Prickly pear cactus is the most common cactus species. His homeland is considered South America. The plant is unpretentious in care. For this type, it is important to provide the desired temperature regime in the room, watering, moisture and fertilizing the soil. We will discuss these points in detail in the article.
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Opuntia cactus. Description of species and varieties.
Prickly pear - a type of perennial cactus. The plant has beautiful, fleshy shoots; small buds are located around the perimeter, from which thorns come out. After flowering, small berries appear on the cactus.
Opuntia cactus fruits can be eaten. The berry has a sweetish flavor. They are also called "Indian fig."
Flowering plants occur in early spring or autumn. The fruits are initially green in color, but in mature form they have a bright burgundy hue.
In nature, there are about 300 species of this plant.
A description of the most popular of them will be considered below:
- The prickly Opuntia. In the wild, a cactus can reach 5 meters in height. A distinctive feature of the plant is its beautiful, fleshy segments. Their length often reaches 20 cm. The entire surface is dotted with long white bristles. They are quite dense, therefore, caring for this type of prickly pear you need to be extremely careful. Cactus blooms in large yellow flowers. Such a plant looks great in a flowerpot, fits into any interior;
- Berger. Gardeners consider this type of prickly pear to be the most undemanding in care. Cactus reaches a height of no more than a meter. The segments are fleshy, light green in color. Their length varies from 15 to 25 cm. Spines (brown or yellow) are located on each segment. Cactus blooms in large orange-red flowers. During this period, he looks particularly original and attractive;
- Prickly pear Home. The segments have an unusual color: blue-green or reddish. There are few thorns on the cactus, they are quite soft. The plant blooms in pink or red. This type of prickly pear does not like active watering. Otherwise, the root system begins to get angry and the cactus dies;
- Opuntia Shallow. Perhaps the most popular type of cactus. Its advantage lies in the low height of the plant. The segments are densely covered with yellowish areoles, from whose center spines grow. Blooms rarely, yellow flowers;
- Opuntia lindheimer. Very beautiful view of a cactus. The plant looks especially attractive during flowering. Large yellow flowers attract attention. This type of prickly pear can reach a height of 3.5 m. That is why cactus is advised to be grown not in flowerpots, but planted in open ground;
It is important! Prickly pear is not only beautiful, but also a useful cactus. The fruits of the plant contain a large amount of ascorbic acid. The leaves also contain potassium and calcium. Many gardeners use these types of prickly pears for medicinal purposes.
Home care and growing
The cactus does not require any special care. A plant loves light, but it must be trained gradually in direct sunlight. In the winter season, you will have to monitor the temperature regime. The optimal room temperature should be 5-7 degrees. If it is warmer, the segments of the plant will stretch too much, the cactus will lose its aesthetic appearance.
Care for prickly pear at home is reduced only to proper watering, top dressing and transplanting a cactus.
Watering a plant depends on seasonality:
- Spring. Watering should be moderate, focus on the condition of the soil. Once the top layer has dried, you can moisten it again. Also pay attention to the fact that there should be low humidity in the room. The optimum temperature is 18-24 degrees. It is allowed to put a cactus on the window so that the plant receives direct sunlight. It is better to do this in the morning (until 12 noon) and in the afternoon;
- Summer. Care for the cactus should be the same as in the spring. The only difference is to slightly increase the number of irrigations;
- Autumn. The plant needs watering only until November, after which soil moisture is not required. It is very important to create low humidity in the room, otherwise the segments of the cactus will begin to grow rapidly, the appearance of the prickly pear will be spoiled. The temperature regime should be between 18-20 degrees. The plant is better protected from direct sunlight;
- Winter. Watering a cactus is not necessary. At this time, the most important thing is to provide the plant with a comfortable temperature (5-7 degrees).
It is important! If in the autumn-winter period the temperature in the room is higher, then the cactus will have to be watered, but do it in a special way. A pot with a plant (in which there are small holes from the bottom) is placed in settled acidified water for a couple of minutes. Prickly pear absorbs as much moisture as necessary.
