has been repeatedly thawed.
- 1.3 kg squid;
- half a glass of oil;
- two tablespoons of sesame seeds;
- a spoon of vinegar (apple);
- 1 tsp. chili peppers and black, granulated sugar, coriander and salt;
- six cloves of garlic.
Cooking method:
- If in the process of cleaning under water the meat turns white, then the squid can not be boiled.
- In heated oil, sesame seeds are dried and then passaged along with the rest of the ingredients.
- We mix seafood with hot brine and after an hour we get excellent pickled squids.
Korean squid hee
Squid Xe is a unique appetizer using raw seafood.
This dish has a spicy, unbroken taste, for which it was loved in our country. If you bought ready-made strips of squid for he, then their length should not exceed five centimeters, and the width should not exceed one and a half. Therefore, it is better to take whole carcasses, cut them in half lengthwise, then lengthwise again, and then chop each piece into strips.
- 420 g squid;
- bulb;
- two garlic cloves;
- a spoonful of sesame seeds;
- a spoonful of granulated sugar, rice vinegar and soya seasoning;
- six tablespoons of oil;
- on a spoonful of coriander, paprika and pepper.
Cooking method:
- Dry the sesame seeds in a hot pan. As soon as the seeds become “golden”, pour oil, vinegar and soya seasoning, and also pour out all the dry spices. After a few seconds, we put the garlic cloves squeezed through the press, as well as granulated sugar. Salt to taste.
- We warm it well, but do not boil the ingredients, remove from the stove and give the marinade time to cool.
- We chop the onion in half rings and combine with the squid, fill everything with the marinade, mix, cover and put in the cold for eight hours.
With soy sauce
Looking for delicious seafood recipes? We offer to bring an oriental touch to traditional Korean squids by adding soy seasoning. For piquancy, you can put in them fresh ginger and garlic.
Tasty recipe:squid salad
- kilo squid;
- three carrots and two onions;
- 130 ml of sunflower oil;
- a glass of soy sauce;
- a spoonful of Korean salad dressing.
Cooking method:
- We rub the carrots, add them and wait half an hour.
- Sliced squids are combined with an orange vegetable (without juice) and onion rings, pour oil, sauce and all seasonings.
- Squids need to be well marinated, so we leave the preparation for 16 hours.
With rice vinegar
Rice vinegar is one of the main ingredients for making sushi and rolls, but it can also be used for Korean salads. It has a milder taste, which will add original sophistication to the seafood.
- 1.2 kg squid;
- 25 ml of vegetable oil;
- a spoonful of sesame seeds, rice vinegar and soya seasoning;
- 1 tsp. sweetener, salt and pepper;
- three cloves of garlic.
Cooking method:
- Prepared squid carcasses cut in strips.
- Dried sesame seeds until golden brown, pour oil, sauce and vinegar. We put the sliced garlic wedges and other seasonings.
- We mix the prepared brine with seafood and forget about them for five hours.
How to Make Korean Squid Tentacles
If you managed to buy a tentacle of squid, then from it you can cook an original snack. The technology for preparing seafood is slightly different from previous recipes, but not everything is so complicated. In addition, the main thing is the result.
- tentacle squid (1 kg);
- bulb;
- 60 ml of oil;
- a spoonful of sesame seeds and soya marinade;
- a spoon of vinegar (9%);
- three garlic cloves;
- to taste salt and pepper (red and black).
Cooking method:
- First of all, the tentacle needs to be cleaned of a dark film, and then put the workpiece in boiling water for two minutes. Then drain the hot water and pour the cold.
- Rub the seafood with your hands (as during washing), then rinse it and repeat the process with changing the water and rubbing a couple more times.
- We mix the carefully prepared tentacle with the fried sesame seeds and onion half rings, add all the spices, garlic and seasonings.
- Leave the appetizer for four hours soaked in marinade.
The original appetizer can be prepared from squid, if they are stuffed with hot carrots with the addition of boiled rice and spices. Stuffed carcasses are overcooked in oil on one side and the other for one minute.
It is interesting:stuffed squid recipe
In addition to these, there are many other, no less interesting recipes for cooking spicy squids. Having found your own recipe, you are unlikely to be able to change it in the next few years, because the taste of such an appetizer reveals itself like a flower, each time surprising tasters with new shades.