Every married couple dreams of becoming parents. And it seems that for this it’s worth just stopping being protected and energetically starting to have sex. However, nature created the female body in such a way that conception on inappropriate days or under awkward circumstances is unacceptable. Therefore, such people will be interested in tips on how to get pregnant 100 percent the first time and what to do.
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Can I get pregnant the first time?
Many couples worry that they did not manage to get pregnant exactly at the time when they planned it. You don’t need to get upset and seek out diseases from your partner, since it happens that the presence of spermatozoa of a perfectly healthy man, having come into contact with an egg, could not fertilize her.
According to statistics, gynecologists claim that only 10% of cases succeed in conceiving a child the first time. And it is absolutely normal if pregnancy occurs after six months, or even a whole year from the time of planning. And to increase the chances of getting pregnant - it is necessary to accurately calculate the period of ovulation.
When during sexual intercourse with activity 2-3 times a week and in the absence of obvious diseases in both partners, pregnancy still does not occur throughout the year, then the help of a specialist will already be required. Fortunately, modern medicine does not stand still and is able to solve this problem with the help of intrauterine insemination, IVF, and other methods.
7 secrets to getting 100% pregnant
There is a whole complex of very significant nuances that you need to listen to in order to increase your chance as soon as possible.The first step is to visit a doctor, check one and the second spouse for infertility. Calculate the correct cycle for conception and follow the tips below.
Supervision by a gynecologist
Women's health is the main element that actively affects the ability to become pregnant. And even if the couple does not plan to have a baby in the near future, observation by a gynecologist is very important.
Mandatory to accelerate the likelihood of 100% conception is a complete medical examination. It will help to establish possible difficulties or confirm good health for subsequent pregnancy under the supervision of a specialist. Parents who are serious about conception and bearing a child should undergo examinations together.
Cycle control and ovulation
Pregnancy occurs at the time of ovulation, when the ovary leaves an absolutely formed egg, and this occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle (when the cycle duration is 28 days, then most likely the 14th day after the end of menstruation). A sperm in the uterus can wait for an egg for about 3 days.
There are other options that can determine a favorable date:
- basal temperature - less than t 36.9 ° С is observed during the menstrual cycle, before ovulation, it drops by several degrees, when a mature egg oozes, it rises more than 37 ° С;
- at the time of ovulation or the day before it, vaginal discharge liquefies, becomes viscous, dense, pains in the lower abdomen are possible; they will help facilitate the passage of sperm to the egg; the chance of getting pregnant at this moment is 50%;
- Ultrasound is the most accurate procedure for establishing ovulation; manipulations are performed on the 7th day after the end of menstruation by the introduction of a specific vaginal sensor to contemplate the formation of the follicle, as well as its rupture;
- in the pharmacy you can buy a test for the designation of ovulation.
Read also:how to measure basal temperature
For the best result, you should correctly calculate the day of ovulation. Having determined the cycle, and if its duration is constant, then without difficulty you can set the necessary day.
Checking both spouses for infertility
Infertility testing is carried out by 2 methods. The first is to phase out possible factors. The second involves checking all of the causes at the same time. In 30% of cases, there are violations in both women and men.
The survey is carried out in the following ways:
- pipe patency monitoring;
- hysteroscopy;
- determination of rectal temperature;
- laparoscopy;
- hormonal research;
- folliculogenesis;
- postcoital test;
- Ultrasound
- MAR test, spermogram;
- tests for STDs.
The last two points are performed by both spouses, and the rest goes only to the woman. Inspection is preferably done to couples who in vain try to conceive throughout the year. If a phased method is chosen, then a man is initially examined, because it is easier, and then a woman.
Regular intercourse
Of course, to conceive a baby quickly, or even the first time, perhaps if you constantly have sex with your loved one. During ovulation, in general, this should be done most actively, every day or at least every other day, but not more than 1 time per day. Repeated ejaculation reduces the speed of sperm, which can adversely affect conception.
