Avocado is an ancient plant species that appeared on earth more than 60 million years ago. The fruit is rich in healthy vitamins and acids. Suitable for cooking. A wide leaf and a flexible stem is used to form all kinds of decorative ikebans. How to grow an avocado on your own, at home?

The nuances of growing

Growing a tree at home is not easy! This is a laborious and lengthy process.

To get the result, the gardener should familiarize himself with some of the nuances of planting:

  1. The right choice of seat in the room. The best place for the growth of tropical fruit is the windowsill. The east or northwest side will do. The plant does not tolerate direct sunlight, burns may appear on the sheets
  2. The acquisition of bone. Fruit is bought in a regular store. It must be strong and fully ripe. The bone is removed carefully with a knife.
  3. Pot selection. Capacity is selected average size parameters. Material: plastic, ceramic, clay. Mandatory presence of holes in the bottom.
  4. Priming. Garden soil, coarse sand, humus are used. Lime is added to the described composition. Do not use acidic and clay soil.

How to grow avocado from seed at home

After the preparatory phase, the root system germinates. To do this, the bone is placed in an aqueous substance (blunt end).

There are several ways to soak:

  1. Avocado seeds are placed on the bottom of the glass container, fixed vertically, a small amount of water is poured. In the process of growth, the liquid pours.
  2. A glass (50 ml) of standard parameters. Typically, the bone diameter exceeds the size of the wineglass.Therefore, the fixation will be convenient. Water is poured into the container, the seed is immersed.

Germination of the root system takes from 1 to 2 months. At the end of time, planting material bursts, a spine appears (in the lower part), a sprout (upper). The plant is ready for transplanting into the ground.

Indoor Growing Method

Germination of the seed in a closed way is carried out at home. It is necessary to prepare a pot of soil, deepen the stone (with the sharp end up). Sowing depth 25 - 30 mm. The soil is abundantly watered with water substance. After 1 month, the sprout will be visible.

Open growing method

An open method of germination is a partial immersion of seeds in water. For this: a glass container (glass or can) is prepared.

Three holes are made in the planting material (3 mm in depth). Toothpicks are inserted, matches are allowed. The blunt end of the bone falls into the liquid, while wooden objects will act as a support. The procedure is carried out with special care to prevent damage to the cotyledon.
In two weeks, roots will appear.

During the germination of the root system, water is poured systematically to avoid drying out.

Active Growth Conditions

Avocado trees grow in tropical and subtropical forests. The arid, cold climatic conditions of our country are not suitable for active plant growth. Therefore, avocados are grown in heated rooms (houses or apartments).

The tree will require comfortable and proper care. The main condition for active growth is a suitable air temperature, systematic watering. It is forbidden to water the plant with cold water.

The tree must be provided:

  • regular watering;
  • room air temperature;
  • lack of drafts.

Adhering to the basic rules, a few years after planting the seed in the ground, the gardener will receive his own mini-crop.


With proper care, after 3 to 4 years, the culture blooms. Getting the fruits is not easy enough. This is due to the complex mechanism of pollination of avocados. In the natural growth environment, up to 2 million flowers bloom in one season, with fruit bearing 200 kg per year. According to the calculations of experienced gardeners of 6000 thousand flowers, only one fruit is tied.

A tree grown from seed can bear fruit in the presence of a pair. For this, two plants are planted in different pots. Stamens or pistils will be actively opened, in order. They pollinate each other, forming fruits.

If fruiting has not occurred, do not be upset!

The culture has a wide large leaf, suitable for decorative purposes.

Tropical Culture Care

In nature, avocados are 20 meters high. At home, the growth of a tree ranges from 1.5 to 2.5 meters.

Successful growth will depend on proper care:

  1. Regular watering. The tree is watered at least twice every 7 days. In winter, watering is reduced (1 time per week).
  2. Direct sunlight. Culture prefers exposure to scattered light rays.
  3. Air humidity. Dry air leads to dehydration of the plant.

Humidity in the room rises:

  • towels moistened with water, which are hung in the room;
  • other voluminous plants (an avocado is placed among crops);
  • spray gun (spraying is carried out up to 5 times a day);
  • sand (sand is poured in a saucer or plate and placed under a pot).
  1. Backlight In autumn and winter, it gets dark early. The flower lacks daylight. Therefore, additional illumination (phytolamp) is used. If the culture has bloomed, the supply of artificial light rays for 15 hours is organized.
  2. Temperature. During tree growth, air temperature readings are 16-18 degrees above zero. At high temperature, the leaf dries and falls. In winter, the temperature should not exceed 13 degrees above zero.
  3. Fertilizers Culture needs regular feeding.In summer and spring, fertilizer is applied 3 times in 30 days. In the autumn and winter period of time - 1 time per month. Fertilizer is purchased for decorative, flowering crops, for example, Biohelat.
  4. Transfer. The first transplant is made with a tree growth of 13 - 15 cm. Then every year. The best time period for transplanting avocados is spring.
  5. Pruning. Trimming contributes to the formation of a massive crown. The first shortening is carried out one year after planting. After 8 leaves, the shoots are nipped.

Pest and Disease Control

Due to atypical conditions and inappropriate climate, the plant becomes vulnerable and is attacked by pests. What diseases can an avocado undergo, how to treat?

  1. Phytophthora. One of the dangerous fungal diseases. The reproduction of microorganisms is carried out under the ground, the root system is destroyed.
  2. Infection affects the trunk, ulcers form on the cortex. It is impossible to cure the culture.
  3. Powdery Mildew The fungus appears on the leaf and trunk of the avocado. The leaf is covered with yellow spots, the trunk is coated with gray. The treatment is carried out with the help of fungicides: Bordeaux liquid, Oksikhom, Topaz.
  4. Thyroid gland. Sucking pest. Settles on a leaf and stem. Avocado is treated with a soapy solution. For this: the soap is rubbed with a grater (50 grams) and dissolved in warm water (1 liter). The sponge is wetted in the solution, the sheets and the stem of the plant are wiped. If the culture is large, insecticides are used: Aktaru, Fitoverm.
  5. Spider mite. The presented pest in rare cases settles on an avocado tree, but exceptions do occur. To get rid of the spider mite, biological agents are used: Neoron, Actellik.

Under comfortable growth conditions, the plant will not experience stress and will be able to independently repel attacks of insects and fungal infections.


Adhering to all the necessary rules for the cultivation and care of avocados, the plant will delight the gardener not only with flowering, but also with harvesting!