Traditional medicine praises viburnum. It is considered an elixir of vigor and health. The healing possibilities of the bush are almost endless. However, we turn into skeptics. Consider the beneficial properties and contraindications of viburnum red as a combination of the qualities of a single whole. It is no secret that helps one, the other can cause irreparable harm.
Material Content:
Red viburnum: useful properties
Shrub with bright red fruits is useful completely. From the crown itself to the roots lying in the depths of the earth. Medicines are prepared from flowers, leaves, branches, young bark, fruits, seeds and rhizomes of viburnum.
In various parts of the plant are concentrated:
- carotene and ascorbic acid, stimulating the immune system;
- vitamin K, involved in the formation of platelets;
- higher fatty acids responsible for metabolism;
- tannins and volatile, with antimicrobial action;
- pectins, binding and neutralizing toxins;
- phytosterols that reduce the concentration of harmful cholesterol and reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis.
The healing properties of a plant are not rumors or arguments. They are confirmed experimentally.
Back in Soviet times, in the laboratory of the Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (formerly VILR, and now VILAR), experiments were carried out with the participation of preparations based on viburnum.
And here is what they showed:
- decoction and infusion of the plant bark stimulate the formation of platelets, and reduces blood loss from various kinds of injuries and internal bleeding;
- the ability to stop blood loss was also found in preparations made from flowers and foliage;
- a decoction of the cortex tones the muscles of the uterus, facilitates the course of painful menstruation;
- squeezing from the fruits stimulates the formation and outflow of urine, restores the electrolytic balance, dilates blood vessels, strengthens heart contractions, lowers blood pressure;
- the infusion of flowers and foliage depresses the vital activity of staphylococci and other pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora that cause skin diseases; lotions successfully suppress the symptoms of furunculosis, eczema, ulcers, diathesis, hemorrhoids, dermatomycosis and keratosis;
- shrub bark and flowers are suitable for the prevention of seizures;
- infusion of the cortex can be used to suppress the symptoms of an irritated stomach; tannins bind and condense proteins on the surface of the mucosa, form a protective film that inhibits the inflammatory reaction;
- berries of a shrub have a sedative effect, soothe the nervous system, stimulate immunity to fight colds, relax smooth muscles, reduce the severity of pain;
- with prolonged use, the fruits reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, promote the elimination of toxins, restore cardiac function;
- all parts of the plant are used to treat foot and mouth disease in agricultural animals.
Read also:seborrheic keratosis of the skin
In folk medicine, viburnum is considered an effective external remedy. From different parts of the bush infusions are prepared for gargling, washing the wounds, whitening the skin, removing age spots, blackheads and other rashes.
Viburnum is widely used to treat internal diseases and conditions. It is considered a good anthelmintic, diaphoretic, choleretic, laxative and antitussive. It is used to treat female diseases, diseases of the stomach and biliary tract. It is used as a vitamin stimulant, analgesic and anti-inflammatory.
The healing properties of viburnum:
Red viburnum from pressure
Berries of red viburnum or common viburnum are good for the heart. A mixture of seven plant hydrocarbons - iridoids - was found in the fruits, which was initially taken as a single complex substance - viburnin.
The bitter taste of berries is a “merit” of those same iridoids. But this small drawback fades in comparison with the benefits that viburnin can bring.
A mixture of hydrocarbons energizes the heart. It improves the conductivity of electrical pulses. The force of contractions increases, the vessels expand, and the pressure decreases.
Phytosterols are also involved in the adjustment of cardiac activity, which do not allow excess cholesterol to be deposited on the walls of blood vessels. The use of infusion of the cortex has a clear antiatherosclerotic effect. It is prescribed as a hypotensive (lowering pressure) drug for hypertension.
The use of viburnum in cosmetology
For the preparation of skin care products, fresh juice of the fruits of the plant is used. It is mixed with sour cream or yolk. Apply to the face like a mask.
Means from viburnum cleanse problem skin well, eliminate inflammation, and help fight acne. Due to the whitening effect, fresh juice is used to even out skin tone and remove freckles.
Viburnum for women
Viburnum bark stops uterine bleeding, regardless of the nature of their origin. Whether it is a natural reaction after childbirth or a consequence of any gynecological disease.
A decoction of the bark of young branches is a natural antispasmodic for painful periods. It is effective for heavy menstruation and is able to regulate the cycle.
The plant is rich in plant precursors of sex hormones. It facilitates the course of menopause.Kalina acts immediately on two fronts: eliminates the emotional component, calms the nerves and improves sleep, and also smoothes out the main physical symptoms.
Benefits for children
Children are treated with decoctions of bark and berries, as well as infusions of flowers. Medicinal squeezes are used as external and internal agents.
Dermatitis, diathesis moisten the infusion of flowers. Decoction of the throat with angina. With tonsillitis, the nose is washed.
