No magic - just sleight of hand and a little knack. That's all the secrets for making white sweet air masses. It is not enough just to know the composition of the products; the cooking technology should be strictly observed. About how to whip with a mixer into a thick foam of protein and will be discussed further.
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How to separate squirrels from yolks
If even the smallest part of the yolk gets into the squirrels, quality meringue will not work. Therefore, the separation process requires caution and does not endure haste.
There are several ways to separate:
- pour the whole egg into a clean, dry container, then grasp the yolk with an exact movement of the fingers and remove from the protein;
- make a small hole in the shell and wait for the protein to leak;
- gently break the shell in the middle, transfer the yolk from one half to the other, letting the squirrel drain;
- use special devices for separation (silicone bulb, strainer).
When separating the constituent parts of the egg, it must be remembered that the product is pre-cooled, fresh washed eggs are used, and care must be taken to prevent shell pieces from breaking into the container.
Proportions for really thick foam
Since whipped proteins are most often used in desserts and sweet pastries, we consider the ingredients that are suitable for this proportion. The easiest recipe is just egg whites and sugar. Sometimes salt and citric acid are added to the mass to impart special properties.
The main proportion, popular with most experienced housewives, is the ratio of 1 part protein to 2 parts sugar.
If 1 protein weighs about 30 g, then sugar should be taken 60 g.
It is best to whip 3 squirrels at a time. 180 g of granulated sugar is taken for this quantity.
How long will the process take
Beating proteins with sugar takes place in three stages:
- First, a lush soft translucent foam is formed, which is still liquid in consistency.
- With continued whipping, the foam whitens and condenses, slowly draining along the walls of the dishes. This is called soft peaks.
- The color becomes snow-white, the surface is glossy, and the mass remains in place when the container is turned over. On the corollas of the mixer, parts of the prepared mass in the form of sharp tips are stored for some time. Culinary experts say: "beaten to steady peaks."
Different recipes require a different state of whipped proteins. Most often use the latter option. Whipping time depends on a number of factors:
- egg freshness;
- egg white temperatures;
- whipping speed.
On average, at least 5-7 minutes pass. But this is not an unambiguous figure. It is necessary to monitor the behavior of the whipped mass. It’s very important not to overdo it. Meringues can exfoliate, begin to crumble, become dry.
How to beat proteins with a mixer
Consider the main stages of whipping proteins to obtain a strong elastic sugar mass:
- Cooking dishes for whipping. It can be a glass or copper bowl with a wide bottom and high walls. Stainless steel cookware is also suitable. Plastic and aluminum do not use.
- We assemble the mixer. Important! It is necessary to use an electric mixer, not a blender. A manual whisk is also suitable, but the process takes longer, and the result can be unpredictable.
- Separate the whites from the yolks. How to do this is described in detail at the beginning of the article.
- We start whipping sugar-free proteins at low speed. When they thicken a little, you can add granulated sugar in a spoon, increasing the speed to medium. At this stage, it is necessary to ensure that the mass is compacted and becomes stable.
In this way, whisk the whites for the Meringue cakes. They are laid out, or precipitated from a pastry bag on a baking sheet and baked in the oven. Then the halves of the cakes can be combined using boiled condensed milk or thick jam. It will turn out beautifully and tasty if you pour the finished cakes with melted chocolate.
To prepare a cream for layering or decorating a cake, sugar syrup is used instead of sugar, pouring it into a protein in a thin stream. And before whipping, add a little salt to speed up the process.
Cooking tips
As a “dessert”, important tips of experienced confectioners are given that will help to avoid mistakes when whipping proteins.
Top 7 best recommendations:
- In aluminum dishes, whites can be beaten, but they will turn gray. The best option is a copper tank.
- Very fresh eggs beat a little longer, but the foam holds its shape longer.
- Greater stability of the protein mass can be achieved using salt, vinegar, citric acid or natural lemon juice as additional ingredients.
- You never need to pour out all the sugar at once. It will quickly dissolve and will not be able to maintain shape.
- By replacing powdered sugar, you can achieve a stunning effect of gloss and smoothness.
- You can cool not only the squirrels, but also the dishes for whipping, and the whisk of the mixer.
- To perfectly degrease the capacity for making meringues, you need to wipe it with a slice of lemon, and then also with a dry cloth.
In order not to waste time in vain and beat whites for meringues correctly, remember these culinary tricks.