The conception of the baby’s conception is as old as the world, and although modern scientists have come up with a number of alternatives to the natural process of fertilization, the closest relationship between partners remains the most relevant method. If the latter occurs in order to get the desired pregnancy, in some cases couples are faced with the need to count days that are convenient for fertilization. The conception calendar comes to the aid of potential parents. What is he, and is it possible to guess the sex of the unborn child with his help?
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How to calculate favorable days for conception
It is unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that the most pleasant thing in conceiving a child is directly the process of intimacy. Nevertheless, leading doctors have established: for a successful conception it is not at all necessary to have sex daily. Moreover, in some cases, on the contrary, it is worth refraining from intimacy for a while - this will at times bring the desired pregnancy closer. How to build an affinity strategy with a partner for successful fertilization? The conception calendar will come to the rescue - it will not be difficult to calculate the required days with a certain skill.
With regular menstruation
For women with a typical menstrual cycle, it is enough to calculate the days favorable for conception using the calendar method. In this case, the report will start from the middle of the cycle - often during this period ovulation is observed. Sometimes a deviation of a couple of days in both directions is possible.In other words, with a steady cycle, traditionally lasting 28 days, the appearance of a female cell should be expected at about 14-15 days.
Understanding that the egg, like all ladies, may be somewhat late or, on the contrary, decides to appear earlier, should be thrown two days by this time. That is, a favorable day will fall approximately for the period from 13 to 17 days of the cycle.
It should also not be forgotten that sperm can wait 3–5 days for their “chosen one,” therefore, 9–18 days of the cycle can be considered successful.
With a floating cycle
But not all women have a clear cycle, like a Swiss watch. Even with a “stormy”, unstable cycle, a lady may try to use a calendar method to determine successful days from the point of view of conception. The reliability of this method will become higher if the potential mother calculates her cycles at least during the last six months.
To obtain the necessary information, it is necessary to carry out calculations on the shortest and longest cycle. In total, the average figures obtained will give some ideas about the possible days of the release of the egg.
Nevertheless, with an extremely inconsistent cycle, such a technique will not work, a woman should use other options.
Determination of basal temperature. It is considered more accurate, in comparison with the calendar method, but it does not give a 100% guarantee. The main aspect is compliance with the recommendations for measuring this type of temperature. To do this, you will have to keep a schedule of approximately 4 to 6 cycles.
During the observation, the following information is revealed:
- lower temperatures are tracked in the first part of the cycle;
- performance improvement - in the second part;
- on certain days there is a sharp drop in temperature - from 0.4 to 0.6 degrees. It is this time that is considered the release date of the egg.
Thus, 5 days before ovulation and 2 days after it are considered good days.
Another method is ultrasound monitoring. It is considered the most accurate method for determining favorable days for conception. For this purpose, an ultrasound scan is performed on the 7th day of the cycle with a vaginal probe. With this method, the doctor determines the maturity of the follicles. The procedure is carried out every 2 to 3 days. An analysis of the information obtained reveals the dominant follicle - it is he who often ovulates. Additionally, the specialist can track the readiness of the uterine membrane for implantation of the embryo. Given that follicles of at least 18 mm in size are considered ovulatory, the specialist accurately determines the release date of the egg.
Do not lose popularity and tests for ovulation. The mechanism of their action is based on the indicator's response to an increase in a special hormone in urine or saliva. Testing begins to be carried out 5 days before a possible ovulation. With the strict observance of all instructions on a certain day, a positive result will appear - a sign that ovulation should be expected in the next day.
Baby Conception Calendar
The conception calendar, or the ovulation calendar, is a technique for determining the day an egg is released, built taking into account a number of features of the female body.
- The ovulatory day is marked in green on the calendar.
- Do not forget about the few days before and after it - these dates can be painted over in orange).
- Conception at the end of the cycle and during the period of menstruation is unlikely (but not excluded) and this period is marked with a "safe" pink color.
Child gender prediction
A child is a gift of fate, especially when he is desired. Of course, nature does not ask the opinions of future parents regarding the sex of the unborn child. But the couple’s desire to have a child of a certain gender is not surprising or strange - after all, a beautiful daughter after 3 sons (or vice versa) is a very joyful and expected event. Is it possible to plan the floor crumbs before ovulation?
It is known that it is the male body that is responsible for the genetic code of the future person.
Female cells "make" exclusively X-chromosomes.Men in this respect are more generous and provide both X and Y chromosomes. The meeting of two X chromosomes promises the birth of a girl, a combination of XU chromosomes - a boy.
The most popular theories of preliminary determination of the sex of the unborn child are several:
- According to the count of ovulation. There are several subtleties in this method. It is believed that for the conception of a girl, it makes sense to have sexual intercourse 2 to 3 days before ovulation, since spermatozoa with the X sign are more tenacious. "Tadpoles" with the U-chromosome are less hardy and if they get into the uterus earlier than the day of ovulation, they simply die. Therefore, to conceive a boy, you should stick directly to the day of ovulation.
- Updated blood technique. You can determine the sex of the child by the information about what time the blood of potential parents was updated. In men, such an update occurs 1 time in 4 years, in women - 1 time in 3 years. The report starts from the person’s birth year. If at the time of counting the mother’s blood was updated earlier, the child conceived at this time will be a girl and vice versa. This technique has no scientific justification, but it turns out to be true in 50% of cases.
Note. Some procedures can lead to premature blood renewal. These include abortion, blood transfusion. This point should be taken into account when trying to determine the sex of the future baby by updating the blood of the parents.
How to check for ovulation
In addition to the listed methods for tracking ovulation, its appearance can be determined by the following physiological signs:
- pain in the lower abdomen (short-term);
- an increase in the level of progesterone in the blood plasma; a change in the nature of vaginal discharge (they become more intense, reminiscent of egg white in consistency).
Japanese conception calendar
The Japanese are a very entrepreneurial nation, making life easier for many people around the world by inventing various advanced technologies. The Japanese did not ignore the process of conception.
So, you can determine the gender of the unborn child using a unique Japanese technique. Its essence is to compare the months of birth of partners with the month of direct conception. The calendar for the conception of a child from the land of the rising sun includes 2 tables. In the first of these, partners mark their birth dates (one in a horizontal column and the other in a vertical column). The figure in which they intersect indicates the best time from the point of view of fertilization.
This method is very popular due to the lack of the need to perform complex mathematical calculations.
According to this technique, the probability of conception of a baby of a certain gender exists only twice a year.
Determining days favorable from the point of view of fertilization is not always an easy task, but it is quite feasible. For this purpose, a conception tracking calendar is ideal. Armed with colored markers and a little bit of patience, a woman is quite capable of defining “hour X”, which will subsequently make her a happy mother.