Since ancient times, it is believed that in every private house or apartment there lives a fabulous creature called a brownie. According to legends, this kind "old man" protects housing, cleans it from negative energy, brings prosperity and prosperity to the owners. Today we will tell you how to appease a brownie and understand that he really lives in your home.
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Who is the brownie and signs that he is
Who is home, in fact, is not reliably known. Many assume that this is some kind of mystical creature. Its main task is to protect the house from negative energy and evil spirits.
An interesting legend still lives in the villages, which tells about the origin of the brownie. It says that when the Lord overthrew the Devil from heaven, he sent him with other evil spirits straight to hell.
But there were beings who repented and turned into evil spirits. To stay on the ground, brownies must perform the following functions:
- protect the apartment from various troubles (fire, robbery, destruction);
- help the owners who live in the building;
- create comfort, protect from evil spirits and dark energy;
- do everything so that the family has money;
- play with babies and pets;
- protect cattle from diseases and pestilence.
It is believed that home is very fond of order. If the house is dirty, uncomfortable, then the owner will definitely find out about the discontent of the little "nafani".
What does a brownie look like? There are a lot of disputes on this topic. If you ask about the appearance of the brownie in children, they will confidently describe it like this: "A small old man with a big beard, in a shirt and wicker bast shoes."
But it is believed that he can appear in front of people in the following images:
- dark shadow;
- luminous small spot;
- cat with long hair and luminous eyes.
Experts in mystical phenomena claim that the image of the brownie depends on the owners of the house themselves. If they are neat and tidy, the apartment is comfortable and tidy, then the house will appear in the form of good images. Well, if there are layers of dust, dirt and cobwebs in the house, then the creature can not only scare the sluts, but also choke them at night.
By what signs can we understand that there is a good brownie in the house:
- Noise, especially at night. You can often hear the dishes rattling in the kitchen. This brownie reminds of the need for cleaning the house.
- Unusual pet behavior. Dogs and cats perfectly see brownies. If an animal is playing with someone, wags its tail, flippers, then you definitely have "nathan."
- Lost things. Brownies are attracted by bright, shiny products. They like to shift them from place to place.
- Warning signs. It can be anything: a knock on the window, a broken mug, and much more.
- Children's stories. It is believed that they can see such creatures. Therefore, if your child declares that he’s just played with a "weirdo" in the room, there is no need to punish him and put him in a corner.
How to understand that an evil brownie lives in the house:
- Pets behave aggressively, hiss or bark into the void.
- Owners often have nightmares.
- Being in the apartment, people are haunted by a feeling of fear and despair.
- Children are afraid of the dark, cry if they are left alone at night in the room.
From a scientific point of view, the presence of such creatures in apartments is not proven. Therefore, it is up to you to decide whether or not to believe in their presence.
Ways to appease the spirit in a private house and apartment
How to appease a brownie in an apartment? There are quite a few ways. You need to know that the "old man" loves to talk to him. This is not necessary to do out loud. Speak with him mentally, tell interesting stories, ask for advice, give thanks for all the good.
Once a month, it is advisable to leave homemade sweets or other treats. And you can also toss a coin for the battery, “nathan” will be delighted with it and thank you for that.
If you live in a rented apartment, first of all, get acquainted with the brownie, tell him that now you are temporary homeowners.
In a private house there are also such entities. They get there with the owners after moving. If you want a “guard” next to you, going to a new apartment, be sure to invite the housekeeper with you. Leave a broom or spatula in the room for several minutes. And later carry these items with you.
What else to do to appease the little house:
- Do not forget about monthly general cleaning of housing;
- Try not to swear with your family;
- do not smoke in the rooms;
- do not keep evil thoughts in mind.
If you follow all the above rules, then the brownie in your house or apartment will be kind and grateful.
Popular rituals
Psychics and parapsychologists claim that they can communicate with brownies. They insist on a series of rituals that can appease this sweet creature.
Treats and gifts for the brownie
In Kudesy (Brownie Day), which is usually celebrated on February 10, you must definitely put the "old man" in a glass with milk, some sweets and cookies. At the same time, do not forget to invite him to the festival to taste the goodies.
And also, as a gift, a small beautiful box is taken, in which various little things are placed (beads, beads, brooches, sequins). Gift wrapping is placed on the highest cabinet, they say "nathan" that this present is for him.
Lost Search
If things disappear in the house, and then things suddenly appear, this is a naughty house. How to find the loss? It is enough to say the phrase: "Brownie, play, but then give it back." At the same time offer him sweets in return for the thing.
If objects began to disappear somewhere very often, this would mean that the little house is very boring.In this case, you cannot do without a special ceremony of marriage.
Take any handkerchief (but not a handkerchief). Tie it to the leg of a table or chair, and then say: “Home, my golden one, here’s your girlfriend. If you like it, take it for yourself, and then take it back from me. ” If the thing soon appears, then the spouse liked the housekeeper, and he took it to himself.
Ritual for the amulet and well-being of the house
So that the domestic spirit will be favorable to you, protect the house, you can conduct a special ritual. To do this, you need a piece of Easter cake, a candle and a painted egg. Wake up in the morning and do the ritual before dawn.
To do this, take the egg in one hand, the burning candle in the other. But it is better to put the cake on the saucer from which the brownie eats. Baptize baking with two hands and ask the brownie to protect your home, help in grief, and provide financial assistance.
After that, the egg and Easter cake are left in the kitchen in a secluded dark place.
A conspiracy not to disturb the brownie
If you can’t get along with the brownies, you need to make a special plot. At midnight, pour fresh milk into a bowl, read the words: "Brownie home, I am your master, I ask you to live in harmony with me."
After that, leave the plate on the table and, without turning around, go to bed. Pay attention to the dream that night. If he is kind, it means that the house-boy obeyed you and now you are friends with him. Well, the dreamed nightmare says that it was not possible to find a common language with him.
When the brownie is too worried and scares its owners, chokes at night, then you can resort to the help of the father and consecrate the house.
It has long been believed that a home without a brownie will not stand idle for a long time. Misfortunes will surely overtake him. To lure and appease a small creature, there are special rituals that were discussed in the article. Try them out and you can see for yourself whether there is a “little old man” in your apartment.