We are used to plant aloe as a “home doctor”. The healing properties of this plant are not in doubt. But he has a competitor who treats no worse, this is Kalanchoe Degremona. Just stand next to the flower and you can get a boost of vigor. This plant has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties, it is able to cope even with influenza viruses. Therefore, it is often called "indoor ginseng."

Basic requirements for the cultivation of Kalanchoe Degremon

Kalanchoe Degremona (Kalanchoe daigremontiana) is one of the species of the genus Kalanchoe of the large family Crassulaceae. The plant does not branch, has erect stems with leaves up to 20 cm long, having the shape of a boat and a serrated edge. The birthplace of this species is the island of Madagascar. There, the plant lives on sandy soils and is perfectly adapted to a long-term lack of moisture, a lot of light and fairly dry air. Kalanchoe Degremona refers to succulents, therefore, it is able to store moisture in the tissues of the leaves and stem and spend it very sparingly. At home, this is a rather tall plant, in a room culture does not grow above half a meter. So that it reaches such a height and blooms, which does not happen often in an apartment, you need to provide it with conditions close to natural.

Home Care

This plant does not require any frills in the care. It is enough to provide it with normal soil, watering, top dressing and plenty of light.Even with such simple care, it will delight the grower with a healthy appearance and, perhaps, good flowering.

Ground and pot requirements

The pot for Kalanchoe should be high, but not wide, the optimal diameter is about 14 centimeters. It all depends on the age and size of the plant. The best material for the pot is unglazed ceramics, there are natural pores in it that contribute to the penetration of air into the air and the removal of excess moisture.

The soil must meet the following requirements:

  • to be loose and well aerated;
  • light in mechanical composition;
  • good moisture permeation;
  • have a neutral or slightly acid reaction, the acidity level is in the range from 5 to 6.5.

You can use a store mix for succulents or prepare your own soil of the following composition:

  • 1 part coarse sand;
  • 1 part humus;
  • 1 part of garden land.

The soil before planting must be steamed. You can add a little crushed charcoal to the soil.

Watering, fertilizing and fertilizing

Kalanchoe Degremona is better to underfill than pour. From excessive moisture, the roots can rot. Do not allow stagnation of water in the pan. It needs to be poured. Water the plant sparingly and only after the top layer of the earthen coma has dried. In summer - cool, settled water and only under the root, in winter - water at room temperature, pouring it into the pan so much that after absorption the top layer of soil in the pot remains dry. In winter, the flower is watered 2 times less than in summer, when kept in cool it is enough to do this a couple of times a month.

Proper care is not possible without top dressing. They need to be seldom done - during the period of active vegetation once a month with fertilizers intended for succulents.

During the period of forced winter rest, Kalanchoe Degremon is not fed.

Location, lighting and humidity

This plant loves light. In its homeland, it is able to withstand bright lighting. In room culture, light also needs a lot, but only scattered, direct sunlight in hot summer afternoon can burn its leaves. Therefore, the window sill with an oriental orientation would be an ideal place to place a flower. But in winter it can be completely rearranged to the south window. If there is not enough light in winter, you will have to organize additional illumination with the help of a phytolamp.

Light mode for Kalanchoe Degremon:

  • during the period of active growth (March-September) - from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. - diffused light, the rest of the time - direct sunlight;
  • during the period of forced rest - the maximum lighting possible.

This is one of the few plants that are insensitive to drafts, on the contrary, it simply needs fresh air, but it should be protected from the flow of cold air from the air conditioner. In summer, the flower feels great on the balcony or loggia. You can take it to the garden. Kalanchoe Degremona easily tolerates not only temperature changes, it is able to withstand its rather low values. But he will be most comfortable with a summer temperature of at least 22 and a winter temperature of at least 15 degrees.

The plant is undemanding to air humidity. It is not necessary to spray it specially. Showering or wiping leaves is a hygienic procedure. After them, the plant is wiped with a dry cloth.

Flowering and pruning Kalanchoe

Flowering plants at room conditions is a rare phenomenon and occurs in winter. Usually it weakens the plant so much that it sometimes leads to its death. If other plants need careful care for flowering, top dressing and watering done on time, then this flower is the other way around: Kalanchoe Degremona blooms only in Spartan conditions. To stimulate the process, they resort to reducing daylight hours to 8 hours, for which they arrange a flower dimming, covering it with a black film or box, and hardly water it. Then put it in a lit place and continue normal care. In such conditions, the plant lays buds, and after one or two months it throws a flower stalk.

After flowering, the peduncle is pruned, and the flower is fed.

Pruning a flower is also needed in other cases:

  • if the bush is very long, the shoots can be shortened by a third or half;
  • an aging plant is rejuvenated by pruning for a stump with 2 leaves;
  • pinch the stems to form, this can only be done during the period of active growth.

Transplant at home

The flower very quickly builds up the root system, so young plants are transplanted annually. After 3-5 years, such a frequent transplant of Kalanchoe is not required, it is enough to update the soil every 2 or 3 years. Do this at the beginning of the growing season - in early spring.

The stalks and root system of Kalanchoe Degremon are fragile, so you need to handle the plant carefully.

How does a Kalanchoe transplant take place:

  • choose a pot a couple of centimeters larger than the previous one in diameter;
  • a drainage layer of about 2 cm is laid at its bottom, for which expanded clay or small brick fragments are suitable;
  • a plant in a pot is well watered;
  • I carefully take out, without shaking the ground from the roots;
  • placed in a new pot on the drainage layer, lightly sprinkled with soil;
  • fill the voids near the walls of the pot with moistened planting soil, which is slightly compacted.

After a week, the plant takes root in a new place. Now is the time to feed him.

Features breeding Kalanchoe Degremon

This plant is viviparous. To the delight of the grower, brood buds already equipped with small roots appear on the edges of the leaves. They can take root without the intervention of the owner, just by planning in a pot. To prevent such spontaneous reproduction, the soil surface is mulched with small pebbles.

But if the plant still needs to be propagated, do it in the following ways:

  • kidneys by children who are easily rooted in moist soil;
  • apical cuttings; they need to be cut off and allowed to lie down for a day to dry out, then they are placed in a soil of light mechanical composition, removing a couple of lower leaves;
  • a sheet or part thereof; it is simply placed on moist soil, firmly pressed to the soil and covered with a glass jar on top; if you regularly carry out ventilation, children at the edge of the sheet will appear very soon.

Pests, diseases and treatments

Pests attack the flower not often. It can be damaged by the attack of aphids, which is easiest to wash off with a soap solution, or spray plants with a solution of tobacco dust. If this measure does not help, you will have to resort to insecticides: Fitovermu, Karbofos.

The same substances treat the flower when a mealybug or scaleworm is detected. They are saved from spider mites by the use of insectoacaricides, for example, Agrovertin. All chemicals must be approved for indoor use.

Diseases are most often the result of improper care. Fungal diseases: powdery mildew, late blight, gray rot develop with excessive humidity and high temperature. They are fought with Topaz, Fundazol and Ridomil.

Some plant diseases are transmitted by viruses. The leaves brighten and deform, noticeable blurry circles appear on them, then the sheet apparatus dries up. There is no salvation from these diseases, the flower is subject to destruction.