Begin sexual intercourse so that at least one of the intercourse falls on ovulation. This technique will increase the likelihood of becoming pregnant several times.
Choosing a Pose for Conception
Pregnancy is not able to occur due to some characteristics of the construction of the uterus - a change in the left or right side, the wrong location, i.e. bend. It is with such deviations that a correctly selected pose will affect conception.
Poses for intercourse:
- in accordance with the deviation of the bend (right or left), sex is carried out on the corresponding side; in a supine position, it is desirable to put a pillow under the buttocks, and bend the lower extremities, press them to the stomach
- a pose on all fours, a partner from behind - a deep penetration of the penis is obtained.
Other theories on the choice of posture are more false, because conception can be determined from the day of sexual contact.
Do not get out of bed immediately
Many women claim that after unprotected sex it is good to perform a “birch”. Namely, gently move to the wall and lean against it with outstretched legs, slightly raising the basin.
Gynecologists themselves recommend immediately after intercourse not to get out of bed, but to lie down for 15-20 minutes. And only then go to the shower. That is how the most active sperm can not protrude from the vagina with the remnants of sperm.
Proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle
Nutrition plays a significant role in pregnancy. When you adhere to the correct diet, the moment of favorable fertilization will accelerate.
The menu should include the following products:
- vegetables and fruits;
- vegetable fats;
- dairy products;
- meat (exclude semi-finished products);
- cereals, legumes;
- nuts.
The above products contribute to the restoration of the digestive tract, normalize the condition as a whole. Also, one should not forget about water, it is necessary to drink 1.5-2 liters of fluid per day.
Positively affects the reproduction function of parsley, dill, celery. For 3 months vitamins (folic acid) should be consumed before pregnancy. For the best sperm quality, it is good to take appropriate medications (SpermActive, Spermactin), but they must be used after the appointment of a doctor.
In addition, you should lead a healthy lifestyle, visit the gym for no more than 30 minutes, the load should be light. It is not worth walking or running for a long time, as this will only worsen the situation with ovulation. And most importantly, give up bad habits (smoking and alcohol).
Folk recipes and signs for conceiving a child
Traditional medicine offers many different useful recipes that will help you become pregnant only when both spouses are healthy.
Effective means for conception:
- Red brush - effectively copes with female pathologies, promotes rejuvenation of the body, promotes the onset of pregnancy. For cooking, you need 1 tbsp. l chopped root. The composition is poured with boiled water and for 15 minutes. put in a water bath. Then the broth is infused for about 1 hour, filtered. Take 3 times a day for 1 tbsp. l lasting 1 month, after which a break of 2 weeks is made and the course is repeated again.
- Sage broth. 1 tbsp. l 200 ml of hot water is poured into crushed dried stems. 1.5 hours, the broth is infused, then filtered. Use 2 times a day for 1 tbsp. l for 20-30 days. During menstruation, drinking this remedy is not recommended.
- Coltsfoot normalizes a woman's reproductive system, improves overall well-being. 4 tbsp. l 1l of boiled water is poured into a dry finely chopped plant and infused for 1 hour (preferably in a thermos). Take the broth as tea, adding 1 tablespoon of honey.
- Plantain - used for infertility in men. 1 tbsp. l dilute seeds in 200 ml of boiling water, keep in a water bath for at least 10 minutes, insist on 1 hour in a dark place, consume 2 tbsp. l twice daily before meals.
There are signs that many women who want to become mothers listen to:
- There is such a belief - having photographed with a pregnant woman, you can soon become pregnant yourself. You can also ask who is in the tummy, a boy or a girl, and if you want to take a picture with the woman you would like to give birth to.
- Before planning a child, you can actively engage in needlework, such as embroidery.Need to embroider kids, angels, children's toys.
- A man who dreams about a child should give his beloved jewelry with pearls. This stone promotes the birth of a baby.
Conception of a child in a fast time is a painstaking process that needs the training of both parents. In this regard, only with correctly calculated fertile days and other mating factors, it is possible to get pregnant the first time.