For centuries, viburnum has earned a special attitude. It not only decorates, but also treats, and bears fruit for the preparation of compotes, wines, liquors and sweets. It’s no secret to anyone that viburnum berries contain more vitamin C than lemon, so today we will learn how to make healthy preserves of viburnum with sugar for the winter without cooking.
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Easiest recipe
One can talk endlessly about the benefits that the red berry has in itself. This is an excellent tool for the prevention of colds, on its basis you can make delicious drinks with the addition of mint, lemon balm and lemon. Many housewives try to make preparations for the winter in order to maintain the maximum benefit of viburnum.
Cooking method:
- Viburnum can be purchased in almost any market. On average, one bunch of berries weighs 300 g, so we need a 250 ml jar and a bag of granulated sugar weighing 300 g.
- Sprinkle twigs with viburnum, dry and pick berries.
- We put them in a container, begin to knead so that as much juice as possible comes out of the fruits.
- Pour 2/3 parts of sugar into the berry, mix, transfer to a sterilized jar, leaving a little space on top of it. Raw foodists can use honey in the same proportions.
- Add the remaining sugar (honey), twist the container with a lid and store in a cool place.
How to make in a blender
According to its medicinal properties, viburnum is often compared with currants, but unlike black berries, viburnum is unpretentious and calmly tolerates frosts. Many do not really like viburnum because of its bitter aftertaste, but they simply do not know that the berry needs to be picked after frosts, when it becomes sweeter.
Cooking method:
- You can prepare a delicious winter harvest with a blender.For this, we sort the berries, rinse and put in the bowl.
- Grind the fruits in mashed potatoes and add sugar in a ratio of 1: 1.
- We shift the resulting composition into jars, twist them and put in the refrigerator.
Cooking "through a meat grinder"
If you want to protect your body from colds, then be sure to make a blank of viburnum for the winter. One of the fastest methods for processing fresh healthy berries is through a meat grinder.
Cooking method:
- We sort out the fruits, discard the branches, leave only the berries.
- We rinse them, dry and grind through a meat grinder. Sprinkle with sugar in the ratio 1: 1, mix and transfer to transparent containers.
- Sprinkle the neck with sugar, roll up jars and store a healthy treat in a cool place.
Viburnum, mashed with seedless sugar
Winter is not only a time of fun snow games and New Year holidays, but also a period of the most dangerous colds. It is in winter that our body needs special support. But you should not run to the pharmacy and swallow the first pills that come across, but rather pay attention to such a useful gift from nature as viburnum.
You can make blanks from viburnum using different methods, but the main thing is to choose fresh berries that are not too green, but also not overripe. Spoiled and wrinkled should not be used.
Cooking method:
- We take a deep bowl, put a colander on top, pour berries into it, which we have previously sorted, washed and dried. We start to knead the fruits with a nudge, occasionally shake the colander so that as much liquid as possible comes out of the viburnum.
- Grind until such time as only skin and bones remain in the colander. By the way, compote can be cooked from oilcake. It is enough to pour boiling water over it, boil for 10 minutes, add sugar, strain and allow time to brew.
- Pour sugar into rubbed viburnum. Typically, a prescription requires a 1: 1 ratio, but the proportions can be selected to taste.
- Stir the pitted berry mass with sugar, put it in jars, cover and put in the refrigerator. After a few hours, viburnum will begin to thicken and turn into jelly.
Cold jam for the winter without cooking
If you let the berries of viburnum through a sieve or a juice cooker, then you can cook healthy pitted jam.
And if you add other useful ingredients to it, you can experiment with the tastes of the finished treat.
Cooking method:
- We sort the berries, wash well and dry.
- We put them in a blender and grind to a puree consistency. Now add sugar (for 500 g of berries we need 1 kg of granulated sugar) and leave the preparation for the night.
- In the morning we mix the ingredients, arrange them in prepared containers and put them on the shelves in the basement or in the refrigerator.
Frozen grated viburnum with sugar
Guelder-rose - a useful berry which helps to overcome many diseases. At the same time, it strengthens blood vessels, reduces blood pressure and normalizes blood sugar. Therefore, such a tool should always be at hand. And the best way to harvest it is to freeze it.
Cooking method:
- Separate the berries from the twigs, throw out the spoiled fruits. We put the selected viburnum in a clean container, fill it with water and leave it for 15 minutes so that the fruits are cleaned of dust.
- Then we dry the berries on a towel and proceed to freezing. There are two ways to freeze - bulk berries or viburnum, grated with sugar.
- If you want to freeze the fruits whole, then lay them on a pallet, cover with a film and place in the freezer for 3 hours at a temperature of -18 degrees. Then transfer the frozen berries into a container or in a regular bag. Berries can be stored from 10 months to one year.
- If you want to use another way of freezing, you will need to transfer the berries to a bowl and grind them with a sieve or blender. Then add sugar (1: 1 proportions), mix the composition, put it in a container and send to freeze.Grated berries can be stored for up to nine months at a temperature of -18 degrees.
It is interesting:viburnum for the winter
How to store workpieces correctly
You can use the fruits of viburnum in winter and fresh. To do this, just hang the branches in a cool dark place. There is another option - this is to store fresh fruits in the refrigerator. Just put the brushes in a dry tray, cover it and keep it in the vegetable compartment in the refrigerator for up to six months.
- Freezing is another way to store berries in winter. By the way, prepared in this way, they are tastier than fresh, since during the freezing process they lose their bitter aftertaste. It’s quite easy to freeze viburnum, for this we pack it in trays or bags and keep it in the freezer for up to a year.
- In winter, the fruits can be dried. We take a baking sheet, cover it with parchment, lay out the berries and put in the oven to dry at a temperature of 50 degrees. The oven door is left slightly ajar. You can dry viburnum in the open space, the main thing is to choose a place in the shade. We store dried berries in a glass container or in cloth bags.
And from viburnum you can make delicious and nutritious juices, preserves, fruit drinks, compotes, jellies and even jam. It can be ground not only with sugar, but also with honey and lemon zest.