Calendula is also called marigold in a different way, and you can meet the plant in the Mediterranean, Volga region, Ukraine, Krasnodar Territory, Belarus and Moldova. Calendula, medicinal properties and contraindications are used both to solve internal health problems, as well as external, which we will discuss in this material.

Beneficial features

The explanation of the beneficial properties of calendula is very simple - it is filled with a large number of components important for the human body, which include carotenoids and substances that synthesize vitamin A, sterols and alcohols with a cholesterol structure. As well as triterpenoids and flavonoids, essential oils and coumarins with mineral elements, as well as many vitamins.

The healing properties of calendula are possessed not only by flowers, but also by foliage with a root. The former help lower cholesterol levels, relieve inflammation, heal wounds as soon as possible, relieve stomach and intestinal cramps, eliminate toxins and other unnecessary substances, produce bile and relieve problems with urination, and they also protect against viral infections.

If we talk about the leaves of the plant, then they are rich in vitamin C and salicylic acid, which is successfully used by cooks.

Healing qualities are distributed:

  1. For all kinds of skin ailments.
  2. For eye diseases.
  3. For problems with the stomach, gall bladder and urinary tract.
  4. For colds, as well as tonsillitis, stomatitis and diathesis.
  5. On the problems of CVS, headaches and insomnia.
  6. The lack of vitamins and dystrophy.

Marigolds can help as an aid in the treatment of various tumors.

The plant has a general strengthening, anti-inflammatory, astringent and antiviral effect, cleansing the blood and calming the nervous system, as well as effectively strengthening the hair and improving the appearance of the skin.

What diseases does it help

Indications for the appointment of calendula in various versions will be the following diseases:

  • acne, burns, wounds and cracks, fungi on the skin and warts, pigmentation and boils;
  • gastrointestinal ulcer and gastritis with pathologies of the gallbladder;
  • gynecological inflammation and erosion, thrush and climacteric symptoms;
  • stress, neurosis and sleep problems;
  • cough and sore throat;

Important: calendula alone cannot be cured without antibiotics and sulfa drugs, for example, tonsillitis.

  • high blood pressure and heart ailments;
  • head and tooth pains.

Strengthening immunity and many other health problems that are "beyond the power" of calendula. In the list of positive effects - the ability to stop the growth of various tumors.

Folk marigold recipes

Traditional healers created tinctures, decoctions, infusions, ointments and oil from various parts of calendula, helping to solve many problems with health and appearance, preparing them yourself at home.

Infusion or decoction

Infusions have an antiseptic property, fighting tonsillitis and oral problems. Here is a recipe against sore throat - pour boiling water (200 ml) a large spoon of the dry composition of the plant in a thermos and let stand for an hour. Apply the infusion in the form of a rinse three times a day or by inhalation.

More materials:calendula tincture - what helps

Decoctions work as anti-inflammatory drugs. For digestive problems 2 large spoons of the plant pour 0.5 l of water, boiling over low heat for 5 minutes, and then insisting for an hour. After which the drink should be filtered and taken in 1/3 cup up to 4 times during the day.

With arrhythmias, pour 2 small spoons of calendula flowers with boiling water (2 cups), let stand for 1 hour and strain. The composition is drunk three times a day in half a glass.

Oil extract

The oily substance is able to eliminate external inflammatory processes, also having a bactericidal effect, which helps in healing wounds of damaged skin.

To prepare a therapeutic composition, fresh flowers and leaves of the plant will be required. Place the harvested crop in a glass container, pour the vegetable oil on top to the very edge. Cover on top with something and leave it for 10 days alone in the refrigerator, shaking it daily. After the set time has passed, strain the composition, after which it is ready for use.

The product is indicated for external burns, wounds, cracks in the limbs and nipples in women during feeding, with varicose veins, bedsores and diaper rash with ulcers.

Inside, it is prescribed for gastritis, gastrointestinal ulcers, pathologies of the liver and biliary tract.

A powerful property to get rid of inflammation is the plant extract, which also lowers cholesterol levels in the blood. The basis for its preparation is the flowers of the plant.


The prepared ointment protects against the development of various inflammations on the body, eliminating itching, regenerating damaged skin and soothing it.

