Properly prepared porridge from millet can become a side dish for meat or chicken, as well as a full-fledged independent dish. Especially if you supplement it with vegetables, mushrooms or other mouth-watering supplements. The recipes published below will tell everyone who is interested in how to cook millet porridge in water deliciously.
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Millet porridge on water - a classic recipe
If you generously add butter to the treat, then it will not turn out to be dry and fresh. In addition to this ingredient (70-90 g), it is taken: 2.5 cups of water, half a small spoon of salt, 1 cup of millet.
- Krupa carefully gets over and gets rid of any trash that can spoil the porridge. In a fine sieve, millet is washed to the absolute transparency of water.
- Next, millet is poured with boiling water and left for an hour. During this time, the croup swells slightly. All her bitter taste will remain in the liquid.
- Prepared millet is poured with drinking water and salted. When the salt is completely dissolved, you can send the container with the cereal to the stove, bring to a boil, and then cook on the slowest fire until the liquid evaporates completely.
- Approximately every 5-8 minutes, the treat should be stirred.
- It remains to add oil to the dish.
If you plan to make a sweet treat, then the salt is replaced with sugar or natural bee honey.
How to cook loose millet porridge in water?
Mistresses are usually puzzled by this question when they plan to serve boiled millet as a side dish. In order for the food to be crumbly, you need to choose high-quality cereals and prepare it correctly. In addition to millet (180 g), it is taken: a little more than 2 tbsp. water, sugar and salt to taste, any vegetable oil.
- Millet is moved and washed to rid it of industrial dust and debris.
- At the end, the product is flavored with boiled water so that it does not bitter in the finished dish. This will provide the dish friability.
- In thick-walled dishes, water is brought to a boil. Prepared cereal is poured into it. It remains to add spices, a couple of tablespoons of oil and cook porridge for about 25 minutes until thick.
With pumpkin
A bright ripe vegetable will not only decorate millet, but also add to its usefulness and make the taste more saturated. In addition to pumpkin (680 g), will be used: 375 g of wheat, 800 ml of clean drinking water.
- The vegetable is peeled from the skin and core, after which it is very finely chopped.
- Pumpkin is transferred to a pan with boiled water and cooked for 12-15 minutes.
- The cereal is washed with running water until it completely gets rid of the white coating. Millet gets enough sleep in a pan to the vegetable, and together the products languish for 25-30 minutes with occasional stirring.
The dish is removed from the heat after cooking, wrapped in a blanket and left for about half an hour.
It is interesting: millet porridge with pumpkin
Cooking in a slow cooker - step by step recipe
A smart device can be used in any make and model. Of the products you need to prepare: 1 tbsp. millet groats, a pinch of granulated sugar and salt, 480 ml of water, 45 g of high-quality butter.
- Millet is thoroughly washed with cold water, and then boiled with steep boiling water.
- In a deep bowl, the croup is poured with the amount of liquid indicated in the recipe, salted, sweetened. You can supplement the mixture with any spices to taste.
- In the program "Milk porridge" the dish is prepared for the duration of the time programmed by the slow cooker automatically.
After the appropriate signal, you need to simmer the dish for heating for another 15-20 minutes.
On the water in the oven
For this method of cooking porridge, an open baking pot or a heat-resistant pan will be used. It is also necessary to prepare the foil to cover the container with the contents. From the products you should take: 2 tbsp. boiling water, 70 g of butter, a pinch of salt, 1 tbsp. millet groats, 2 tbsp each sugar and honey.
- The first step is traditionally washed with millet (until the water is clear). Then it is soaked for about half an hour in boiling water.
- The cereal is mixed with sugar and salt, and then laid out in a selected baking bowl. The best solution is a special wide ceramic pot.
- From above the mass is poured with honey. Its amount should be adjusted to your taste. It is better to melt the sugar product of beekeeping in advance in the microwave.
- An open container is covered with foil and sent to a well-heated oven for 50-55 minutes.
About 5 minutes before cooking, the coating is peeled off and butter is added to the dish.
Hearty dish with potatoes
This is a full-fledged side dish, which was extremely popular in Russia. The dish even had its own name "Slivuha". Currently, it is especially popular in the Kuban and is traditionally cooked in a Russian oven. But you can use for cooking and microwave. Of the ingredients you will need: 2 large potato tubers, 1.5 tsp. salt, 2 tbsp. water, 0.7 tbsp. fat milk, 1 tbsp. millet. How to cook millet porridge with potatoes is described in detail below.
- The potato is washed, peeled, cut. The cubes should be very small.
- Millet also needs to be preliminarily prepared - rinse and pour over with boiling water.
- Both of these products will cook together. It is allowed to salt them immediately, and add milk - 5-7 minutes before the end of the program.
- In the "Porridge" mode, the dish languishes for 35 minutes.
- The dish is served with melted butter.
You can cook porridge in the oven, putting it in a batch or one large ceramic pot. In this case, the cooking time will depend on the size of the dishes and the variety of potatoes. As soon as the vegetable becomes soft and the cereal absorbs water, you can cool the treat and serve it at home.
How to cook millet porridge for children?
Many babies love millet for its softness and delicate taste.They are happy to enjoy porridge with the addition of nuts and dried fruits. Such components make the treat even more beneficial and nutritious. From the additives taken: a small handful of dried apricots, prunes and almonds. From the main products: 1 tbsp. millet groats, 0.5 tsp fine salt, 3 tbsp. hot drinking water, 2 tbsp. granulated sugar.
- After thorough washing, the millet is poured with warm water and infused for 5-7 minutes. The fluid drains. If it is not yet transparent, you can repeat the procedure again.
- Then the groats in the pan are sent to medium heat, and cooked for about 15-17 minutes after boiling, until all the water has evaporated.
- Nuts and dried fruits in separate bowls are poured with boiling water and insisted for several minutes.
- Next, the almonds are peeled and finely cut. Prunes and dried apricots are crushed with a sharp knife. If you wish, you can use dates, raisins, etc.
- Additives with salt and sugar are poured into the dish a couple of minutes before being cooked. After thorough mixing, the food will be insisted for another 5-7 minutes under a closed lid.
If desired, you can replace granulated sugar with natural bee honey, add vegetable, ghee or butter to the loose millet porridge on the water.