You also need to know that the cactus does not tolerate a change of scenery, so it is not advisable to rearrange it from place to place. This is especially true during the formation of buds and flowering plants.
If you want a cactus to take root well and delight you with its flowering, you need to choose the right soil. Ready soil can be purchased in specialized stores or prepared independently.
The composition of the soil must be: sand, clay, sheet and turf soil. But fertilizing the soil often should not be. Do it only in the summer (1 time in 30 days).
Feeding should be carried out with mineral fertilizers with a low nitrogen content.
Opuntia blooms at home quite rarely. This happens only because gardeners cannot create the conditions in which she lives in nature.
But if buds have formed on your cactus, follow these guidelines:
- Do not rearrange the pot with the plant. It’s better not to rotate it;
- It is not necessary to engage in a plant transplant during this period;
- Watering and top dressing should be carried out strictly on schedule.
If at least one of the conditions is violated, the cactus will “drop” the buds, and they are unlikely to appear again.
After the cactus has flowered, watering gradually begins to decrease, the plant is transferred to a cool room, do not feed the soil. This mode is maintained until a new period of vegetation.
It is interesting:cactus care
How to propagate and plant a cactus
Opuntia cactus has several types of reproduction. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages.
Many gardeners use propagation by cuttings.
The process is as follows:
- In late spring or early summer, a joint is cut from an adult cactus;
- They do not immediately put it in the water, drying the cut for several days;
- Cuttings are planted in coarse-grained (sterile) sand and covered with a cap (preferably glass);
- So that the root system of the plant does not rot, the container is ventilated daily (30-40 minutes), it is necessary to regularly water it;
- When the cactus has taken root, it is planted in the prepared soil.
In order for the cactus to take root, the room temperature should not be lower than 2 degrees. Gardeners are advised to provide lower heating.
Also, cactus can be grown from seeds purchased in the store.
You should immediately tune in to the fact that the process is long, but the result is worth it:
- Prepare the ground in advance. It should consist of charcoal, decayed leaves, sand;
- Seeds need to be processed so that they germinate faster. It is better to use a file or any other abrasive for these purposes;
- Soak the seeds in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 10 minutes;
- Sow into prepared soil. From above it is necessary to sprinkle with sand and cover with a cap;
- Periodically, the soil must be watered and ventilated.
After the second leaf has appeared, the cactus can be transplanted into a separate pot.
Cactus is a plant that does not like to be touched and slowed down. That is why it is better to deal with its transplant no more often than once every 4 years. It is better to carry out the procedure in May, but only if there are no buds or shoots on the plant.
If the cactus is young (not reached the age of 3), the procedure can be carried out once a year. Thus, the development of buds will be stimulated.
When replanting a plant, take care of the pot. It should be large, voluminous. Only in this case, the root system will feel good.
Pest and Disease Control
Prickly pear can suffer from some pests:
- Spider mite, scale insects, cherbets. They feed on the juice of the plant, are located on the joints. It is necessary to process a cactus with preparations like "Decis", "Bankol";
- Nematodes. Pests are located on the roots of the plant, it is rather difficult to detect them. If you look closely or take a magnifying glass, it will be noticeable that there are swellings on the root system. With a sharp knife, the growths are excised. The root system is placed in hot water for 10 minutes, while the neck should remain dry. After the roots have dried, they are treated with charcoal and planted in new soil.
Many diseases are the result of improper plant care.
Possible growing problems
If your cactus grows poorly, withers, then perhaps the problem lies in the following:
- There are insufficient nutrients in the soil;
- The plant lacks light;
- Irrigation is organized incorrectly or too cold water is applied;
- Frequent rearrangement of cactus from place to place;
- Untimely transplant;
- Narrow pot or flowerpot.
To avoid all of the above errors, use the tips that were given in the article. Remember, a cactus is unpretentious in leaving. In order for the plant to please you with its beautiful joints and flowers, you will need to make very little effort: water the cactus in a timely manner, ensure the required temperature, humidity and soil recharge.