Not many people know about the benefits of red berries of viburnum, which contain many essential trace elements and vitamins to maintain health. Fruits have a firming effect, improve heart function, soothe with neurosis. There are many recipes for cooking viburnum for the winter: jams, tinctures, preserves, compotes, syrups, jellies. A decoction of the fruits helps with hypertension, gastrointestinal problems, colds, hemorrhoids, bronchial asthma, restores metabolism.

Viburnum tincture for the winter

This tincture is cold jam. When the berries come in contact with sugar, syrup is obtained. With this method, almost all useful substances are preserved.


  • red viburnum on the branches - 1200 g;
  • granulated sugar - 1000 g.


  1. Prepare banks, sterilize in advance.
  2. Lay out the berries in layers.
  3. Sprinkle each layer with sugar.
  4. The last layer of berries should not reach 2 centimeters to the edge of the container.
  5. Cover the remaining space with sugar.
  6. Scald the cap with boiling water and tighten.
  7. Put in the cold.
  8. Two weeks later, the tincture will be ready. Use without heating. Can be mixed with cold water or eat with a spoon. In this case, vitamins are stored.

Jam Recipe

Viburnum jam is an easy preparation, but the taste and useful properties of jam remain at a high level. Correctly pick up viburnum immediately after the first frost, so it becomes sweet.


  • lemon balm - 25 g;
  • viburnum - 420 g;
  • sugar - 840 g;
  • mint - 25 g;
  • ginger - half a teaspoon;
  • thyme - 25 g.


  1. For cooking, you need to choose only whole berries. Damaged fruits to use for compote or freeze.
  2. Grate the berries with a blender. Fall asleep with sugar.
  3. Grind fresh herbs.
  4. Sprinkle with ginger, mix.
  5. Cook the mass for a minute, place on cheesecloth, squeeze.
  6. Stir greens with berries.
  7. It turned out raw jam, which must be placed in jars and covered with lids. Keep refrigerated.

Jelly from viburnum - step by step

If you do not like viburnum, this recipe will help you change your attitude to the berry. The delicacy is sweet, aromatic and completely bitter.


  • berries of viburnum - 1200 g;
  • water - 540 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 2400 g.


  1. Remove branches, leaves, spoiled berries and other garbage.
  2. Rinse the berries well, remove the stalks.
  3. Pour water into the stewpan, boil. Place the berries, boil for five minutes.
  4. Transfer viburnum to a sieve, grind with a wooden spatula.
  5. Move to pan.
  6. Add sugar. Pour in water. Stir.
  7. Put on a slow fire, stirring to cook until the mass thickens. Calculate the volume of the container, the jelly in the jars will thicken even more after cooling.
  8. Pack hot jelly in sterile jars, cork.
  9. Store in the cold.

It is interesting! Not everyone knows that viburnum seeds serve as a substitute for coffee.

People's advice: viburnum red: useful properties and contraindications

Harvesting viburnum in sugar without cooking

If you pick berries to frost, they will be bitter. Therefore, you should wait for the first frosts, then harvesting viburnum for the winter will turn out delicious.


  • viburnum - 750 g;
  • sugar - 750 g.


  1. When berries are weighed, the net weight of viburnum should be taken into account, without branches and debris. Leave only strong, beautiful berries.
  2. Rinse. Put in a colander to drain the liquid.
  3. Transfer to dishes, grind. Pour sugar rate, combine the components.
  4. Set aside for an hour, stir.
  5. Sterilize containers.
  6. Put the berry mass.
  7. Cork with lids.

With honey

Viburnum with honey is a very healthy treat. If you want to get a daily intake of vitamin C, it’s enough to consume 35 g of this sweet mass every day.


  • honey - 300 g;
  • berries of viburnum - 600 g.


  1. Remove berries from twigs, remove damaged fruits. Rinse, dry, use a paper towel or napkins to speed up the process.
  2. Crush the berries in any convenient way, rub the mass through a sieve, remove the flat bones.
  3. Measure the amount of mass obtained, pour the same amount of honey. Stir until the ingredients are completely dissolved.
  4. Put the finished composition in pre-pasteurized jars.
  5. Store in a cool place.

