I offer two interesting options on how to pickle mackerel without brine. Compared to the “wet” method, such an ambassador is somewhat simpler and more economical.

First, I’ll tell you how to prepare the product:

  1. Fresh and frozen fish are suitable for salting. In the second case, the carcass must first be thawed (at room temperature or in the refrigerator).
  2. Salt is better to take coarse grinding (you can sea), without additives and impurities.
  3. After cutting the carcass (removing the head, fins, tail and entrails), remove the black film from the abdomen so that the fish does not bite.
  4. For work, use dishes that are not susceptible to oxidation - plastic, glass or enameled.

How to salt whole mackerel without brine

  • Time: 48 hours.
  • Servings Per Container: 3 Persons.
  • Calories per 100 g: 198 kcal.
  • Purpose: appetizer.
  • Difficulty: medium.
How to salt whole mackerel without brine
Photo: mysonnik.com

I suggest starting with the simplest version of dry salting - in its entirety.

List of ingredients:

  • mackerel - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 10 g;
  • table salt - 20 g.

Advice! For work, choose large or medium-sized individuals (at least 300 g). When salting, mackerel gives a lot of moisture. Small and low-fat fish can turn out to be rather dry.

Cooking method:

  1. Thawing fish (if required) and gutting.
  2. I rinse under running water and dry with a napkin.
  3. Pour sugar and salt into a clean, dry dish and mix.
  4. I rub the fish on all sides with this mixture.
  5. I wrap in a bag or cling film.
  6. I send it in the refrigerator for 2 days.

Before use, the prepared mackerel will only have to be washed and dried.

Sliced ​​Pickling Recipe

  • Time: 24 hours.
  • Servings Per Container: 8 Persons.
  • Calories per 100 g: 195 kcal.
  • Purpose: appetizer.
  • Difficulty: medium.
Sliced ​​Pickling Recipe
Photo: avatars.mds.yandex.net

Consider another option for salting mackerel in a dry way.To speed up the process, the carcass must first be cut into pieces.


  • mackerel - 2 pcs. (700 g);
  • salt - 20 g;
  • sugar - 8 g;
  • seasoning for fish - to taste.

Step by step description of the cooking process:

  1. I wash and gut the fish.
  2. Each carcass is cut into pieces 3-4 cm wide.
  3. I combine sugar with salt and seasoning.
  4. I dip the pieces in the prepared mixture and put them in a glass jar.
  5. I leave it under the lid in the refrigerator for a day.

Important! To make the fish evenly salted, the contents of the jar must be periodically mixed or shaken vigorously.

When serving, you can pour the dish with vegetable oil and garnish with slices of lemon and fresh herbs.

How to salt whole mackerel without brine

I suggest starting with the simplest version of dry salting - in its entirety.
Training1 hr
Cooking1 d 23 hrs
Total time2 d
Dish on: Lunch, Dinner
Kitchen: Russian
Persons: 3
Calories 582.8kcal


  • 1 PC. Mackerel
  • 10 g. Sugar
  • 20 g. Common salt

Step-by-step instruction

  • Thawing fish (if required) and gutting.
  • I rinse under running water and dry with a napkin.
  • Pour sugar and salt into a clean, dry dish and mix.
  • I rub the fish on all sides with this mixture.
  • I wrap in a bag or cling film.
  • I send it in the refrigerator for 2 days.