For many, losing weight at home is the only option to lose extra pounds. And the most difficult thing is to force yourself not to be tempted by a tasty bite, not to wave your hand - a jester with it, with excess weight, but how nice it feels to be full! How to make yourself lose weight and where to start?
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Reasons why it's important to be slim
First of all, you need to maintain optimal weight in order to feel good. If you recall a long list of diseases, the emergence of which contributes to the completeness, then the mere prospect of not being overwhelmed by them can be an excellent motivation for losing weight.
Cardiovascular diseases, including heart attacks and strokes, diabetes mellitus, oncology, pathology of the musculoskeletal system and digestive tract - all this often overtakes fat people than their slender peers.
The next reason is appearance. A fit figure, well-groomed face, tastefully selected clothes - today many companies make such unspoken demands on their employees. And, of course, every woman wants to look her best, and buy herself any clothes she likes.
And finally, the third reason.
Completeness often “directs” people, dictates a certain lifestyle to them. A full person can no longer afford outdoor activities, refuses camping trips and visits to the pool. Even a long walk can be overwhelming - as if the heart beats in the throat. Thus, excess weight robs its owner of many joys.
Psychological addiction to food and how to get rid of it
Not everyone knows that there is a real psychological dependence on food.People open the refrigerator to “seize” stress or fight depression. The psychotherapist Andrei Kurpatov spoke about an interesting case. A woman who came to his reception rose every night to get pancakes. Having washed them with hot tea, she returned to bed and fell asleep soundly. Blood rushed to a full stomach, a feeling of fullness acted relaxingly. In fact, the woman had a serious depression, which was expressed here in such a "dependence" on pancakes.
Not only overeating, but also anorexia suggests that thoughts about food occupy too much space in a person’s life. How to get rid of them?
- For starters, you can check the refrigerator and kitchen cabinets. High-calorie foods should leave them for a long time. Otherwise, the temptation will be too great to eat a sandwich or chocolate bar, and all good intentions will go to dust.
- Then you should learn to relax, relieve nervous tension without the help of food. Herbal teas, yoga, meditation, pool visits, jogging or just walking can help with this. You can get to the cinema for some kind film, work out in the gym. A good mood will return and there will be no need to “seize” stress.
- If there is a dependence on a particular product, you need to find out what chemicals are included in its composition. For example, those people who cannot live without chocolate need magnesium. To solve this problem, you can simply buy the appropriate vitamin-mineral complexes.
How to motivate yourself to exercise
Perhaps you should start with the equipment. This reason for women often becomes decisive - I supposedly have nothing to run about (swimming, going to the gym, skiing). Moreover, phrases about what sport is expensive are often heard from TV screens.
Believe me, everything is not so scary. The right clothes can be purchased not only in company stores, but also in the market, and even in second-hand. When a tracksuit, t-shirts, sneakers appear at home, this will become an additional motivation in order to start training.
You can also postpone playing sports because you have to pay for a subscription to the pool or gym. But here there is a chance to find cheaper options. For example, in pools at certain hours the fee is much lower. And if you can’t afford the expense that prevents you from buying a disc with the same aerobics for practicing at home or starting to run along the paths of the park?
And here one more reason comes to the fore. Many are shy of their complexion, and sometimes age. If the reward for doing sports in the form of weight loss is not enough for you, think about the fact that along with harmony, strength will return to you. Come up with additional motivation. For example: "How great with a slim figure I will look at the beach by the sea!"
In a word, you need to go in for sports not only in order to lose weight, but also to strengthen your health, increase self-esteem and regain self-confidence.
Proper nutrition
Many doctors say, "We are what we eat." Proper nutrition is one of the important conditions for returning to optimal weight. This is the key to the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, providing the body with the necessary substances, vitality and well-being. But where to start?
- First of all, get rid of the "dead" products. White sugar and white bread, unreasonably fatty dairy products, pastries, sweets - all this should be avoided.
- The diet must necessarily include fruits and vegetables (but do not sit on the same potato), cereals. Remember how many nutrients are in the same buckwheat porridge or in low-fat fermented milk products.
- In every store today bread with bran, granola, dried fruit is sold - this is an excellent choice for those who want to lose weight.
- Confectionery can be replaced with honey and fruits, sweet carbonated drinks with mineral water and juices.
- An invaluable friend will be a juicer. It is not necessary to purchase a volume unit, there are very small ones on sale. Squeeze 1 - 2 cups of the same carrot or apple juice is not difficult. But the juice will bring considerable benefits. Soon you will be able to be proud of the wonderful complexion, elasticity of the skin and a significantly narrowed waist.
- Also, the menu may include lean fish and lean meat, eggs, nuts, mushrooms. But all this is in limited quantities. Less is - that is the motto of everyone who seeks to get rid of extra pounds.
A few words should be said about the diet. The worst option is to reduce breakfast to a cup of coffee, and transfer the thickest meal to dinner. Of course, not all people have an appetite in the morning. But it’s worth getting some containers and taking a “snack” and lunch with you to work. It can be apples, salads, buckwheat porridge with fish or vegetables.
But dinner should be made easy. A glass of fat-free kefir or yogurt would be the best option.
How to turn weight loss into pleasure
Everything is very individual here. Changing your diet and lifestyle should be comfortable for you.
It is very important for someone not to experience a constantly acute hunger. In this case, you can choose such a diet when you eat enough food, but low-calorie. Salads and fruits, vegetable soups, low-fat dairy products - all this will allow you to immediately kill 2 birds with one stone: not to feel hungry and lose weight.
And someone, on the contrary, would prefer the use of expensive and high-calorie foods, but in small quantities. For example, you might be comfortable eating a red caviar sandwich and an apple for breakfast.
Withstanding the diet, after a short time you can experience pleasant sensations from this process. You will notice that it is already easier for you to bend over and squat. The skirt, which until recently was tight, began to be fastened at the waist. The campaign from floor to floor on business matters no longer seems a feat.
When a specific result is noticeable, following the goal is much easier.
You can get a lot of joy by starting to play sports. In addition to the pleasure that physical activity gives a person, it is also an opportunity to communicate with like-minded people.
Weight Loss Visualization
Many experts recommend hanging a large mirror in the room, where you are reflected in full growth, and do exercises in front of it. This advice is not suitable for everyone. Some ladies may be upset with their own appearance, and a bad mood does not benefit anyone.
In this case, another option is suitable. As you lose weight, take pictures in smart clothes of a smaller size than you wore so far.
In addition, many psychologists advise mental visualization. Several times a day, when nothing distracts you, close your eyes and imagine yourself slim. “See” your thin waist, rejoice at how fashionable things look on your figure.
But the main thing is to believe in it. In no case can you finish the visualization on a minor note - but, they say, all this is just a dream, nothing will come of it.
Get rid of guilt
You could get better for various reasons. Someone is naturally inclined to be overweight, while someone scored extra kilos after giving birth. Some are "carried in breadth" after taking antidepressants, while others are "finished off" by sedentary work and physical inactivity. And now a woman in tears stands in front of the mirror, thinks that she looks like a well-fed pig, and blames herself exclusively for this.
First of all, you need to get rid of guilt. It will not help anything, but you will enter a bad mood on the difficult path of losing weight. Do not allow this, because mental strength at this time is still oh as needed!
Learn to accept and love yourself in any way. Smile at your reflection in the mirror and say: “I am good now, and when I lose weight, I will become even better!” Convince yourself and you will succeed!