Kalina in own juice

The vibrant taste turns viburnum, cooked in its own juice. Good for making compote and fruit drink.


  • red viburnum - 2000


  1. Rinse the berries without separating from the branches.
  2. Then break off the branches and rinse again.
  3. To dry, you can get wet with a paper towel.
  4. Squeeze juice from 800 g of viburnum.
  5. The remaining put in the pan.
  6. Pour the juice obtained from berries, boil.
  7. Banks prepare in advance.
  8. Fill the tank.
  9. In a large basin, lay a cloth at the bottom, put in cans, pour hot water.
  10. Boil. Hold a quarter of an hour. Roll up.
  11. Cover with a warm blanket until the containers cool completely.

Berry freezing for winter

Berries of viburnum are a vitamin, restorative and diuretic, they should be properly prepared for the winter.


  • viburnum - 1000 g.


  1. Go through the berries, separate the stalks, rinse.
  2. Put on a towel, dry.
  3. Arrange the berries in cooked bags.
  4. Store in the freezer compartment for a year.

Viburnum syrup - a simple recipe

Due to the specific taste, fresh berries are rarely consumed. In winter harvesting, viburnum becomes softer and more pleasant. Try the delicious syrup from this healthy berry.


  • juice of viburnum - 1100 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 2200 g;
  • lemon - 2 tsp.


  1. Rinse Kalina, leave only full, undamaged fruits.
  2. Squeeze the juice by passing the berries through a sieve.
  3. Pour juice into a saucepan, pour sugar. Boil for seven minutes.
  4. Introduce a lemon. Boil another minute.
  5. Pour into bottles. Store in the dark.

Useful compote

Compote will help quench your thirst and cope with a cold in the cold period. The drink is prepared not only from fresh benign fruits, but also from frozen berries.


  • water - 900 ml;
  • sugar - 900 g;
  • berries - 450 g.


  1. Remove debris, twigs from berries, rinse in cold water, slightly dry.
  2. Pour water into the container, add sugar, stir until the grains are completely dissolved.
  3. Boil the syrup, introduce the berries, bring to a boil. To preserve vitamins, it is not recommended to cook compote.
  4. Keep under the lid until the liquid cools completely.

Berry, grated with sugar, pitted

This is a very simple and useful workpiece. After spending a minimum of time, provide yourself with vitamins for the entire cold season.


  • granulated sugar - 630 g;
  • berries of viburnum - 630 g.


  1. Do not tear off the branches from the berries, place them in a container. Pour in cold water. Let stand. Thanks to this procedure, all the dirt will go away.
  2. Rinse, put on a towel. To dry.
  3. Separate the fruits from the twigs. Remove spoiled berries.
  4. Put in a container, cover with sugar.
  5. Grind through a sieve, imposing the mass in parts.
  6. All the cake and seeds will remain in the sieve.
  7. The ground mass is placed in jars. Keep refrigerated.

How to dry viburnum berries for the winter?

A good way to preserve the fruit is to dry it. Very easy to dry in the oven. The berry should be stored in jars in a cool room for no more than four years.


  • viburnum.


  1. Choose only high-quality, not damaged fruits. Berries must be ripe, picked after the first frost, before that they are not even pecked by birds.
  2. Rinse under water, place the berries on a towel. To dry.
  3. On a baking sheet, spread the baking paper, put the fruits in a thin layer.
  4. Heat the oven to 55 degrees. Place a baking sheet. Dry with the door open.
  5. To get it when the fruits are wrinkled.
  6. Cooking in the dryer: if there are large distances between the cells in the lattice, then cling film will help to close the pallets.
  7. Arrange the berries on a wire rack.
  8. Set the oven heating to 50-60 degrees.
  9. When the berries are dried, leave on a wire rack until completely cooled. From such a berry in the winter it is good to make tea with healing properties or fruit drinks.