The combination of the fragile beauty of these flowers and resistance to cold is admirable. Residents of cities may not know what snowdrops look like, but they have heard a lot about the spring holiday in honor of an amazing plant.
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Types of snowdrops: photos and their description
Snowdrops are small bulbous plants with narrow leaves and a short flower arrow. The buds in shape resemble a drop hanging on a thin arched stalk. All types of snowdrops are combined into one genus Galanthus. The name in translation means "milk flower". At least 20 species of the Galanthus genus are known.
- Snow-white P. - a plant 12 to 20 cm high. The leaves are narrow, dark green. The flowers are solitary, drooping, consisting of three snow-white outer and three white-green inner petals. The most common species in Russia.
- P. folded - a plant with green leaves covered with a wax coating, and white petals, similar to a spoon. This species is distributed in the territory of Crimea, Moldova, Ukraine.
- P. Caucasian - a plant that lives in alpine meadows in the mountains of the Caucasus. The leaves are dark green, 15–20 cm long. The outer perianth petals are white with a pointed apex, the inner ones with or without a green spot.
There are many early spring flowers, popularly called snowdrops. According to the botanical classification, only one genus has such a Russian name.
Other ephemeroids - multi-colored brandok, saffron (spring and mesh) - differ in the color of the petals, the absence of leaves. The mauve blossoms of the little branch blossom from late February to April. In the same period of spring saffron blooms. The inner tepals of W.spring pale bluish, external - with three vertical violet lines and a yellow base. Perianth C. reticulate white or lilac with three purple stripes.
Where the flowers grow
Snowdrops prefer forest edges and glades, protected by undergrowth and shrubs from a piercing wind. In mountainous areas, they grow in the lower and middle alpine zones located above the border of the forest zone.
Snowdrops belonging to 12 species grow in Russia. Lower Don, Ciscaucasia and the Caucasus - the habitat of P. snow-white. Garden varieties with elegant white flowers are grown as ornamental plants on alpine hills and other types of flower beds in all regions of the country. In Kabardino-Balkaria, P. narrow-leaved occurs.
When snowdrops appear
Many bulb bulbs start growing even in winter. In early spring, they bloom before the buds open in the trees; summers are spent without leaves at the stage of a resting bulb. Plants with such "habits" belong to the group of ephemeroids.
Snowdrops appear during thaws in January and February. In the northern part of the range, buds open later - in March and April.
Myths and legends associated with flowers
Snowdrop, according to one legend, is the first flower on earth that was seen driven out of the Garden of Eden by Adam and Eve. The weak woman burst into tears, tears fell on the dried up earth and turned into beautiful flowers. Therefore, until today, they symbolize hope.
In the British Isles, there is a myth that snowdrops in front of the house protect its inhabitants from the attacks of evil spirits.
According to an ancient legend, the beautiful Spring saw a white snowdrop in the thickets of thorny bushes, and decided to help him break through to the sun. Winter was furious, sent a blizzard to prevent the arrival of Spring. White flower drooped, leaning to the ground. Spring extended her hand, warmed the tender petals, but pricked her finger. Scarlet blood fell on a flower and it came to life.
On the first day of March in Moldova, Romania, Northern Bukovina as part of Ukraine celebrate the Martisor holiday. They give everyone boutonnieres in the form of red and white flowers, sing folk songs, and tell legends. Martisor's white color is symbolized by a snowdrop, red is a drop of blood from Spring, which defeated Winter.
A similar holiday in Bulgaria is called Baba Marta, given Martenitsa made of white and red threads. Similar legends and holidays are in Poland, France and other European countries.
Why snowdrops are listed in the Red Book
The protective status of the species of the botanical genus Galantus - plants that are vulnerable and close to a vulnerable position, need protection, are listed in the Red Book. Deforestation, urban growth, climate change, trampling, environmental pollution are the causes of extinction of snowdrops worldwide. Great damage to endangered plants is caused by the collection of flowers for decorative and commercial purposes.
Snow white snowdrop is a rare species that is found in Russia in a limited area. Complete disappearance is not threatened by him yet, but the number is annually reduced. Other species of the same genus are listed in the Red Book of Russia: Caucasian, narrow-leaved, Voronov, Bortkevich, broadleaf and Lagodekhi.
When is Snowdrop Day
An annual holiday established in England in 1984. Since then, Snowdrop Day has been celebrated on April 19, not only in the UK, but also in other countries. In order to find these flowers, it is not necessary to go to the forest. They are easy to grow near the house, in the greenhouse, in the front garden. So you can admire the flowering plants without harming their "brothers" in nature.