In the postpartum period, when the mother stops breastfeeding, the glandular tissue is replaced by fatty tissue in the mammary gland, which affects the shape of the breast. Prolactin, which maintains elasticity during lactation, ceases to be produced, so the breast sags and, in some cases, becomes even smaller than before birth. But do not despair, because there are many methods on how to restore the breast after feeding.
Material Content:
Features of the structure of the female breast
Mammary glands - glands of external secretion, which belong to the reproductive system and are located on the front surface of the chest, which is why they are called "breast". The female paired organ is responsible for the production of milk and is designed to feed offspring in a natural way.
External structure:
- nipple - the most extreme and pigmented point of the chest, covered with wrinkles;
- areola - the paranasal circle, is the end of the internal milky ducts;
- Montgomery tubercles - small bumps on the paralosal circumference.
Internal structure:
- the body of the mammary gland is a dense convex formation of lobes covered with a layer of fat;
- lobes - cone-shaped, dense forms located radially around the nipple from the inside. It counts from 15 to 20 separate lobes in each breast, separated by a connective tissue;
- slices - components of each share. They have different dimensions;
- alveoli - constituent lobules, diameter 0.05 - 0.07 mm.
Note. The structure of the mammary glands is the same for all, if no natural anomalies are detected. Size and shape are related to individual characteristics, determined by a hereditary factor. The left chest is often larger than the right.
Recovery after breastfeeding
Lactation undoubtedly affects the shape of the mammary glands and the condition of the skin. But you can restore the beautiful appearance of the chest. It is advisable to do this immediately after the termination of feeding. So, how to restore breast elasticity and eliminate imperfections? Consider the most effective ways to deal with this problem.
Important: The expectant mother has the right to choose whether to breastfeed her baby or not. But it is worth remembering that there were no a priori substitutes for mother's milk, and never will be.
A set of exercises, massage
Exercise is the most effective way to tighten sagging breasts, but before you start this method, you should definitely consult a doctor.
Effective complex:
- Bending the arms at the elbows, kneeling. Depending on your capabilities, you can rest with your hands both on the floor, and on the sofa, other furniture. Push-ups are performed in 3 sets of 10 times, with a break of 1 min.
- "Scissors". Stretch your arms forward, vigorously make crossing movements with both limbs in front of you. Perform 20 times, 3 sets.
- Circular alternate hand swings. The left one is on the belt, the right one is in motion and vice versa. Make rotational movements back and forth and left-right 10 times in 3 sets of each limb.
- Strap. Hands resting on the floor, bend your hands, hold the body for 20 - 30 seconds., In 3 sets with a break of no more than 30 seconds
When doing exercises, watch out for breathing. Do it right. Without sudden movements. Before starting a workout, it is worthwhile to perform a small warm-up, stretching, so as not to damage the muscles.
After a set of classes, you should definitely have a breast massage:
- Massage oil lubricates the surface of the skin.
- Stroking the chest, we make movements from the periphery to the nipple.
- By massaging movements we reach the mammary glands and without pressing, gently knead them with the fingertips.
The massage procedure for each breast is 5 minutes.
Classes and massages should be performed regularly. So it will be possible to tighten sagging breasts in the shortest possible time.
Folk remedies
Among traditional medicine, it was possible to find those that are aimed at the effective restoration of the breast after the lactation period at home.
- Nuts (especially walnuts). Contain a huge amount of vitamins, minerals. The use of a small amount of this product once a day will help the female body recover quickly. In the East, it is customary to eat nuts with herbs, such as cumin, cinnamon, rosemary, turmeric.
- Grapes The dark variety contains bioflavonoids that slow down the aging of female skin and help regenerate it. Consumption of 100 - 150 g per day is enough.
- Unrefined vegetable is small. 1 tbsp. l Once a day will give the cells vitality.
- From the hop cones. 1 tbsp. l pour boiling water, let it brew and drink in small sips throughout the day. Contains substances useful for the female body.
- From the motherboard. The manufacture and use is exactly the same as in the previous recipe.
- From fenugreek seeds. A pinch is poured with boiling water, insisted, strained before use. It is taken in small portions before meals.
- Vegetable oil. The impregnated fabric is applied to the chest washed with warm water, wrapped for half an hour. After, wash off with a warm liquid. Oils saturate the dermis with useful substances, give it elasticity.
- Tinctures of herbs. They are used in the same way as a compress of vegetable oil.
Wraps (masks):
- Sea kale. The crushed mass is applied to clean, dry breasts, wrapped in cling film or a plastic bag, on top - with a down scarf for 30 minutes. Washed off with warm water. This procedure saturates the skin with a huge amount of vitamins, nutrients.
- Berry puree. Used by analogy with seaweed.
- Cucumber.Similar application.
Contrast douche stimulates tissues by changing the temperature of water flows, allowing them to gain tone.
Performing a similar procedure is allowed during breastfeeding, after each feeding. No one talks about an icy or hot stream, it is worth adjusting the permissible temperature of the water for yourself individually, while massaging alternately either the right or left chest in circular motions. The procedure takes 10 to 15 minutes.
Pharmacy and cosmetic preparations
When there is no time to perform exercises, massage procedures, body wraps and compresses, aesthetic “rescuers” come to the rescue, to which pharmacy and cosmetic preparations belong.
The list of effective tools:
- Cream UPSIZE. Tightens the muscles and skin of the chest, the result is noticeable after a month of use. Deoxymyroestrol in the composition not only has a rejuvenating effect, but is also able to influence the growth of the mammary gland.
- Extract from the root of pueraria myrifica. It nourishes because it has a full-fledged complex of vitamins and creates a protective barrier against toxins after use.
- Rose essential oil. Promotes regeneration of the dermis, removes visible stretch marks after breastfeeding.
- Bustex. Contains phytoestrogens - plant components derived from cereals and legumes. Once inside, they pass into active hormonal compounds that promote tissue regeneration. They also have an antitumor effect. It is worth using a long period of time.
- Coffee "Maxibust". The drink, which includes pueraria Mirifika. Helps to restore the female body after childbirth and the lactation period, improves metabolism, removes toxins. Has been shown to be effective for at least 4 months, 1 cup once a day.
Tips from experienced doctors
Many mammologists give a variety of tips on how to restore the shape of the breast and achieve the desired result without visible side effects. In the last century, Dr. Laurie’s book was published, which sets out the simplest and most effective recommendations for the restoration of the female body. These tips have not lost popularity in our days.
Their basis is 3 important principles:
- proper nutrition;
- physical exercise;
- sound sleep for at least 8 hours at night.
The following foods should be included in a woman’s diet daily:
- poultry, veal;
- natural milk;
- low-fat kefir for the night;
- fish fat.
Daily training will tone the pectoral muscles, tighten the sagging neckline and make mom more attractive.
Note: Plastic surgeons may be advised to remove breast imperfections surgically. One of the most common types of braces is mezzanine.
It should be borne in mind that many doctors advise wearing a properly selected bra that supports the shape of the chest. He will save from even greater stretch marks. A woman who wants to regain her former forms is simply obliged to wear convenient and comfortable underwear.
Diligence and work will help a woman regain her lost beautiful appearance of her breast after pregnancy, bearing and feeding her baby.