Berry broth with honey is a powerful immunostimulating agent. The drink contains many trace elements that help the body cope with the effects of the common cold.
Infusion of flowers promotes the separation of sputum. It serves as a means to get rid of a painful cough, including provoked by whooping cough.
How to apply:
Viburnum juice red
Viburnum juice is the most concentrated product with a high antiseptic and anti-inflammatory potential. It is made from freshly picked berries. The fruits are removed from the branches after the first frost. Sort, washed, crushed with a wooden crush and passed through a sieve.
Juice relieves runny nose and nasal congestion. It must be dripped until complete recovery, 3-4 drops in each nasal passage up to two times a day.
Fresh squeeze from the fruit when taken orally improves the circulation of bile. Treatment of cholangitis (an inflammatory disease of the bile ducts) is carried out in three stages. In the first week three times a day, half an hour before a meal, you need to drink a third of a glass of water mixed with one tablespoon of viburnum juice. In the second week, two are added to the water, and in the third week - three tablespoons of squeezed fresh fruit. In the last week, the medicine is taken four times a day.
For the treatment of acne, boils, eczema, dermatitis, a fresh lotion is prepared. In a glass of clean filtered water, dissolve two tablespoons of the juice of the pressed fruit. Problem areas are rubbed with lotion three times a day for a month.
Viburnum tea is made from fresh or thawed berries. It is used during colds. The drink is rich in vitamin C, which inhibits the onset of infection, accelerates recovery, protects cells from the action of viruses, dilutes blood, stimulates metabolism and the removal of harmful substances from the body.
Viburnum tea is a source of volatile, plant-based antiseptics. It acts not only from within. Infusion softens sore throat, relieves redness and inflammation.
Berries are crushed in a glass or enamel bowl. On a glass of boiling water take 50 g of ripe, picked, washed fruits. They are crushed by a wooden crush. Pour boiling water. Insist under the lid until cool. The drink is filtered and diluted with honey (to taste). Drink warm as an antipyretic and immunostimulating up to three cups per day.
Tincture of viburnum red
Tincture is prepared from fresh young bark. Medicinal raw materials are harvested in early spring before the kidneys are revitalized. Thin lateral branches are cut to a length of 10-25 cm. The bark is removed with a whole tube. Darkened lignified areas are removed and discarded.
Prepared raw materials are randomly ground. Pour 40% alcohol in a ratio of 1: 1. For a month they insist in a dark place. Accepted for inflammation of hemorrhoids, uterine bleeding and high blood pressure, 1-2 tablespoons before meals 2-3 times a day for two or three weeks.
A decoction of flowers is suitable for indoor and outdoor use. Regardless of further use, it is prepared in the same way. A spoonful of dried inflorescences is poured into a glass container. A glass of boiling water is added to it. The mixture is insisted on a water bath for 15-20 minutes. Then cool and filter.
Flower broth irrigate ulcers, cuts, boils, eczema, spots of dermatitis and acne up to three times a day until a therapeutic effect is achieved.Inside, take a tablespoon three times a day with depression, hysteria, insomnia, hypertension, colds, stomach ulcers, poor patency of the biliary tract, kidney disease, menstrual irregularities.
Berry broth normalizes blood pressure. It is drunk half a glass three times a day for two to three weeks.
Fruit product is prepared in a water bath. In a liter jar, pour a glass of picked berries. Pour boiling water almost to the very neck. Stew on medium heat for 10 minutes. Filter and add water to the original volume.
The seeds of viburnum berries
Most of the fatty acids and essential oils are concentrated in the bones. Infusion based on crushed raw materials is used for colds as an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory.
A plant product strengthens blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure. Promote healing of the intestinal mucosa. Used in the treatment of colitis and constipation.
The infusion is prepared by steaming 10-15 crushed seeds with a glass of boiling water. The medicine cools for 30 minutes, filtered and taken two tablespoons before meals up to three times a day until noticeable improvements appear.
Bones are also an excellent tonic. Hot drupes are ground into powder. Packed in jars and brewed instead of regular coffee.
Contraindications and possible harm
Contraindications to the use of viburnum are directly related to its beneficial properties. Hypotonic patients are not recommended frequent use of any products prepared from this plant, as viburnum can dramatically reduce pressure.
Ingestion may also be unsafe for people prone to thrombosis. This is due to the fact that any medicinal elixirs, especially those made from bark, increase blood coagulation.
Due to the ability to stimulate diuresis, viburnum is contraindicated in people suffering from diseases associated with impaired salt metabolism.
Pregnant women are not recommended to improve their health with this berry. Kalina provokes contraction of the uterine muscles, which in the most critical period can cause premature birth.
Any folk remedy is good in moderation. People with health problems are generally not recommended to self-medicate. Any problems should be solved together with the doctor.