Powdered dry flowers (50 g) are mixed with melted pork fat (internal - 200 g). The mixture is placed in a water bath and brought to a homogeneous state with constant stirring. The finished composition cools down, is transferred to glass and put in storage in a cool place (you can use a refrigerator).

Juice, tea

Calendula tea is a dietary supplement that helps with intestinal problems, especially chronic ones. It eliminates inflammatory processes and has an antiulcer effect.The drink is prepared simply - combine the flowers of the plant with flax seed, coriander fruits, licorice root, chamomile flowers and yarrow grass, pour all this with boiling water and let stand for 15 minutes.

For colds, it is recommended to prepare the following tea composition - pour calendula (flowers), chamomile, rosehip (fruits), viburnum, dried or fresh mint, nettle and a string into the cooked dishes. Pour boiling water over the mixture and leave it alone for 10 minutes.

An excellent remedy against rash, dandruff and warts is the juice of the plant. It also promotes the healing of burns, barley, frostbite, cracks in the anus and Trichomonas.

Alcohol tincture

Calendula tincture for alcohol can be purchased ready-made in a pharmacy or prepared on your own - put in a glass container 2 large spoons of finely chopped fresh marigold flowers, pour 0.5 a glass of alcohol or vodka. The composition is prepared for 14 days in the dark and at room temperature, which must be shaken periodically. After the specified time, the drink is filtered and squeezed, then pouring the finished composition into a dark bottle, putting it in the refrigerator for storage. All useful properties will be saved for 1 year.

Application in cosmetology

When exposed to calendula on the skin, inflammation, irritation are reduced, sweating and fat loss are normalized without disturbing the acid-base balance.

Thanks to these qualities, a freshly prepared infusion from a plant can wipe the face with any type of skin.

If you have problematic oily skin, make the following composition - mix the infusion of grass in a warm form (2 tbsp.) With oatmeal (1 tbsp.), Laying it on your face for half an hour, then rinsing with warm water.

Calendula is also considered an effective anti-aging agent for age-related changes and the appearance of small wrinkles. To improve the appearance of the skin in these cases, combine in one dish infusion of calendula in the amount of 2 large spoons, half the amount of aloe juice and the same amount of honey. The mask is applied to the face for 20 minutes and then washed off with a little cool water.

For hair, the plant is also very useful for its firming effect, getting rid of dandruff and skin irritation. To do this, make a rinse - chamomile, calendula and hops (1 large spoon each) are poured with a liter of water and brought to a boil over low heat. Now it remains to wait until the composition has cooled and rinse their hair after each wash.

What are the benefits of calendula flowers and foliage

A high concentration of the necessary substances for our body endows marigold flowers with benefits for stomatitis and cholecystopancreatitis, disorders of the nervous system and tonsillitis, hepatitis, as well as for cramps and spasms - a list of diseases that this “amazing plant” can afford.

But not only marigolds can be used for medicinal purposes, but also leaves - fresh, crushed to a state of porridge, they treat abscesses, relieve various inflammations and relieve corns with warts.


In drugstores you can find such forms with the presence of calendula in the composition, such as tinctures, ointments, herbal teas and suppositories (rectal).

  1. Alcohol tincture (70%) indicated for those who require the choleretic property of the drug.
  2. Ointments used against various cuts, cracks in the skin and nipples, eczema and burns.
  3. Tea heals ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Candles recommended for getting rid of colpitis, endometritis, hemorrhoids, salpingoophoritis and endocervicitis.

At the same time, do not forget about the need to visit a doctor and obtain approval from him for treatment with calendula, regardless of its type and form.


Calendula, with all its positive properties for the human body, can harm some people, and this is possible in the presence of certain conditions:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Childhood.
  3. Individual intolerance to the components.
  4. Low blood pressure.
  5. Heart failure and bradycardia.

In no case should you use calendula in any form to people with allergies, since the plant is allergenic.

So be careful and careful when taking drugs and traditional medicine with the presence of this flower. And it is best to consult with a specialist in this field, who will not only help you choose the right medicine, but also prescribe the dosage and frequency of use. Health to you and your loved ones!